William And Tilda

About William And Tilda

One time costume supervisor from the world of tv, now using my seamstress skills to produce unique, tailormade, vintage inspired by the 40s and 50s

William And Tilda Description

William and Tilda grew out of my life long passion for sewing. Two old family wedding photos provided the seed of an idea which grew into a desire to produce beautifully crafted garments influenced but the clothes my grandmother wore in those photos.

A childhood interest in sewing inspired my application to art college at the age of 16, where i studied fashion design. Five years of training followed, giving me a solid foundation in the principles of design, pattern cutting and construction. Once leaving college, I continued to build on the skills I learnt at college working on large scale physical theatre productions, eventually graduating towards television. Over 15 years experience working in the costume departments of the BBC and a host of independent companies followed. During this part of my career, I’ve been lucky enough to work with some amazing people, both on and off screen. I've been a dresser, a costume maker, eventually working my way up to supervisor, working on top rated popular drama, period pieces, live shows and children's programs.

But ultimately the riggers of filming; the unsociable, irregular hours; being away from home for long periods of time; always being on duty and tight filming schedules that left no time for sports day, parents evening or a dose of the flu meant that continuing on this path wasn’t going to work for me or my family. A new adventure was needed, one with the flexibility to cope with the demands of a young child.

Located in the heart of the West Yorkshire town of Ilkley, William and Tilda places a strong sense of family history at its core. Vivid memories from childhood are ingrained in everything we do. Techniques handed down by grandparents; an exquisite button collection belonging to my great grandmother; a family owned vintage pattern collection and some hilarious knitting books from the 40’s. These, combined with invaluable industry experience garnered from my godmother, a couture seamstress who worked for Catherine Walker, and a childhood spent sewing with my step-mother, all combine to influence our style. And not forgetting William and Tilda themselves, my daughter and her faithful, slightly shabby, favourite bear!

Now, with a family to think of these memories and experiences have given me the confidence to embrace everything I’ve learnt, to take those ‘make do and mend’ principles my grandparents followed, along with the techniques and processes appropriate to the period, to carve a business that truly embraces my life so far.



Such a good day at The Engine Shed Wetherby. Even in its unfinished state, the ‘Catherine’ 3 piece went down well, which is really encouraging.
Another hit was this little number.
This is the iconic Walkaway dress. Released in 1952 by Butterick patterns, this dress was believed to be so easy you could...’start it after breakfast & walkaway in it for luncheon’.
... This version I made from an Ikea curtain.... yes, you read that right, it’s a curtain! Unless you’re extremely brave you’d need something underneath - I had an antique slip in mind. But it just goes to show, that with a bit of lateral thinking, a unique wedding dress without the huge price tag is possible. Becky x
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Not yet pressed (a good iron makes such a difference!) but the ‘Catherine’ 3 piece, inspired by Claire McCardell, is slowly coming together.
Lots of issues yet to be sorted, including whether denim is to thick for these bound buttonholes. But I’m slowly beavering away at all these little niggles and hope to have a working sample to take to next weekends wedding fair at The Engine Shed Wetherby. Becky x


I’ve been using these amazing jackets by one of my fav designers, Claire McCardell, as inspiration for a new sample I’ve been working on - a 50s inspired dress, top & jacket combo in denim & lace.
The lace is so pretty but it’s a nightmare to work with. And now I’ve gone a put a flippin hole in it! Thankfully it’s a sample garment and the hole is at the bottom....... wide binding round the hem to cover the hole coming up!
Hope your day is going better than mine! ... Becky x
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I’ve just stumbled across the story of Tommy Tucker. Tommy is a squirrel, who at the hight of his fame, appeared on the radio alongside President Franklin Roosevelt to promote the sale of war bonds.
Apparently Tommy ‘......had about thirty different costumes, and although Tommy was a boy, all his outfits were female for the simple reason that his tail would not fit in pants.’
I’m just going to leave this one here. Enjoy your weekend!... Becky x
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I keep saying I’ve been busy working away behind the scenes. And I have!
One of the things I’ve been tinkering with is the website. I’m pretty chuffed with it so to celebrate, I’ve decided to put my feet up this evening and do nothing 😂😂 Becky x


These two were hiding amongst a huge box of old patterns kindly donated to me recently. Butterick 5805 from 1951 came with an extra special treat. The previous owner of this beauty made some adaptations to the pattern, then cut the new pattern out of newspaper. And rather handily used the front page of the paper. So not only do I know she was planning her project around Wednesday January 30th 1957, I know the weather was windy with gales and that petrol prices were the main talk of the day! Becky x


Over on my Instagram account I’m taking part in the #marchmeetthemaker challenge. It’s a great way to give a glimpse into my world, what makes the business tick and what we’ve been up to over the last few months.
Yesterday we were talking ‘favourite to make’. For me, my favourite thing to make is anything for this hottie!
This is my lovely friend Sarah. Sarah IS William and Tilda! Through starting and building the business, Sarah has always been there for me. She’s been an ...huge inspiration, helping to shape the look of our creations. She’s been a massive support and a top friend. Oh, and did I mention she’s an absolute joy to make for!
I’ve been promising Sarah a classic 50s play suit for some time. My little sis quite fancies one to so I’m sure they’ll both be pleased to hear, research/inspiration has started adding itself to my Pinterest board.......... watch this space! Becky x
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M&S have introduced a pure cotton utility jumpsuit to their collection. Now I’m bound to say it, but it’s not nearly as interesting as our original 1943 denim air raid shelter suit!
So the question has to be, Marks and Spencer v William and Tilda? Modern v original? Becky x


For the past few months, we've been working hard behind the scenes to introduce some changes here at William and Tilda. From a move of premises to the introduction of a ready to wear line, we've lots to tell you about. Throughout March you'll start seeing posts popping up letting you in on the stories behind these changes. So keep your eyes peeled!
But for now, I'd like to introduce you to our new blog. All our designs are based on lots and lots of research. Every garment has a history behind it and the blog is my way of sharing that history with you. Our first post looks at the reasons why many 40s garments may not have survived to tell their story. I hope you enjoy reading and let me know what you think of our idea to share the historical context behind our designs. Becky x


I’ve been a bit naughty lately and not been posting here as much as I should have been. Well I’m all over this now! Things are changing at William and Tilda, changes I hope you’ll all like, with some exciting projects and new designs due over the next few months.
But whilst I’m thinking about the future, it’s always good to have a look back to where we started. Which was here, myself and my faithful tailors dummy in the early days before I had a workroom.
Ok, that’s not str...ictly true, William and Tilda didn’t start life in the woods! But I can often be found with a bag of sewing by my side, sometimes in the strangest of places. My biggest passion is hand stitching. Tiny neat rows of stitches, lovingly created by hand with a nod back to traditional techniques are the stuff of my dreams. And the big advantage of hand sewing - well you can take it anywhere. So in theory I could have a workroom in the woods. If I really wanted! Becky x
Photo credit Elliot Photography
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Wishing all our friends, clients and supporters a very happy new year. Without all of you, William and Tilda would be a very lonely place! Looking forward to 2019 and all its new designs, vintage makes, challenges and laughs.
Have a fabulous evening everyone Becky x


Wishing you all a very merry Christmas from me and this little fella!
Family legend says he’s been hanging from the family Christmas tree for generations. Now this may be one of those family stories that has become somewhat exaggerated over time, but he’s certainly been around as long as most of the family can remember!
Hope you’ve had a fabulous day & wishing you all the best for 2019. Next years going to be a cracker! ... Becky x
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Today is Small Business Saturday, a day dedicated to championing, promoting and supporting small businesses across the UK.
This time last year I’d just returned from a visit to Downing Street with the Small Business Saturday UK team. It’s a fabulous campaign and one I’m incredibly proud to have been recognised by.
So what am I doing this year to celebrate Small Business Saturday? I’m out supporting a fabulous local business of course!
... Today you’ll find me out supporting a local dance school by offering a few hours of my time to help with their fabulous show. Because supporting local doesn’t just mean shopping in your local, independent shops. There are so many ways to help small businesses across the UK - what will you be doing to lend your support? Becky x
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Spot of 40s dancing anyone....don’t mind if I do! Becky x


I had a fabulous day on Saturday at the M&S Archive in Leeds, visiting their exhibition ‘Keep Calm and Go To M&S, 1940s Day At The Archive’.
Lots of photos to share but this was my favourite piece, an original 1940s staff uniform. This dress was attracting plenty of attention with lots of people taking detailed photos to help recreate the look. My thoughts exactly, hoping to make a copy soon! Which do you prefer, this or the current uniform?
This particular exhibition has f...inished but the archive is open every day during the week and well worth a trip if you get a chance. More info at https://marksintime.marksandspencer.com/h ome
Becky x
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*Keep Calm & Go To M&S: 1940s Day At The Archive*
Now this looks interesting!
‘Join us as we look at M&S in the 1940s, from wartime Utility Fashion to how M&S employees rose to Home Front challenges. Includes lindy hop demonstrations and classes, short talks on M&S and our customers during the Second World War, a chance to view a special exhibition Marking RAF100: M&S and the Royal Air Force in WWII, which commemorates 2018’s centenary year for the RAF, plus free refreshment...s.’
Open 11am to 3 pm on Saturday 17th November at M&S Company Archive, Michael Marks Building, University of Leeds.
Thanks to Alfie Robot Retro for pointing this one out. That’s my birthday day out treat sorted! Becky x
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I don’t do well in live interviews, as you will be able to tell from this interview I did on Monday with the Small Business Saturday team! Becky x

More about William And Tilda
