Wow Cocochoco

Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Wow Cocochoco

Hair treatment /rehabilitation in UK Bedford!

Wow Cocochoco Description

Plaukų atstatymas paremtas keratino baltymu, kuris sudaro net 97% plauko struktūros – tai pagrindinė statybinė medžiaga, reguliuojanti visą plauko išvaizdą. Dėl netinkamos mitybos, aplinkos sąlygų, netinkamos plaukų priežiūros, naudojant nekokybiškas plaukų priežiūros priemones, formavimo įrankius, plaukai praranda keratiną.
Kai jo trūksta, plaukai išplonėja, pradeda lūžinėti, pučiasi ar veliasi. Jie praranda sveiką išvaizdą, blizgesį ir elastingumą. COCOCHOCO procedūros metu plaukams yra prisotinamas keratinu – keratino molekulės įsiskverbia į giluminę plauko struktūrą, visiškai jį užpildo ir išlieka viduje. Plaukams sugrąžinamas natūralus blizgesys, jie atrodo nuostabiai, tampa paklusnūs ir sveiki, atsparūs mechaniniams pažeidimams, ilgiau išlieka plaukų spalvos sodrumas po dažymo, plaukai tampa paslankūs, lengvai iššukuojami, netgi be pagalbinių priemonių. Ypač rekomenduojama procedūrą atlikti sausiems, pažeistiems plaukams, po cheminio tiesinimo ar garbanojimo.
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Shiny, healthy, natural and straight hair is a very common trend nowadays. Thanks to the Brazilian hair straightening, you can transform your hair this way within few hour only. It is considered to be the most efficient technique to get stunning, smooth and glossy hair.
COCOCHOCO is a brand created particularly for an innovative keratin treatment called Brazilian blowout. As those products are extremely sensitive and safe, they can be used even by the most demanding clients with highly damaged hair or very curly one, which is extremely difficult to manage. Keratin is a gentle substance which is cap capable of making your hair stronger and more resistant, thanks to the revitalisation and the structure rebuild. If you use Cocochoco keratin, your hair will be safe from any weather circumstances, as well as from humidity. Thanks to this process, your hair will look natural and, at the same time, more vivid and thicker. You do not have repeat the therapy too often, because the effect will last up to 5 months. Cocochoco hair keratin products are adjusted to any kind of hair, even if it underwent highly detrimental chemical treatment before. Actually, as the therapy makes your hair rejuvenated and rebuilt, the worse state there is at the beginning, the more satisfying effect you will be provided with. There is also a possibility to perform Brazilian keratin treatment on dyed hair as well, what will make it soft and shiny again. It will be not only easier to style, but also more healthy and smooth. You will never be angry with your frizzy hairstyle. As a result, you will not have to arrange your hair for a long time, as you did before. There will be no need for any blowers or irons any more. It is worth choosing Cocochoco instead of a hair iron, because it is definitely less harmful. These hair keratin products do not include highly harmful formaldehyde, as they are produced from the natural ingredients. Your hair will be soft, glossy and straight, hence in other words, remarkably gorgeous. You do not have to wait for the results - immediately when the process is over, your new appearance will be ready.
Cocochoco keratin is close at hand, so do not hesitate and start looking astonishingly everyday!



After WoW Cocochoco Treatment!

More about Wow Cocochoco

Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -