101 Free Christian Dating Site & Singles Introductions Service

About 101 Free Christian Dating Site & Singles Introductions Service

100% FREE Christian Dating Site. Global Christian OWNED, spam free, totally always 100% FREE Christian Singles service. Make a Christian connection today!

101 Free Christian Dating Site & Singles Introductions Service Description


Fed up with scammers and fake profiles on other 'Christian' dating sites? Join FUSION101.com!

Hi, I'm Edward and I designed Fusion101 in 1998 /99 - a totally FREE Christian dating site where you never have to pay - ever! I am a Christian and have run the site since it went live nearly two decades ago. My mission is to keep the site free from the scammers and fakes you find on dating sites and spend much of my time ensuring the site has only genuine Christian profiles. My passion is to help Christians meet and marry believers to build strong Christian families!

Click the SignUp button above to start contacting REAL Christian singles today!

More about 101 Free Christian Dating Site & Singles Introductions Service

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