1109 Thetford Squadron Air Cadets

About 1109 Thetford Squadron Air Cadets

Air Training Corps - 1109 (Thetford) Squadron

(Norfolk & Suffolk Wing)

1109 Thetford Squadron Air Cadets Description

Welcome to 1109 (Thetford) Sqn. If you desire a future career in aviation or anything to do with the RAF or even just to make friends and have loads of fun, then the Air Training Corps is for you!



Final preparations for the Inter Squadron Six Aside Football Competition this coming Sunday 🏆⚽️


1109 (Thetford) Squadron were delighted to receive a very kind donation of £500 from the St Giles Masonic Lodge last night. The money will be put towards the Squadrons new minibus fund.
With an array of activities happening most weekends minibuses are integral parts to the running of a Squadron. They ensure cadets continue can attend all the fantastic activities and opportunities the Corps has to offer, and this kind donation will very much assist our fundraising.
Pictured below, Flight Sergeant Matt Drewry receiving the donation from Craig Atwell, St Giles Lodge.


‘Wing Field Success for 1109 (Thetford) Squadron’
Eight cadets from 1109 (Thetford) squadron represented their peers at this year’s Wing Field competition, held on Stanta Training area over the weekend of the 20-22 April 2018.
The cadets underwent months of training at the squadron and were successfully selected to be apart from this year’s team. The cadets worked extremely hard over the weekends before which showed by the overall team performance.
... 1109 came 5th out of 27 teams who entered the competition and competed in Archery, Orienteering, Field Craft (1st), Clay target Shooting, First Aid, Leadership (2nd), Raft Building (2nd) and Aircraft Recognition (2nd) to name a few. The team, selected by Flight Sergeant (ATC) Dave Towell, was made up of cadets whose team spirit and enthusiasm was commendable.
A further three cadets from the squadron attended the weekend to assist other teams and as well as another eight cadets who attended as part of the communication team, ensuring the effective running of the weekends competition.
Cadet Warrant Officer Brinkley said ‘I am extremely proud of this year’s wing field team, they have all put in so much effort in preparation for the weekend and it’s great to be part a team that did so well. For the team to score so highly in a wide range of activities including taking 1st place in Fieldcraft takes a lot of skill’.
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‘1109 Crowned 2018 Touch Rugby Champions’
Ten cadets from 1109 (Thetford) Squadron travelled to Beccles RFC on Sunday 6th May to take part in Norfolk and Suffolk Wing’s Touch Rugby Tournament, involving fourteen teams and over 140 cadets from all corners of the Wing.
Battling the intense heat, 1109 won their group stage which included two convincing wins against 356 (Felixstowe) and 221 (Gt Yarmouth) Squadron, and saw them progress through to the quarter finals. It was a to...ugh draw, as 1109 came up against 222 (Broadlands) Squadron who took all the points against 1109 in the group stage, but it was a completely different game as the youngsters from Thetford progressed to the semi-finals.
The heat really increased in the semi’s as 1109 took on 759 (Beccles) Squadron who were extremely strong on the day, with some excellent wins behind them. The game was taken to extra time with the ‘Golden Try’ rule, and after a period of sustained pressure against them Sergeant Callum Brown saw a gap in 759’s ranks and burst through to score the winning try. The celebrations were short lived as the team had to prepare to come up against 432 (Woodbridge) Squadron in the final.
432 certainly looked very strong during the day’s games and with the temperature at its peak, the cadets from 1109 knew it was going to be their toughest game yet. In a nail biting encounter which saw both teams with plenty of chances, the game was once again taken to extra time with the ‘Golden Try’. As the minutes reduced, Cadet Duarte Brito scored the all-important wining try in a fast, slick move which saw 1109 bring home the Air Cadet Cup for 2018.
The Squadron are now preparing for the Norfolk and Suffolk Wing Athletics Championships on Sunday 20th May where they hope to once again bring home the silverware.
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It’s our next recruit open night on Wednesday 7th February, if you’d like to attend then please contact the Squadron to book your place!


Over the last three weekends cadets from 1109 Squadron on behalf of the committee have been assisting the Elveden Estate by car parking at their Christmas event.
Cadets have braved the cold snowy conditions (especially this weekend!) and continue to do a fantastic job. Their final weekend of volunteering is next week which is sure to be very busy! ⛄️❄️🎄


Congratulations to Cadet Corporal Jemimah Bedford who was promoted last night by OC 1109 Sqn Flt Lt Chapman-Allen.
Cpl Bedford has shown excellent development throughout her 12 months on the Squadron and most recently demonstrated her excellent leadership and mentoring during the Squadrons latest recruit intake.
Well done!


‘The RAF Air Cadet Journey Begins For Thirteen New Cadets’
The 1st – 3rd December 2017 saw 1109 Squadron complete their final recruitment for the year and where 11 new recruits completed their Recruit Training Camp (RTC) at RAF Barnham. Following an open night in October, the weekend concluded eight weeks of training in drill, communications, fieldcraft, leadership, uniform as well as learning about the Royal Air Force and RAF Air Cadets.
The RTC was a chance for the recruit...s to bring together all they have learnt and familiarise themselves more with life as a cadet at 1109 squadron. The intake and weekend was led by the Squadron Recruitment Officer, Flight Sergeant Matt Drewry and assisted by a training team. The recruits took part in drill sessions, field cooking, fieldcraft, leadership exercises, uniform preparation, a night exercise and achieved their basic swimming proficiencies as well as Heartstart Certificate. All eleven completed the weekend and received their certificates on a ceremonial parade attended by parents, family members and friends. The Squadron were delighted to have Squadron Leader Jason Allan, 1109’s Wing Sector Officer, as the reviewing officer for their parade which added an extra special element to the occasion.
FS Matt Drewry said ‘the recruits training period and RTC was a great success and it has been fantastic to see the group develop. We welcome them to 1109 and hope they have a long and successful career within the Corps. The group of cadets formed a strong bond over their training period and this will no doubt continue as they begin to take part in the fantastic opportunities the organisation has to offer I would also like to thank my training team, led by Cadet Sergeant Callum Brown, who dedicated themselves to the recruitment for the last eight weeks’
1109 (Thetford) Squadron’s next intake begins with an open evening on Wednesday 6th February 2018. For further information on this please contact adj.1109@aircadets.org or alternatively, call 01842 890929.
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This weekend see’s 12 new recruits undertake their Recruit Training Camp at RAF Barnham. The weekend concludes their recruit training phase and will see them take part in leadership activities, fieldcraft, drill, uniform preparation and complete their ATC swimming tests.
The Squadron is also pleased to have Sqn Ldr Allan present for their passing out parade on Sunday, in the presence of their families and friends.
Best of luck!


'CWO Towell's Six Years at 1109'
As the Sqn was dismissed at the end of the recent Remembrance parade it marked a fitting end for the Squadron Standard Bearer, Cadet Warrant Officer Kathryn Towell, who after six and a half years with 1109 Thetford Squadron and the Royal Air Force Air Cadets, finishes her duties as a cadet. The opportunities that are available to Cadets are vast and Kathryn has made the most of these.
... She has been a highly active member of not just at 1109 Squadron but within the Wing and Corps as well. From attending countless camps around the country, to representing the Squadron, Wing and Corps at various events. This included parades such as the Wing Parade at Norwich Cathedral to help mark the 75th Anniversary of the ATC, where she was the Squadron Standard Bearer. Kathryn has also taken part in flying, shooting and sports to name but a few and she has definitely made the most of the opportunities that the Royal Air Force Air Cadets has to offer. She has led the Squadron team at the Wing Field competition where 1109 were placed in the top three.
Through the RAFAC Kathryn was awarded a flying scholarship where she spent two weeks in Scotland learning to fly a Grob Tutor in Feb 2015. In the September of the same year and after a rigorous selection process she was short listed and then selected for the Qualified Aerospace Instructors Course. QAIC focuses on radio communication, leadership elements as well as developing instructional technique and giving students a sound knowledge of aeronautical and air power subjects. This, together with visits to Rolls-Royce, RAF Lemming and RAF Coningsby gave Kathryn a massive insight into the significance of the RAFs air power. She went on to use these skill as an instructor at the National Aerospace Camp with over 250 cadets from around the country and at the Royal International Air Tattoo and RAF Cosford Airshows where she was as an ambassador for the RAFAC running flight simulators for the public.
She has taken part in the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme and this led to her to completing the Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award, and has also been involved with additional training allowing her to complete a first aid qualification, BTECs in Aviation Studies, Public Service and also ILM qualifications in Leadership and Team Leading. Kathryn was involved with the Cadet Drill Instructors course giving her the required skill to help train the other cadets on the Squadron.
As for the future, over the next four years Kathryn is studying with Marshall Aerospace in Cambridge for a degree in Aeronautical Engineering and Design. Kathryn still intends to be involved within the RAFAC as she is currently going through the process to become an Officer.
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Tonight the cadets raised just under £150 in two hours through a cake sale and auction for the staff ranks for one evening!
It’s a fantastic effort and credit to the cadets for getting on board and supporting less fortunate children across thousands of projects.


First time flyers Cadets Stretton-Mason and Hyde-Parker took to the skies yesterday! #whatwedo


There were a lot of presentations last night on final parade! Well done to everyone who received their Heartstart Award, Wing Blue or BTEC.


‘A weekend of Remembrance Commemorations for 1109 Sqn’
1109 (Thetford) Squadron were out in numbers over the weekend as they marked the Remembrance commemorations at a number of ceremonies.
Friday 10th November saw a Service of Remembrance at the Carnegie Rooms in Thetford. This was organised by the Royal British Legion who 1109 Squadron continue to work closely with. It was a packed service with cadets representing the Squadron and paraded our Standard.
... On Sunday 12th November 42 cadets and staff were on parade in Thetford Town Centre alongside the RAF Regiment, Veterans, Royal British Legion, Local Dignitaries, Army Cadet Force, other uniformed youth organisations and representatives from the United States Air Force to remember all those who had fallen in the World Wars and those who continue to fight for our freedom today. The Squadron Standard was paraded as well as Cadet Sergeant Ben Stevenson escorting the Royal British Legion’s Standard at the front of the parade.
There was a service in the Market Square and wreaths were laid at the Cenotaph to honour those who never came home. The Squadron’s wreath was laid by Cadet Duarte Brito, who joined 1109 in July of this year.
The support from the cadet’s families and friends was incredible and it was clear the town had come together as one for a very important occasion. The streets were packed to show support for everyone parading and once again the turnout from the town was fantastic.
1109 Squadrons Officer Commanding, Flight Lieutenant Samuel Chapman-Allen had this to say, ‘Once again 1109 Squadron, including families and friends came together to remember those who gave their lives to protect our freedom. The parade and service was a poignant occasion and the support from the town was excellent’.
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I loved the RTC weekend!


I loved the RTC weekend!

More about 1109 Thetford Squadron Air Cadets

1109 Thetford Squadron Air Cadets is located at RAF BARNHAM, IP24 2DJ Thetford, Norfolk