1325 Dinnington Sqn Atc

Monday: -
Tuesday: 19:15 - 21:30
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 19:15 - 21:30
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -



Today the squadron took part in South and West Yorkshire wing inter squadron clay target shooting competition. Where it gives me great pleasure to say the team came first out of 29 squadrons that took part. Cpl baker also came second in the individual competition! A truly fantastic achievement for all involved! Congratulations!


1325 has had a busy start to the new year with 3 cadets attending the inter squadron cross country competition where I'm happy to report all the cadets finished mid field. A brilliant effort by a young team. FS Greaves then had the pleasure of presenting 3 cadets with the blue badge leadership award. Cpl Baker was also presented with her Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award. A fantastic achievement that has taken months of hard work and dedication. Well done everyone!


A very happy Christmas to all friends and family of 1325.
What a year we have had. It all started with a first and second place at the wing cross country. Many cadets attending camp places at summer camps and RIAT. Numerous flying and shooting opportunities. Along the way we have also gained many new qualifications over the last year including blue leadership, first class cadet among many others. We have also seen social evenings both within our sector and as a unit culminating with the squadron dining in night, where FS Greaves took great pleasure in presenting awards for cadet of the year and most improved cadet two remarkable achievements.
Watch this space for more exciting activities and achievements over the forthcoming year


Another busy day for the squadron with cadets and staff attending a shoot using the .22 L144a1 Cadet Small Bore Target Rifle.
Another fantastic opportunity the RAF Air Cadets offers.


This evening the squadron hosted a social night for cadets from sector three of South & West Yorkshire Wing at laser quest Sheffield with 40 cadets attending from 5 different squadrons from the Sheffield area.
Fun was had by all with many a tactical dance move being observed in the play area!
If you want to join in the fun contact your local squadron for more information!


Last Sunday along with the Worksop sea cadets the squadron turned out for the annual festival of remembrance held by the Dinnington branch of the Royal British Legion. Cadets from both services were immaculately turned out and a credit to their units
Today despite the rain the squadron again attend the Dinnington remembrance parade where Infront of representatives from the Lord Lieutenant of South Yorkshire, The Royal British Legion, Veterans, Parents and one very proud officer in command we paraded through our home town to honour those who gave all.
We will remember them


A mobile phone has been left on Sqn. If it is yours, please let us know, the sqn will be open at 7:30 tomorrow evening for the civ com meeting so can be collected then.


It has been a busy week for the squadron. Four cadets went to RAF Linton on Ouse to experience the thrill of flying. The wing radio team then visited the squadron to carry out blue badge assessments, which I am happy to report that all cadets passed. FS Greaves then had the pleasure of presenting cadets with thier badges for first aid and two cadets with their leading cadet classification. The week was then rounded off with two promotions. The squadron takes great pleasure in introducing cadet flight sergeant Davis and cadet sergeant Whearty.
If you want to join in with the fun drop the squadron an email to arrange a visit


It was a sad day for the squadron yesterday as we said goodbye to Cadet Warrant Officer Cotton, who after 6 years with the squadron is leaving us for university. CWO Cotton has been a credit to the Squadron progressing quickly through the ranks and attending many camps, courses and assisting with the daily running of the squadron. The squadron wishes you luck with your studies CWO Cotton


This weekend several cadets attended Harthill Carnival to proudly represent their squadron and assist in the smooth running of parking and the parade.
People in the tent were able to take a look at how cooking tools are used on D of E and Field-craft exercises, and even try on webbing that may be used out on the cadet ranges. The squadron thanks Harthill Carnival for allowing us to attend.


Last Thursday the Squadron celebrated our newest intake of cadets achieving the classification of First Class Cadet.
Joined by the Civilian Committee, parents were also invited to an Annual General Meeting, where creative discussion took place regarding the squadron and it's cadets. The Civilian Committee control the budgeting and plans for the squadron, and any parent is able to join and contribute!


Another busy couple of weeks for the squadron. Cadets attended the Dinnington branch of the Royal British Legion spring ball to provide a guard of honour. This week also had four cadets attend 9aef for their first flights in the Grob Tutor. Every cadet returned with a smile from ear to ear.


Congratulations go to FS Bloor, FS Wallhead, Sgt Davis, Cpl Whearty and Cpl Baker on last night's promotions. All very well deserved.
The squadron is recruiting now. For your chance to become a cadet NCO and all the other exciting opportunities available why not pop down and have a chat with the squadron staff!


A busy few months for the squadron with many cadets gaining their heart start qualification and passing their leading examinations! Well done to all keep up the good work!


Due to the inclement weather the squadron will be closed tonight.
We are sorry for any inconvenience caused but the safety of our cadets, staff and parents is of paramount importance.


A busy couple of weeks for the Squadron. Last week the squadron took part in the inaugural South and West Yorkshire Wing Clay Target competition where I am delighted to say we came in Joint 6th Place!
Flight Sergeant Greaves also had the pleasure of presenting Cdt Whearty with his leading cadet certificate and badge after he passed the relevant lessons and exams.
Today also saw the inter wing cross country competition taking place. Our very own Sergeant Wallhead took part representing South and West Yorkshire Wing after coming first in the inter squadron competition last month. We are still awaiting on the results but this is still a remarkable achievement and the squadron is rightly proud. Watch this space!


Congratulations go to Flight Sergeant Cotton who on Tuesday attended wing head quarters to sit a Cadet Warrant Officer board. He was successful and passed with flying colours! Well done Cadet Warrant Officer Cotton a very well deserved promotion.

More about 1325 Dinnington Sqn Atc

1325 Dinnington Sqn Atc is located at Laughton Road, S25 2PP Dinnington, South Yorkshire
Monday: -
Tuesday: 19:15 - 21:30
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 19:15 - 21:30
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -