1338 (Seaham) Squadron Atc

Monday: -
Tuesday: 19:00 - 21:30
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 19:00 - 21:30
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About 1338 (Seaham) Squadron Atc

1338 (Seaham) Squadron ATC is part of the Royal Air Force Air Cadets which is based on and supported by the Royal Air Force.

1338 (Seaham) Squadron Atc Description

The Air Cadet Organisation aims to provide meaningful and useful diversionary activities for young people in Seaham and the wider Tyne and Wear. Cadets have the opportunity to be involved in a huge range of activities from flying and gliding, to adventure training, to shooting and sports



What did you do last weekend?
Once again the cadets from our squadron had a very busy weekend participating in activities the Royal Air Force Air Cadets has to offer.
On Saturday, Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets hosted an L98A2 Shoot at RAF Boulmer for all cadets across the wing, which 4 cadets from the squadron attended. It was a successful day for the squadron with all cadets showing an improvement in their shooting ability, and even Flying Officer McCully got involv...ed and had a shoot at the end of the day too!
On Sunday, the squadron hosted another Archery session for the cadets, developing their skills in the sport and also taking part in a few games. Following the Archery session the cadets took part in another litter pick for Seaham Town Council, collecting a number of bags of litter and helping improve their local area. Well done to all who participated, a fantastic effort!
Also on Sunday, 6 cadets from the squadron attended a Wing Shotgun Shoot at Marne Barracks. It was a cold, windy day but the cadets thoroughly enjoyed it, and our very own Sgt Phipps tied for top shot of the day with a score of 18/25! A brilliant effort, well done!
Over the course of the weekend, APO Sleightholme took part in a Duke of Edinburgh Supervisors Training Course which covers how to best support DofE groups when completing the expedition section of their award. They completed a practical planning exercise on how to manage a group whilst out walking and had a chance to do some night navigation on the Saturday evening.
How did your weekend compare? Aged between 12-17? Are you up for fun, adventure, incredible experiences and making new friends? JOIN AIR CADETS. We are recruiting now, send us a message to find out more.
#WhatWeDo North Region - Royal Air Force Air Cadets Commandant Air Cadets
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Once again, it was another active weekend for the squadron this weekend. On Saturday, cadets who are planning on completing their Duke of Edinburgh Award this year attended the squadron to complete the necessary planning and online administration surrounding their award. They selected which activities they would be carrying out for their Volunteering, Physical and Skill section, which they will be completing for between 3 and 12 months, for at least 1 hour a week.
This weeke...nd also provided a wide variety of shooting related activities, with cadets attending Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets Headquarters on Saturday and Sunday to complete their L98A2 weapons handling training and test, which will enable them to live fire them on both short and long ranges. When asked about the day, Cadet White said “It was a very enjoyable day overall, and I am pleased that we will be able to participate in shoots with the wing in the future”.
On Sunday, cadets also undertook training on the L81A2 rifle in preparation for the long range outdoor ranges happening later in the year, preparing them to compete in the annual Inter-Services shooting competition at Bisley. In addition to this, 8 cadets attended Marne Barracks to participate in shotgun shooting, which is a regular activity within the wing. Cadet Boxall said “Today was a great experience to see what it’s like to shoot a shotgun for the first time, as it was for most of us. We all thoroughly enjoyed it and would love to shoot the shotgun again”.
Cadet Jones also represented the wing in the inter-wing Netball competition.
How did your weekend compare? Aged 12-17? Are you up for fun, adventure, incredible experiences and making new friends? JOIN AIR CADETS. We are recruiting now - Send us a message to find out more.
#WhatWeDo North Region - Royal Air Force Air Cadets Commandant Air Cadets
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Thursday nights parade night was a little different to usual!
Emergency Care Assistants James and Michael from North East Ambulance Service paid the squadron a visit to talk to the cadets and staff about the amazing work they do in their day to day job. They conducted a classroom session to talk to the cadets about the brilliant work they do and the kind of challenges they encounter on the road, and they brought an ambulance down to the squadron and gave the cadets a tour o...f everything inside, explaining how vitally important even the smallest piece of equipment is. They even allowed the cadets to put the blue lights and sirens on!
Cadet Cooper said ‘I enjoyed the Emergency Care Assistants coming down and talking to us, it’s a really good way to understand their job from their side of the situations. It was also good being shown their equipment and imagining scenarios that they could be used in’
1338 Seaham Squadron extends their thanks to NEAS and to James and Michael for giving up their time to visit our squadron and provide such a fantastic and informative evening.
#WhatWeDo Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets North Region - Royal Air Force Air Cadets Commandant Air Cadets
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Last weekend cadets from the squadron were once again out and about participating in a range of different activities. On Saturday, eight cadets completed the bronze cyber course, gaining a greater understanding of cyber security and how to keep safe online. FS Riley also attended the Inter Wing Senior Football competition at Blackburn.
On Sunday, cadets again completed an Archery session, developing their skills and participating in a number of games. Cadet Jones said “I app...reciated the opportunity to develop skills I had previously learned. I through enjoyed participating in the games, even if we didn’t win!
Following Archery, the group braved the cold and windy conditions and completed a litter pick on Red Acre Beach in Seaham. The volume of litter collected was reduced compared to that collected from the same location 12 months ago, which was great to see. Cadet White said “It was good to see the difference we made to the beach”.
On Tuesday, six cadets were awarded their National Navigation Award Scheme certificates following their assessed day walk held in December.
Watch this space to find out more about this week’s activities and special guests!
#Whatwedo Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets North Region - Royal Air Force Air Cadets Commandant Air Cadets
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What did you do this weekend?
Cadets from the squadron were out once again participating in a variety of activities which the Air Training Corps has to offer. Cdt Cooper attended the wing Junior NCO course, completing a variety of assessed activities, measuring his leadership potential, with Sgt Phipps attending an L98-A2 range at RAF Boulmer. FS Riley also joined other cadets from the wing, competing in the regional senior football competition.
Cdt Bosworth, Cdt Tanner, Cdt ...Duffy and Sgt Phipps attended the Wing Climbing Competition at Simonside Outdoor Adventure, with Cdt Tanner placing 3rd in the Under 15 Girls competition and Cdt Bosworth placing 2nd in the Under 15 Male competition. Well done to all of the competitors.
Cadets from the squadron also joined 111 (Sunderland) Squadron ATC at the North Region - Royal Air Force Air Cadets Regional Activity Centre (RAC) at RAF Linton-on-Ouse. Throughout the weekend, cadets completed a variety of activities, some of which for the first time, including Sports, Leadership, Fieldcraft, STEM, Radio Communications, Target Shooting and First Aid Casualty Simulation - An excellent weekend was had by all!
How did your weekend compare? Aged 12-17? Are you up for fun, adventure, incredible experiences and making new friends? JOIN AIR CADETS. We are recruiting now - Send us a message to find out more.
Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets Commandant Air Cadets Royal Air Force Air Cadets (RAC Photos courtesy of 111 (Sunderland) Squadron ATC)
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Over the weekend, cadets from the squadron have once again taken advantage of the wide array of activities offered by the Air Training Corps. Cpl Bell completed her St John Ambulance Activities First Aid Course with FS Riley and Cdt Forster travelling to the inter wing cross country competition in Blackburn.
In addition to this, on Sunday morning 15 cadets participated in an archery session. Thank you to Seaham Harbour Cricket Club for use of your facilities. The squadron rai...sed funds to purchase the archery equipment last year, and would also like to thank County Durham Housing Group for their donation of £500 in support of this activity.
Following the archery, the cadets participated in a litter pick. Both of these activities can be used by the cadets towards The Duke of Edinburgh's Award. The cadets collected over 20 bags of litter, as well as a shopping trolley from Rockhouse Dene in Seaham. It was great to see that the volume of litter in the area was vastly reduced from that collected on previous visits.
Unfortunately, before the team were able to fully remove all of the bags of litter collected, a group of 4 local teenagers thought it appropriate to set fire to a trolley which had been left and throw a number of the bags back into the water. This was not only disheartening for the cadets, who watched their hard work go to waste, but also resulted in a County Durham & Darlington Fire & Rescue Service call out, utilising valuable resources that may have been needed elsewhere.
The squadron will continue to complete community activities and litter picks, showing the people of Seaham and the wider community that not all young people act in the same way and will continue to be the excellent role models that they are.
#whatwedo Seaham Town Council Durham County Council Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets North Region - Royal Air Force Air Cadets Commandant Air Cadets
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Over the past week, Sgt Winder attended the first gold badge first aid camp ran by North Region - Royal Air Force Air Cadets along with eleven other cadets from the region. During the week, the cadets completed their British Heart Foundation Heartstart instructor’s qualification, St John Ambulance Activities First Aid AFA Assessors Course, Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Course, re-validated their AFA course for another three years and familiarised themselves with the ...Youth First Aid (YFA) course content they will be delivering at squadron level.
Throughout the weekend the cadets prepared and delivered presentations to the rest of the group to build their confidence in teaching first aid. They also practised their Casualty Simulation techniques, producing realistic looking fake wounds!
In addition to first aid training, the cadets visited Yorkshire Air Ambulance , speaking with members of the team to gain an insight to the work they carry out, the equipment they use and inspire them towards a similar career.
Following with the aviation theme, with thanks to 645 Volunteer Gliding Squadron, Sgt winder gained his Bronze A and G wings.
Following the course, Sgt winder said “Although the course was intensive, I thoroughly enjoyed it. It has given me skills and allowed me to gain new qualifications, in which I can help out with the Wing first aid training team.”
#whatwedo Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets Commandant Air Cadets
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Yesterday four cadets from the squadron attended No 11 AEF to participate in Air Experience Flying (AEF). A key activity within the ATC which sets us apart from other similar organisations, AEF is open to cadets aged over 13 and 3 months and provides practical experience of the aviation studies completed on parade nights.
Cadets Boxall, Brown and Tanner completed their first flight, with Sgt Phipps gaining his blue "A" wings - Well done all.
... Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets North Region - Royal Air Force Air Cadets Commandant Air Cadets
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Last weekend cadets and staff members from the squadron completed a day walk in the local area, putting into practise the basic navigation skills taught within the classification syllabus. Despite the cold weather, the day was enjoyed by all with some tired feet by the end of the day!
Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets... Regional Commandant North - Air Cadets North Region - Royal Air Force Air Cadets
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What did you do last weekend? 23 cadets and staff members from the squadron marked the anniversary of the formation of the Air Training Corps, which was founded 78 years ago, attending an ATC Sunday church service at St John's Church.
In addition to this, Fg Off McCully and Sgt Sleightholme joined other staff members from around the wing at 111 (Sunderland) Squadron ATC braving the snow to attend an Outdoor First Aid course, ran by Life Saving Training.
This weekend, the squa...dron will be completing BTEC training, Overseas camp interviews, L98 A2 Weapons Handling Training, Sports Trials, Wing media conference and a day walk! Watch this space for further updates.
#Whatwedo Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets Regional Commandant North - Air Cadets Commandant Air Cadets
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Yesterday 8 cadets took part in the Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets Cross Country Competition at Rising Sun Country Park. Cross Country is the first big Wing event of the year and definitely one of the coldest!
There were a total of 29 Squadrons taking part and over 150 cadets braving the cold to represent their respective Squadrons.
A huge congratulations goes to FS Riley and Cdt Forster, who both ran so well that they have been selected to represent the Wing at the ...Regional competition!
Well done to everyone who took part, and good luck for the next stage of the competition!
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Last weekend, cadets and staff members from the squadron teamed up with 111 (Sunderland) Squadron ATC for the first special visit of the year, visiting Beamish Museum. Throughout the day, the cadets and staff gained a greater insight into the history of the North East with a large variety of exciting interactive exhibits. Cadet White said "Our day at Beamish was very enjoyable and entertaining. From going down the mines, to learning about the history of the town, it is fair t...o say we have thoroughly enjoyed our time at Beamish and can't wait to come back."
This marks the first of many exciting activities throughout 2019.
Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets North Region - Royal Air Force Air Cadets Commandant Air Cadets
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As we move towards the end of 2018, it is time to reflect on the past 12 months. This year has been a very busy one, combining RAF100 celebrations with new activities in addition to the activities already on offer. A rough count places the number of activities attended by cadets from 1338 (Seaham) Squadron at well over 150 (not including all of the parade night activities), of which some of these are highlighted in this video reviewing the year. The Cadet Force Adult Voluntee...rs on the squadron have dedicated thousands of hours this year to provide a top class cadet experience, without which none of the cadet activities would be possible - for this, I thank you for your dedication.
All that is left to say is that I hope all of the cadets and staff members, as well as all of those following the squadron's progress, have a great festive period and we will see you all back at the squadron on Thursday 3rd January 2019 to do it all over again!
Merry Christmas,
Flying Officer McCully Officer Commanding
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Today cadets from the squadron teamed up with 234 (City of Durham) Squadron ATC to complete their Bronze National Navigation Award Scheme training walk. Despite the cold weather, the cadets (and staff) thoroughly enjoyed themselves and cannot wait until next weekend to complete their assessment.
Many thanks to 234 (City of Durham) Squadron ATC for the invite!
#Whatwedo... Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets North Region - Royal Air Force Air Cadets Regional Commandant North - Air Cadets Command
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Yesterday the squadron competed in the Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets Inter-Squadron Skill at Arms competition, placing a respectable second place, with Sgt Phipps scoring the highest individual score for the second year running.
Well done to FS Riley, Sgt Phipps, Cdt Bell and Cdt Bosworth who represented the squadron.
#Whatwedo... North Region - Royal Air Force Air Cadets Commandant Air Cadets
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Last weekend cadets and staff members from the squadron teamed up with 111 (Sunderland) Squadron ATC for the final special visit of the year, visiting the impressive Imperial War Museum Duxford. An excellent day was had by all.
In addition to this, a bag pack was carried out at Morrisons Doxford Park, in which £782.62 was raised. This will go towards expanding the cadet experience in 2019.
#Whatwedo... Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets Regional Commandant North - Air Cadets North Region - Royal Air Force Air Cadets Commandant Air Cadets
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Our Squadron was extremely proud to see 43 cadets as well as staff members and parents representing 1338 Seaham Squadron today to recognise the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One. We are incredibly impressed by all of our cadets and are grateful for everyone who attended the parade and supported us on this memorable occasion.
We Will Remember Them.

More about 1338 (Seaham) Squadron Atc

1338 (Seaham) Squadron Atc is located at Denehouse Road, SR7 7BJ Seaham
Monday: -
Tuesday: 19:00 - 21:30
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 19:00 - 21:30
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -