About 1624

Welcome to 1624, a new news outlet that aims to offer clear expert analysis straight from the source.

1624 Description

1624 is a new news outlet offering clear expert analysis straight from the source. By offering an array of information from those who know it best you can form a real educated opinion on the topic, rather than a simple agree /disagree. You should definitely check out our podcast which contains individual interviews from experts relevant to the specific topic, it aims to provide information and analysis suitable for any level of previous knowledge and at under an hour each episode is a great way to get informed on the things that matter by those who know it best. Enjoy!

https://itunes. apple.com/gb /podcast /1624-expert-analysis-on-news-topics /id1282563750?mt=2



Peter Apps (Editor of Inside Housing) talking about NIMBYism and its impact on the 'housing crisis'. More expert analysis from Peter, Henry Pryor, Jules Birch and Terrie Alafat can be found in the 1624 Housing podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/…/1624-expert- analys…/id1282563750…


1624 is back! Here is the first interview on Computing in Education from Bill Mitchell, the Director of the British Computing Society, talking about his work in forming the computing curriculum, funding (spoiler below), how schools and teachers reacted plus lots more! Interviews from Mark Chambers, ex-ceo of NAACE to come.
https://itunes.apple.com/…/001-computin g-in-e…/id1282563750…


Following on from the last post… The severe drop in staff seen under the Secretary of State for Justice Chris Grayling, between 2012 and 2015, saw a drop of over a quarter of frontline staff (6,428 fewer) as well as a shortage of nearly 700 support staff. Andrea Albutt (President of the Prison Governors Association) and Frances Crook (CEO of the Howard League for Penal Reform) commented on the decreased ability to adequately care for inmates and an overall breakdown in this r...elationship. In 2016 there were 18,510 prisoner on prisoner assaults (up 28%), 6,430 assaults on staff (up 40% with 789 classed as serious) and 37,784 incidents of self harm. 334 people died in the year to March 2017 in prison (highest on record) and 1/3 of these were self-inflicted. 70% of people who died from self-inflicted means had already been identified with mental health needs and concerns had only been flagged on entry for just over half. Lord Ramsbotham was also quick to point out that the staff which were let go under Grayling were amongst the most experienced and any replacements would not fill the shoes of their predecessors and that the officers left were facing incredible pressures on a day to day basis with a comparatively low wage, leading to a breakdown in the ability to create a safe environment for both inmates and officers. More info from all the guests to be found on the 1624 podcast. #prison #prisons #prisonsystem #news #1624 #funding #government #prisonsafety #podcast #newspodcast #hmp #secretaryofstate #grayling
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Nearly 68,000 people were sent to prison in 2016 with 71% having served a non-violent offence and almost half (47%) are serving a sentence of six months or less. 44% of of adults are re-convicted within one year of release, this number increases to 59% of those serving terms of under 12 months. Re-offending by all recent ex-prisoners costs the economy between £9.5-13bn a year with much of this attributed to former short-sentenced prisoners. 84,648 people are held in prison (1...6 June 2017) and with nearly 1/4 of these (20,995) being held in overcrowded accommodation with a depleted staff force (6,428 down on 2012 numbers (26%)). It is no wonder many who work in the system are convinced that it cannot carry out a rehabilitative function and that we are all too keen to send offenders to prison for short terms ‘that do not work’ (Andrea Albutt) rather than seeking out other options. Another post to come on prison safety but as always all the info + expert analysis can be found in the 1624 podcast. 📸: @imkatehurley #1624 #podcast #news
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In the latest Energy Subsidy Auction @dongenergy secured a £57.50 per megawatt contract for its Hornsea Project Two offshore wind farm just off the coast of Grimsby. Considering at the last auction two years ago offshore wind projects were being subsidised at over double this amount it shows how incredibly fast prices are dropping. These costs have dropped so much that onshore wind farms (new projects banned in England) are popping up around Europe subsidy free. Energy genera...tion from wind is up to 11.5% of total, this combined with coal generation output decreasing 80% since 2012 (9.2% of total) and with the lowest amount being burned into the atmosphere since 1935 (for U.K. Energy production at least) it shows the real effects of a conscious change in government policy over the last 7 years. CO2 emissions from UK electricity generation is now approximately half of 2010 levels and with battery technology coming on year on year our ability of moving to a carbon free energy future is accelerating. Check out Energy Part 1: Generation for more information on this, it's really incredible what's going on in the energy sector! 📸: @l1z4beth #1624 #energy #cleanenergy #windfarm #offshorewindfarm #energygeneration #podcast #news
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We are joined just after the electricity cap draft bill was published with analysis from Dr Stephen Littlechild the ex-UK electricity regulator, a post he held between 1989 and 1998, John Penrose Conservative MP for Weston-super-Mare, Dr Jonathan Marshall who is an energy analyst at the ECIU and Dr Rahmat Poudineh the lead senior research fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies. We have instant reaction on the decision to enact a cap, competition, Ofgem, energy efficiency, smart meters and much more!
Link to podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/…/energy-part- 3-reta…/id1282563750…
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Energy episode 2/3 is out on Distribution! Just a short one today which Includes interviews from Jonathan Dutton, policy advisor at E3G - Third Generation Environmentalism, Dr Jonathan Marshall, energy analyst at ECIU and Dr Rahmat Poudineh, lead senior research fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies. It focusses on the movement of electricity from generation to retail, how the changing landscape at each end will affect this and its impact on bills. Here is a short teaser from Joseph's interview Enjoy!
Link to podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/…/energy-part- 2-dist…/id1282563750…
Part 3 on Retail is out Monday which will include todays Energy cap announcement!


Great lecture from Michael Liebreich (Chairman of Bloomberg New Energy Finance) on the Energy industry, where it is and moving forwards.
1624: Energy Generation out now! Distribution out Thursday and Retail on Monday!
As usual you'll get to hear from some of the top experts and commentators including John Penrose Stephen Littlechild and Rahman Poudineh (Oxford Institute For Energy Studies)
... https://about.bnef.com/…/michael-liebre ich-state-industry-…/
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The first of three podcasts on Energy is out; we start with Generation. It features interviews from Michael Grubb (as heard below) Professor of International Climate Change Policy at UCL and ex-senior advisor to the UK energy regulator Ofgem. We also hear from Joseph Dutton, a policy advisor on EU energy and infrastructure at E3G - Third Generation Environmentalism and Mike Scott, journalist, energy specialist and regular contributor to the FT, Guardian and Bloomberg... Enjoy...!!
Link to podast: https://itunes.apple.com/…/1624-expert- analys…/id1282563750… (also availible on all podcast apps)
Episode 2 on Distribution and Episode 3 on Retail are out Thursday and Monday respectively
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A pic sent in by Mrs May listening to 1624 and it looks like she's loving it! After her announcement yesterday of major policy reform on Housing and Energy (part 1 Energy Generation out Monday) it really does seem she's been following our every move... just checked; the phone is charged and on the hook 😏


Podcast on zero hour contracts & the gig economy is out! It features interviews from the Resolution Foundation's Dan Tomlinson, PRISM CEO Crawford Temple, Professor of Labour Economics at University of Birmingham Stanley Siebert and Diane Nicol, a partner at Pinsent Masons with over 25 years of experience, who was one of the four members of the 'Taylor Review on Modern Working Practices'. Definitely worth the listen!!
https://itunes.apple.com/…/zero-hour-co ntract…/id1282563750…


Happy Friday everyone! If you haven't already listened to the prisons podcast the link is on the page. Zero Hour Contracts is out on Monday featuring the Resolution Foundation's Dan Tomlinson, PRISM CEO Crawford Temple, Professor of Labour Economics at University of Birmingham Stanley Siebert and Diane Nicol, an experienced employment lawyer who was one of the four members of the 'Taylor Review on Modern Working Practices'. Apologies for the mouthful but it looks to be a good'un, hope everyone has a belter of a weekend!


Hello all, the third podcast is out. It's on the prison system and features interviews from Andrea Albutt (President of the Prison Governors Association), Jonathan Aitken (Ex-Conservative MP & Minister), Lord Ramsbotham (Ex-Chief Inspector of Prisons) and Frances Crook (Chief Executive of the Howard League for Penal Reform). Give it a share and a listen!
https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/priso ns/id1282563750…


The newsletter for the Secondary Education podcast has been sent out, sign up at http://1624.co.uk so they conveniently drop in your inbox from now on! Have a great weekend 😃
https://1624uk.tumblr.com/…/…/seconda ry-education-newsletter

More about 1624

1624 is located at London, United Kingdom