18-07 Careers

About 18-07 Careers

18-07 Careers provide individuals and groups with guidance and training to optimise career development.

Career Direction
Psychometric Profiling
Interview Technique Training
CVs, Covering Letters & Applications
Salary Negotiation

18-07 Careers Description

We focus on what you will find enjoyable and rewarding in your career, with continued support along the way:

Career Direction
Psychometric Profiling
Interview Technique Training
CVs, Covering Letters & Applications
Salary Negotiation



We take our job & your next job seriously. That's why 84% of our clients secure a new role within 3 months. Ongoing support that makes a difference. Potential Realised. https://bit.ly/38qLo4T #careerchange


84% of our clients secure a job within 3 months. Potential Realised. https://bit.ly/2OO6su3 #carrerchange


https://18-07.com/first-impressions-2-cri teria/ > Harvard Professor highlights 2 questions people are looking to answer when they first meet you: Can I trust this person? Can I respect this person?


https://18-07.com/happiness-stress-anxiet y/ > Interesting article by Fiona Sturges about Dr Laurie Santos’ new podcast.


To sign up to our monbthly newsletter click below:
To sign up to our monthly newsletters follow this link:


18-07 Careers March 2019 Newsletter: Articles, updates and events
https://mailchi.mp/2b91…/18-07-careers- march-2019-newsletter


Hello all,
18-07 are hosting a Wellbeing at Work event on Wednesday 26th September in London. Tickets (£15) and more details are at:
https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-power- of-now-journey-tal…
... Paddy Melville will be giving the talk, focussing on wellbeing, how to look after yourself and those around you, including in the workplace.
As a bit of background, Paddy discovered at the end of last year that he had a tumour on the brain, and so has re prioritised his life accordingly. His outlook is very refreshing and an important wake up call to what actually holds true value.
There will be a chance to network and meet other like-minded people from different walks of life, as well as having fantastic views of London from the venue.
We hope to see you there.
See More


Take some time to reflect...
https://www.18-07.com/…/august-a-perfec t-pause-for-reflecti…

More about 18-07 Careers

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