1830 Pastorate

About 1830 Pastorate

Student and young adult community at Ebenezer Church, Bristol - www. ebe.org. uk /students



New Wine Day Trip on Thursday 9th August. Get it in your diaries & let us know if you're keen. We'll make a proper plan nearer the time... :)




Plans to go & watch this next Monday. Shout if you're interested!


"Let us create atmospheres of encouragement wherever we go, where we bring joy into dark spaces, call out beauty in people, and lead lifestyles of 'digging out the gold' in each other." A big fat AMEN to this!! :)


We're planning a cheeky little day trip to New Wine this summer!! It's the last time it's going to be happening near us, so let's make it a good one... ;) Looking at Thurs 9th or Fri 10th August. Let us know if you're keen & get it in your diary!


This coming Monday!! :)




"In a world that's full of fear, how free can you get?"
Good stuff in here, have a read. :)


This is happening next week! Go & check it out! :)


"Jesus got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves: 'Quiet! Be still!' Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, 'Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?' They were terrified and asked each other: 'Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!'" - Mark 4:39-41
... Even when we don't fully feel it, God is present in our storms. Take a moment to stop and pray, today:
Pray for those in a storm Pray for anyone you know who is facing challenges or struggles right now. If you feel you are in a storm, ask God to make His presence known.
Pray for peace and calm Invite the Holy Spirit to bring peace and calm into the situation you're praying for.
Pray with faith Ask God to give you faith and trust as you pray into the situation. Pray with confidence that God is at work.

See More


Games Night at Beth & Katie's NEXT SATURDAY!! Reply to the event & let us know you're coming? Thanks! :)


It's 'Integrity' this coming Monday, 8pm at Ebe Church Building. If you're a guy, go get involved. :)


Is Lent more than giving up chocolate? Check out this blog...


This is happening tonight. Free coffee if you've never been before! Worth checking out I reckon... :)


This is happening on THURSDAY! :)


Great little vid on Integrity & Leading stuff - most definitely not just relevant for students... :)


Get this evening in your diary. Let us know if you're going & we can sort lifts, maybe get a drink before/after? :)

More about 1830 Pastorate

1830 Pastorate is located at Ebenezer Church, 286 Filton Avenue, Horfield, BS7 0BA Bristol, United Kingdom