1D6 Wargaming

About 1D6 Wargaming

Tabletop Wargaming group from the Midlands (UK) for Seasoned Veterans and New Players alike.

Primarily focused on the Warhammer 40, 000 universe.



Hello everybody! 👋
Ben here - setting to work on the death guard sent with the new Warhammer 40,000 Conquest magazines...
These are quite cool little models!


Our farewell game to 7th Edition! Looking forward to the future 😎 Bring it on!


Brilliant day at Warhammer World! Got some new tactics down, can't wait for next time!


So Saturday was interesting! 10 thousand points and 5 different armies on the same board! Sadly it was a win for the imperium :(


WIP right now.
Squad of Necron Lychguard armed with Warscythes for some Strength 7 AP2 Armourbane action...


Anyone ever had a Necron problem?
Orks normally sort that out 😏


Hi Guys, Have you ever been in this situation? Craig Webster Found himself doing just that playing against my nids! He nearly got out of it as well!
... //Jordan
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Morning all! Just a few shots from a recent visit to warhammer world. This was a particularly interesting clash of armies!


So as everyone else is showing off there projects, here is a little something I have been doing today, Necron Canoptek Scarab bases, getting to grips with how the Citadel texture paints work and will eventually be adding dry-brush highlights to it.


Hi All! To kick things off I thought I'd show you all my Ork Stompa eBay restoration, ended up using old records to make it! What do you think?