200Kg Club

Monday: 06:30 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 22:00
Friday: 06:30 - 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00

About 200Kg Club

- Gymwear for real lifters

- Face to face personal training and online coaching

- A club for anyone who can deadlift, squat or bench over 200kg or women who can deadlift, squat or bench over 100kg.



1st post of the year and first post in ages! #throwback to when I looked half tidy if I do say so myself! Thinking after AWPC Eruos I might look at getting back on stage towards the end of this year. šŸ¤”


The 200kg Club is getting a new home...


THE Christmas jumper for lifting folk.
Get yours today, only available at:
https://200kg-club.myshopify.com/ā€¦/limi ted-edition-reps-forā€¦


200kg bench!


Well would you look at that, turns out I am still alive! Not posted for ages mainly because of an SI joint problem thatā€™s fucked my lifting and left me super grumpy! Not been able to squat anything exciting and can barely deadlift at all without pain. But... finally got to the bottom of the problem and although itā€™ll take a while it is on its way to getting better. This is only 175, a weight I probably first squatted 5 years ago, but it was 90% painless and technically pretty sound so felt like sharing!


What this, 2 posts in the same day!? Say whaaaaat? Probably my new favourite delivery of all time... Team GB kit for AWPC Worlds!
1st observation about wearing this stuff... people seem to be way nice when youā€™ve got a lion on your chest. I like it a lot.


Week 2 of peak for worlds and today was the first time it felt like things are coming together well!
Everything last week felt too heavy and squat/dead 1 of this week was better but still not great. Today though... magic.
This is the lighter of 2 bench sessions this week so itā€™s nothing special (117.5kg) but it felt like nothing!
... Super pleased and whilst I do trust the peak plan that took so long to perfect even when things feel heavy, it definitely helps mentally when it clicks like it did today.
Competitor list came out yesterday and as I expected, most likely looking at finishing last this time around. But as my first international Iā€™m not fussed about that. The aim will be to post a PB total then be more competitive next year.
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It may have been said in the past that I love the sound of my own voice, so I always like talking šŸ˜‚. But Iā€™m surprised just how much I enjoyed speaking to the 250 children at Kingsthorpe Village Primary yesterday about powerlifting, competing at worlds in a few weeks, looking after your body and how effort achieves - my secondary schoolā€™s motto.


Loving the feedback from some clients this week šŸ˜‚
Got a ā€œfuck you and fuck your workoutā€ from @that_200kg_mountain on Tuesday then this pic and ā€œI hate youā€ from @jake_200kgclub just now.
If it was easy lads, everyone would be strong and hench AF šŸ˜‰ ... Good work!
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#motivationmonday Love it when a plan comes together... specifically when you trick a client into doubling what they think is their 1RM by using stupid plate math thatā€™s hard to count at a glance šŸ˜‰. (Easy way to get past mental barriers). @declanswannell with a PB double of 200kg.
What do you think @zach_200kgclub @that_200kg_mountain @sftchris @naturalathlete_200kgclub @dannimcfaul @jake_200kgclub should Declan compete in August and join Team 200kg Club? I definitely think so!


Thought for the day...
When youā€™re looking for a coach, what matters more - if they win or if their clients win šŸ¤”?
Any coach worth their salt puts their clients and their clients performances ahead of their own - always.
... So donā€™t measure a coach by what they achieve for themself, measure them by what they help their clients achieve.
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To say Iā€™m proud to announce this is a huge understatement...
**Itā€™s official, @sftchris and I are at the start of prep for AWPC Worlds!**


When you have a goal, keep going till you reach it.


We've definitely got 1 athlete going, still possibly 2...


*Have you got what it takes to join the club?*
Guys (or girls) can you squat, bench press or deadlift over 200kg? Show us!
... Ladies can you squat, bench press or deadlift over 100kg? Show us!
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Flash Sale ends in just under 16hrs! Donā€™t miss out.


Still some more to do, but finally completed the most needed updates to the website. Check out the rest of Team 200kg Club at: http://www.200kgclub.co.uk/team-200kg-clu b.html


Bench didnā€™t go quite as well as squats, but still very happy. Hit 2 of 3 ending on 150kg. Placing is defo going to come down to the last deadlifts šŸ˜¬.


Off to a good start so far. First time ever going 3 for 3 on squats - and 9 for 9 on white lights! Finished on 212.5kg which is a 2.5kg all time PB and a 5kg comp PB. Especially pleased given I bought new wraps this morning so this was my 5th squat ever in these.


I met Jason when he corrected my form at the gym and offered me pt sessions. I was very much frustrated with not getting results and everyone else around me looking buff whilst I continued to stay the same week after week leading to skipped sessions and genuine lethargic attitude to fitness. 6 months later my life has changed for the better. My transformation is better than I could have imagined, I'm stronger, I'm more knowledgeable, I understand nutrition and have been inspired to become a PT myself. Not only do I now love the gym and see results regularly but my confidence and happiness in all aspects of life has changed. Without a shadow of a doubt I would still be in a spiral of self doubt,lack of results and unhappiness had I not stumbled across 200kg club. Don't wait any longer and book your consultation today.


I have been training with Jason for several months now and the results have been outstanding. He has helped me make vast improvements to my strength, health and my weight. His programs are well thought out and continuously push me the the limits of what I am capable of physically while his diet plans have helped maintain my energy without leaving me feeling hungry or bored with my meals. Overall I am extremely satisfied with his performance and would highly recommend him to anyone looking to improve themselves.

More about 200Kg Club

200Kg Club is located at NN1 1SR Northampton, Northamptonshire
Monday: 06:30 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 22:00
Friday: 06:30 - 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00