2246 Carnforth Sqn, Royal Air Force Air Cadets - Public Page

About 2246 Carnforth Sqn, Royal Air Force Air Cadets - Public Page

Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 7. 00pm to 9. 30pm.

Civic Hall, North Road, Carnforth, Lancashire, LA5 9LQ

T: 01524 727846

E: 2246@aircadets.org



This week is the Wing Adventure Training camp at NACATC Fairbourne. Our Staff have been running the mountain biking and assisting with the kayaking and rock climbing (including being the first group to use the brand new indoor wall for evening lessons). Heres some photos of the cadets in action. Cadets have the opportunity to spend a week away learning to bike, kayak, canoe, climb and do a mountain walk. All for £90 for the week!


Tuesday 12th March saw the Annual Formal Inspection of 2246 (Carnforth) Sqn, with a visit from Wing Commander Molloy (Officer Commanding Cumbria & Lancashire Wing) and Sqn Ldr Driscoll (Sector Commander). Pleased to report that the Squadron continues to perform well, offering a wide variety of opportunities and experiences to the cadet members from Carnforth and the surrounding vicinity.
Targets now set for the year ahead, covering flying, sport, adventure training and leadership development, amongst other things. Roll on 2019!
#VentureAdventure #WhatWeDo #RAFAC #AirCadets


Cadets and staff from 2246 Sqn have been out recently to the Lakeland Climbing Centre in Kendal, testing the new climbing equipment that has been purchased using generous donations from the Freemasons and the Royal Air Forces Association.
Outdoor pursuits and adventurous training activities such as climbing allow the cadets to gain self-confidence, build trust in each other and have fun along the way.
How much fun did this lot have....!? 😀


We got together with representatives of the 'Morecambe & Lancaster' branch of the Royal Air Forces Association (RAFA) and the Poulton-le-Sands Lodge No. 1051 of the Freemasons this week, to offer our thanks and show them the new climbing equipment that their very generous donations has allowed us to purchase.
Enhancing our adventurous training and outdoor pursuits equipment means that we can take the cadets away from the Squadron and participate in activities beyond those th...at are just aviation-focussed, using our own fully-trained and qualified staff.
Pictured, representing the donating organisations are (left to right), Mr Mike Ashton (Freemasons), Mrs Jane Latin (RAFA), Wg Cdr Bob Latin RAF Ret'd (RAFA), along with (right to left) Flt Lt Allan Rennie (2246 Sqn RAFAC), Sqn Ldr Sue Walker RAF Ret'd (RAFA and 2246 Sqn Civ Comm RAFA Rep), Sgt Joe Ashton (2246 Sqn RAFAC) and a number of the cadets that are benefitting from the use of this climbing equipment.
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It is with great sadness that the Squadron hears of the passing of Pat Wooff. Over many years she has been a great supporter of the cadets, often inviting the squadron to functions and events within the town, attending events with the cadets and more recently becoming a member of our committee. She often complimented the cadets on their achievements and was proud of what the cadets meant to her to be part of Carnforth and the community. Thoughts are with Pat's family at this sad time.


Today we were on Parade in Carnforth, alongside the Army Cadets, Scout Association, emergency services, veterans and other local organisations. Photos courtesy of Andy Slack.


I'd like to offer hearty congratulations to Civilian Instructor Annette Smith from 2246Sqn on being shortlisted as one of five nominees for The Guardian 'Public Servant of the Year 2018' Award.
The narrative around her nomination does not do justice to the significant amount of work that Annette does to support the community of Morecambe and beyond (as well as the many other voluntary activities that she is engaged with, including the RAFAC). Often are cadets and staff roped ...in to support the Foodbank, doing our own little bit to help out those less fortunate, so we have seen first hand how Annette is able to bring together people and resources from all over.
The full list of nominees and the voting form can be found on The Guardian website at: https://www.theguardian.com/…/vote-now- public-servant-year-…
Good luck Annette, and thank you for all that you do!
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We don't just focus on the military within the Royal Air Force Air Cadets - we teach our cadets skills that allow them to gain qualifications that would be useful in all walks of life.
Congratulations to Cdt FS Isaac Hutchinson, Cdt Sgt Kieran Smith, Cdt Cpl Oliver Hobart, Cdt Cpl Joseph Preston, Cdt Joseph Hunter and ex-Cdt Mark Hoult for successfully completing a BTEC Level 2 in Teamwork and Personal Development in the Community.
#whatwedo #RAFAC #BTEC #lifeskills


345 (Lancaster), 455 (Morecambe) and 2246 (Carnforth) Sqns attended the 'Royal Air Force Battle of Britain and Closure of RAF 100 Service' at St Barnabas Church in Morecambe this evening.
Organised by the Morecambe & Lancaster Branch of the Royal Air Forces Association, with the Greeting and Welcome given by Rev'd Gp Capt Richard Lee RAF (Rtd), the service celebrated the 78th anniversary of the Battle of Britain and drew to a close, events in the District that celebrated the 100th Anniversary of the Royal Air Force.
Photo Credit: Civ Inst S J Herman


This week is our Wing annual camp at Halton TC. This weekend 3 of our staff have been helping run the camp climbing sessions. Over 60 cadets climbing and all cadets able to push their limits and boundaries. The week is a mixed camp of adventure training such as climbing and raft building, sports, 'greens' activities such as shooting and fieldcraft (playing soldier) and blues activities such as drill, leadership exercises and external visits. There are also opportunities for cadets to spend a week away at an RAF station as well as a variety of other camps


Is it a plane or is it a helicopter? We have 4 cadets at the Royal International Air Tattoo (#RIAT) this weekend. This impressive bit of kit has had a lot of attention from the crowds.


2246 Sqn were participating in the 2018 Carnforth Carnival. Some of our cadets were on the float advertising the wide range of activities we have the opportunity to engage in, whilst others were showcasing them at a stand on the show field. It was a great day and good to see our community put on an excellent event to highlight the many groups that are active in the town.
If you're interested in learning more about what the Royal Air Force Air Cadets has to offer, then visit us in the Civic Hall, North Road any Tuesday or Thursday evening between 7.15pm and 9.00pm.


2246 (Carnforth) Sqn has started its new season of external visits and guest lectures, with a visit to the Arnside Coastguard Station on Tuesday 21st November, to learn about the work of the Arnside & South Lakes Coastguard Rescue Team.
In addition to a comprehensive tour around the station, the cadets and staff also had the opportunity to try on various items of rescue clothing, and to get close and personal with the 4x4 rescue vehicle and a jet ski.
The cadets also got inv...olved in a table top exercise, allowing them the opportunity to take the role of Incident Commander, and to appreciate the types of tough, critical, life-saving decisions that must be made in every rescue situation.
If you are aged between 12 and 17 years old and interested in coming along to our next external visit and to see what else we get up to in the AIr Cadets, then feel free to drop into the Sqn HQ in the Civic Hall on North Road for a quick chat any Tuesday or Thursday evening from 7.15pm, or send us an email to oc.2246@aircadets.org.
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Congratulations to Isaac Hutchinson who was promoted to the rank of Cadet Flight Sergeant today. Isaac has benefitted from many of the opportunities that the Air Cadets offers in recent years, including completing a Light Aircraft Flying Scholarship.
Cdt FS Hutchinson now has the role of being the most senior cadet at 2246 Sqn, setting a good example for those new into the organisation.
Congratulations Isaac!


2246 (Carnforth) Sqn RAFAC have joined other organisations in the Town for todays Remembrance Service and Parade.
A sunny, but "crisp" morning, the service was well attended by the local community with many people congregated around the Memorial Gardens.
We were pleased to be joined on parade by former cadet members of the Squadron, now serving members of HM Forces, Lewis Knowles (RAF) and Kieran de Carteret (RLC).


Tonight we recognised the achievements of many of our cadets who have successfully completed elements of the Royal Air Force Air Cadets aviation training syllabus over recent months.
In addition, First Aid qualifications were presented to those that have completed training courses over the course of the year, including staff members who have qualified to be able to instruct the cadet members.
The Royal Air Force Air Cadets take learning and development very seriously, allow...ing the cadets the opportunity to gain nationally recognised qualifications including BTECs, based on their educational achievements within the air cadet organisation.
Every day is a "school" day - there is always something to learn and something to do as member of the Royal Air Force Air Cadets.
If you are aged between 12 (and in Year 8) and 17.5 years old, and interested in exploring what the Air Cadets could offer you, then drop into the Squadron HQ (Civic Hall) on North Road, Carnforth any Tuesday of Thursday evening from 7pm.
More information available here: https://www.raf.mod.uk/aircadets/
#whatwedo #RAFAC #CarnforthATC
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Its not all about planes, pilots and taking to the skies, being a member of the Royal Air Force Air Cadets - we also do our fair share of adventure training and outdoor pursuits. This summer, our cadets and staff have been on a week long "green camp" at Halton Training Camp near Lancaster, training weekends and days out mountain biking.
Our week night training programme prepares cadets for these activities, ensuring that they have the confidence and skill to participate fully. How many cadets can you spot in these pictures from a recent "camouflage and concealment" training night?
#whatwedo #RAFAC #CarnforthATC


Great times had by all at this summers Annual Camp at RAF Benson in Oxfordshire. A packed programme over the course of a week saw cadets and staff flying in Chinook and Puma helicopters, perfecting their marksmanship skills on the firing range, visits to various sections on the RAF station and to an aircraft museum.
Even better was the chance to get up close and personal with the World famous Red Arrows and to meet some of the pilots after their display routine.
Want to be a... part of this? Then come along to 2246 (Carnforth) Sqn HQ in the Civic Hall, North Road, Carnforth, any Tuesday or Thursday evening from 7pm.
#whatwedo #RAFAC #CarnforthATC
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More about 2246 Carnforth Sqn, Royal Air Force Air Cadets - Public Page

2246 Carnforth Sqn, Royal Air Force Air Cadets - Public Page is located at Civic Hall, North Road, LA5 9LQ Carnforth
01524 727846