24/7 London Life Drawing

About 24/7 London Life Drawing

Providing untutored drop-in life /figure drawing classes in central London 7days a week from 10am to 11pm if the demand is there so please join.

24/7 London Life Drawing Description

Welcome to a new untutored drop-in Life drawing class soon to be open in central London (possibly in the Victoria area of Westminster), but the venue has yet to be announced.

Our Sessions will be 7 days a week from 8am to 11pm to start with. These hours will be extended to a full 24hour service if the demand is there.

Session are at a cost of £10 for 3 hours.

Easels, chairs, boards and charcoal will be provided for free. Any additional items such as paper must be purchased, but feel free to bring your own equipment if need be.

The venue will be fully equipped to accommodate everyone from beginners to experienced drawers alike! These classes are untutored so all participants can draw in a relaxed atmosphere without interruption. We'll alternate with male and female models throughout the week and as the class expands we'll introduce multiple model participation and themed classes such as traditional European period themes and other fashion themes with models of various ethnicities, ages and body-types.

Those who want to model for the class are all welcome to apply by messaging me.