
Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:30 - 17:30
Sunday: 09:30 - 17:30

About 34Sp

34SP.com | Website hosting with exceptional service and support. We offer a no-risk 30-day money-back guarantee too!

34Sp Description

WordPress website hosting experts based in Manchester, UK.

Founded in 2000, we have nearly twenty years of experience helping thousands of website owners get their site online secure and quickly.



Introducing...⁠ ⁠ James⁠ Support Technician⁠ Spending his days dealing with queries by phone and email, James is a member of our frontline support team.⁠... ⁠ With a background in web design, James is enjoying the move into the more technical aspects of the industry. Less colour, more code. Lover of all things football and never lost a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.⁠ ⁠ Favourite film⁠ - The Godfather 2⁠ Favourite band⁠ - Johnny Gallagher and the Boxtie Band⁠ Favourite Video Game⁠ - Football Manager & GTAV⁠ Favourite Book⁠ - The World according to Karl Pilkington⁠ Random Fact⁠ - I have a 100-year lease on an island off Australia (I consider this owning my own island)
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Introducing ...⁠ ⁠ Dan ⁠ WordPress Support Specialist⁠ ⁠... Dan is a valued member of our support team, always popular with customers and staff alike.⁠ ⁠ Dan joined us as our first apprentice and we didn't hesitate to take him on full-time when he completed the course. That investment has paid dividends and we're proud to have Dan representing us to our customers.⁠ ⁠ Favourite film⁠ - Toy Story⁠ Favourite band⁠ - Biffy Clyro⁠ Favourite Video Game⁠ - Super Smash Bros⁠ Random Fact⁠ - I am learning danish (jeg lærer dansk)⁠
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Introducing our team. Over the next few weeks we will be introducing you to the team behind 34SP, the people you talk to and the ones behind the scenes. As it was my idea it seems only fair that I go first so here you go.⁠ ⁠ Laura⁠ Social Media Manager⁠ ⁠... As well as keeping an eye on our community online, Laura is also responsible for keeping the office running and making sure all of our staff are happy, usually by bribing them with a basket of treats on her desk. (when we are in the office obviously)⁠ ⁠ Laura is a Harry Potter and Star Wars geek and enjoys sampling different gins. In her spare time, Laura writes her own blog and organises events for bloggers and influencers around the country.⁠ ⁠ Favourite film⁠ - Shawshank Redemption⁠ Favourite band⁠ - Green Day⁠ Favourite Video Game⁠ - Pokemon⁠ Favourite Book⁠ - Lovely Bones⁠ Random Fact⁠ - Born in a bus stop in Wales (she was also on Four Weddings)⁠ ⁠
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Today’s the day! Version 5.4 of WordPress is here and with it a range of refinements, updates, and changes. Let’s go over the biggest items in the update so you know what to look out for.
https://www.34sp.com/…/wordpress-5-4-wh ats-new-in-the-late…/


Who is enjoying working in the sunshine?
Share your working from home set up with us
#Workingfromhome #workfromhome


We are joining the #ClapforNHS tonight
#ClapForCarers #ClapOurCarers #NHSThankYou #ClapForOurCarers


Working from home is a new situation for many and finding the right tools to use as well as how to see the best in the situation can be hard at times like this. We thought we would take this opportunity to share how we, as a company, work from home and the positives we get out of it.
Let us know what you are enjoying about working from home
https://www.34sp.com/…/working-from-hom e-staying-connected…/


Time to train up the mini developers and keep them occupied with a fun yet educational activity. Take a look at Scratch, a free online site that teaches programming to kids. Get them to create their very own game with drag and drop blocks.


If you are working from home you may find it difficult to self motivate and get things done. There are lots of apps that you can use that allows you to manage your workload. ⁠ ⁠ Our Social Media Manager uses Todoist to not only keep track on all of her tasks for a week but also to allocate them to each day and create recurring tasks so you can tick them off when complete and allow them to reappear on the correct day. Ticking off tasks as you do them helps you feel productive ...which is really important when working from home. ⁠ ⁠ Do you use an app to keep track of your daily tasks?⁠ ⁠ #WorkingFromHome #WFH #Todoist #34SP
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We know that a lot of people will be in the unusual situation of having to work from home for the first time. All of our fully trained staff worked from home one day a week prior to the current global situation so we wanted to share some of our top tips for working from home⁠ ⁠ * Make sure you have an appropriate place to work⁠ * Minimise your distractions⁠ * Keep your regular hours and make sure you take breaks⁠... * Create a routine to get you ready to work⁠ * Get some fresh air every day⁠ * Keep in contact with colleagues⁠ * Make sure you know when to turn off⁠ ⁠ Do you have any other tips for working from home?⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #Workingfromhome #workfromhome #tipsforworkingfromhome #wfhtips #wfh #wordpress #34SP #WordPressCommunity
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By now you’ve undoubtedly seen a lot of updates from a variety of companies regarding their plans and policies surrounding the trending outbreak of the novel coronavirus. We wanted to very briefly share our own.
Thankfully the nature of our work makes us better placed that most to adapt to the challenging situation. Starting today we’ve formally activated our plan to allow all staff to work remotely for an indefinite period. Indeed we already allow staff to work remote once per week as a small perk, so the transition is relatively simple for us as a company. Our office also remains open to those staff who might need a place to work and/or live very close.
https://www.34sp.com/…/wordpress-and-we b-hosting-in-the-wo…/


Are you looking for good quality, copyright-free images to use on your site? Take a look at Unsplash for the internet's source of freely usable images


Do you obsess over your stats? Always thinking about how to do better? Working in an isolated environment? Pushing yourself to meet tough deadlines? ⁠ ⁠ Have you heard of WP&UP? They support and promote positive mental health within the WordPress community. Their site is full of useful articles as well as having a great community that you can reach out to for support and advice.


It is World Book Day today and although this is usually an event marked by kids, we think that everyone should embrace the concept. Whether you are reading for knowledge or for pleasure, there is nothing quite like getting engrossed in a good book. ⁠ ⁠ Have you read anything good recently?


Did you know that we provide free hosting to hundreds of UK charities? ⁠ ⁠ We understand that every pound not spent hosting their website is a pound that can be spent on their core activities.⁠ ⁠ You can find out more about our charity hosting by visiting our website.⁠
... https://www.34sp.com/charity-hosting ⁠ #Charity #GiveBack #MakeaChange #DoingOurBit
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If you received an email from Lets Encrypt regarding your secure certificate being revoked please log a support ticket in your control panel detailing the domain in the email so we can renew this for you.


When was the last time you performed a site audit?⁠ ⁠ Checking the health of your site, taking a back up and ensuring everything is up to date is a great way to start the month. ⁠ ⁠ Take a look at our blog post on performing a site audit⁠
... https://www.34sp.com/…/start-the-new-ye ar-with-a-full-audi…/
https://www.34sp.com/…/start-the-new-ye ar-with-a-full-audi…/
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More about 34Sp

Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:30 - 17:30
Sunday: 09:30 - 17:30