

There are lots more stalls and events signed up for the Fleet Pond Wildlife Day on Sunday 26th May 10am - 2pm. If you'd like to find out more about this FREE event and what activities are taking place visit our facebook page www.facebook.com/hartcountrysideservices< br>


Lots of Free guided walks events at the Fleet Pond Wildlife Day on Sunday 26th May 10am - 2pm. Great way to get the kids out and learn lots about the local wildlife :D


Easter Trail at Fleet Pond Tomorrow and Monday
Sunday 31st March (Easter Sunday) and Monday 1st April (Easter Monday) join us for an Easter trail around Fleet Pond. Drop in anytime between 10am and 2pm at the Fleet Pond picnic area and pick up a trail leaflet. Follow the trail around the pond answering clues and taking part in activities, and at the end receive an Easter egg. £3 per tail pack (includes Easter egg)
The picnic area will be sign posted from the Main Fleet Pond ...Car Park (the road has a lot of pot holes at the moment so please drive carefully) alternatively you can park at the Fleet Train Station Car Park which will also have sign posts to the picnic area.
Please wear suitable footwear as it is slightly muddy in some places
Louise Greenwood Fleet Pond Countryside Ranger
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Take a look at the January 2013 Offer. Membership from £1.00 a day. If you missed the Christmas rush, this offer is on for the whole of January! A great way to start your New Year Fitness resolution Click the link for details www.threesixfive.org.uk/membership/162-ne w-year-offer-2013


Take a look at the January 2013 Offer. Membership from £1.00 a day. If you missed the Christmas rush, this offer is on for the whole of January! A great way to start your New Year Fitness resolution Click the link for details www.threesixfive.org.uk/membership/162-ne w-year-offer-2013


Take a look at the January 2013 Offer. Membership from £1.00 a day. If you missed the Christmas rush, this offer is on for the whole of January! A great way to start your New Year Fitness resolution Click the link for details www.threesixfive.org.uk/membership/162-ne w-year-offer-2013


Take a look at the January 2013 Offer. Membership from £1.00 a day. If you missed the Christmas rush, this offer is on for the whole of January! A great way to start your New Year Fitness resolution Click the link for details www.threesixfive.org.uk/membership/162-ne w-year-offer-2013


Have you seen the Avenue of Champions exhibition at Hart Leisure Centre? Watch the video of Ben Dearnley the artist explain about them

More about 365

365 is located at Civic Offices, Harlington Way, GU51 4AE Fleet, Hampshire
01252 622122