365 Functional Fitness

About 365 Functional Fitness

A Personal Training And Sports Therapy Practice for Human Performance

365 Functional Fitness Description

365 Functional Fitness - 'A Personal Training Practice'

We are Bassetlaw's leading One 2 One Personal Training company, We Specialise in Functional Training, Sports performance and Nutritional education.

At 365 we believe multi directional movement is the key to success for those wishing to improve their overall health and fitness. With this in mind and with the help of Escape Fitness Ltd we have created a world class bespoke functional training area, free of traditional gym equipment, so our clients can move freely in as much space as possible.

The studio is is fully private for our clients to use whilst training meaning no distractions. We offer the very best service possible and are happy to discuss all your personal needs and goals within you initial pre training consultation.

We also deliver classes such as kettlebell training, box-a-cise, TRX training, FMT, Circuit training and boot camp fitness.

We also know the importance of quality nutrition and deliver our in house 365 Nutrition programmes to our clients so they can maximise their results.

Take a new step forward and discover much more . . .



Project 12 - Bill
Weight Loss 8.8kg (19 Pounds) Body Fat Loss 9.5kg (21 Pounds) Body Fat % Loss - 6.2%... Visceral Fat Loss - 4 Waist - 15cm Chest - 5cm Hips - 10cm Leg - 5cm Arm - 2cm
Big congrats to my man Bill. Bill come from a cross fit background, so he already had a good level of fitness and some experience.
The goal was to shape him up better and reduce his body fat, so he had a much leaner physique.
BillŌĆÖs work ethic In every session was top drawer and his athleticism improved every week. There were a few setbacks along the way but overall heŌĆÖs nailed it.
Loved training you mate, had some great laughs and youŌĆÖre attitude has been spot on.
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PROJECT 6 FINAL RESULTS Hannah Rowett Age 47
Results as follows:- Weightloss 11lbs... Body Fat Percentage Loss 4.6% Body Fat Weightloss 10lbs Hydration Increase 2.3% Muscle Mass increase 4% Metabolic Age Loss 10 years Visceral Fat Loss 6 to 5 CM Loss Chest - 6cm Waist - 9.4cm Hips - 6cm Arm - 2.1cm Leg - 5cm
Well done to Hannah Rowett on the completion of her second Project 6. Hannah has carried on from from where she left off after her first project 6, sticking 100 percent to her nutrition plan and pushing herself to the max during training. This time round Hannah hit 2 upper body sessions, 1 lower body session and a cardio/core based session. YouŌĆÖve been a pleasure to train as always and couldnŌĆÖt be happier with your results youŌĆÖve achieved this year. Well done ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ
­¤æÅ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ #Pt #personaltrainer #personaltraining #trainer #training #fit #fitfam #fitness #weightlosstransformation #transformation #fatloss #weightloss #weightlossjourney #muscle #strength #strong #health #healthy #healthyfood #365 #365fitness #landellspersonaltraining #rosslandellspersonaltraining #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #nutrition #healthyliving #cardio #weights
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One of our own.... Frankie has worked hard pre season and looking to push forward at just 15 years of age and making plenty of noise to those above. Watch this space....
Brilliant work mate keep it up ­¤Æ¬


Project 6 - Sally
Weight Loss - 9.1kg (20 Pounds) Fat Loss - 10.5kg (23 Pounds) Body Fat% Loss - 6.2%... Visceral Fat Loss - 3 Hips - 11cm Waist - 12cm Chest - 8cm Arm - 3.5cm Upper Leg - 8cm Lower Leg - 5cm
What a result from our Sally. Absolutely nailed it. Never strayed away from the plan once, trained her butt off and the results are there to be seen
This is the second time Sally as done P6 and sheŌĆÖs smashed it again.
The photos only tell a small part of the story, her Fitness is so much better, her strength is ridiculous and her technique is now spot on with all her big lifts. She can also get in her jumpsuit, which apparently is the most important part.
Loved training you Sal. This is just the start. Thanks for all your efforts, you should be very proud. See you Wednesday ­¤śē
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Please be respectful and bring a sweat towel with you to the studio, it is not other peopleŌĆÖs job to clean your sweat up ­¤Æ¬­¤æŹ­¤Åŗ’ĖÅŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ


Massive shout out to Mick and Emma who are both PT clients at 365 Functional Fitness. Just two weeks ago they tackled man vs coast for a 25 mile tough off road/ in water trail run. This however was just part 1 of the challenge they have set this year.
This weekend they then went on to complete part 2 which was man vs lakes which they covered another 30 miles of gruelling terrain in the blistering heat and once again managed to smash it.
But Wait for it... in a couple of mon...ths they will have those trail running shoes back on as they hit Edinburgh for the final part of the challenge in 2018.
Incredible athletes and awesome work ethics. Inspiring stuff ­¤Æ¬­¤Æ¬­¤Öī­¤Öī
A massive congratulations from everyone back at 365
H ­¤Æ¬­¤Æ¬­¤Æ¬
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Massive shout out to my good friend Tom who completed the Iron Man event today. Big respect brother ­¤Æ¬­¤Æ¬­¤Æ¬­¤Æ¬­¤Æ¬


Leon Gull
I have worked with Leon for some years now and only recently Leon has started to really put more time and effort into his health and fitness. Again seeing all the success of other projects around the gym Leon wanted to test his will power out and sign up to a project 6.
... If I am totally Honest I thought no chance frompast experience ­¤Öä however how wrong was I. Leon stuck to the plan and kept alcohol to a zero and for his efforts Leon managed to lose a whopping 20 lbs of weight loss and reduce his body fat by 6%. Losing a total of 26.5 cm off his circumference measurements Leon had completely smashed his 6 weeks on plan.
Leon has now proven just what can be achieved if he adopts a healthier lifestyle and IŌĆÖm chuffed to bits with the results we achieved together. Top guy
Keep up the great work
H ­¤Æ¬­¤Åŗ’ĖÅŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤Öī­¤æÅ
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Client - Emma Ryan Age - 46
... This was EmmaŌĆÖs second project with me. In 2017 Emma smashed her first project as part of her prep for her long distance running event in the peaks. After evaluating the project and plotting future plans Emma decided to add another session in and work on conditioning with more weight based training sessions over the next year. It was head down and train eat train. No questions Emma put her trust in me and 2017 was a great year for her..
Now 2018 and Emma was ready to kickstart her next programme, starting in a much better stronger place with some much needed added muscle mass to her frame and running prep going well. The plan doesnŌĆÖt really compliment each other on paper but again we just worked the 4 sessions a week around conditioning and the pics clearly show...
EmmaŌĆÖs dedication to training is unreal, her focus and desire to achieve time and time again is admirable. 100% on it in both nutrition and training.
Important part ­¤æć
ŌĆ£consistencyŌĆØ is absolutely everything and some clients after finishing plans let all of the controlled variables when on plan then go to shit. For example After a plan finishes supplementation must continue, training intensity must continue (dropping sessions, missing sessions will only make you go backwards) constant efforts with nutritional habits must continue ( the more shit you eat, the more alcohol you consume) - get the point ??? When one, two or all of these variables start to slip backwards then hey guess what... yes we will put weight on, we will lose muscle conditioning, we will feel crappy and the results we was once achieving will soon be reverted if the individual does not control the environment that they live with in. We are here to guide you and coach you on optimum nutrition and quality motivational training. When on plan we control your variables which give us the results we seek, outside of this you guys have to work hard and take responsibility of been a adult and ultimately look after the body you live in. We are always here to help and push you along, but if you give it the ­¤¢Ģ then you only have your self to blame ­¤śÅ
It is sooooo important you constantly work hard to keep consistency, the people who do will generally keep in good shape compared to the people that donŌĆÖt keep consistent in all of these variables.
Emma this weekend has tackled man v coast and in two weeks time will then tackle another long distance event covering another marathon over the peaks.
Emma achieved 11.2 lbs weight loss and achieved a Finished Body fat reading of - 15.7 % which gave her a loss of 5.6%
It has been a real pleasure again coaching Emma through the project and IŌĆÖm already looking forward to 2019 when we hopefully will hit a project 12 ­¤ś¼­¤ś¼­¤ś¼... get ready
Massive respect Emma, inspiring lady ­¤æÅ
H ­¤Æ¬­¤Æ¬­¤Æ¬
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Results as follows:- Weightloss 11lbs Body Fat Percentage Loss 9% Body Fat Weightloss 12lbs... Hydration Increase 6.2% Muscle Mass increase 8.1% Visceral Fat Level at 1 CM Loss Chest - 4.8cm Waist - 7.6cm Hips - 5.7cm Arm - 2.9cm Leg - 3.6cm
Firstly want to say well done to Leigh for achieving such amazing results after just 8 weeks of her Project 12. Her Project has come to an end due to a job offer thatŌĆÖs too good to turn down but itŌĆÖs not the end of the road for her training, itŌĆÖs just the beginning as Leigh is carrying on with PT when her work hours and my busy diary allow a session. Before her project started Leigh came to meet me worrying about a few aspects of the project. These worries included would she be able to do it as sheŌĆÖs never lifted a weight in her life before starting out and would she benefit from a 6 or a 12 week project. Upon discussing these issues we both agreed that a project 12 would be the perfect fit as it gives time to learn the weighted exercises. From the off Leigh hit the weights like sheŌĆÖd always lifted without any problems whatsoever, she came across as a natural and was an absolute joy to train. With regards to the nutrition, Leigh was a perfectionist and stuck 100% to the plan and this shines through in her results. Very well done, your results are amazing ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ #Pt #personaltrainer #personaltraining #trainer #training #fit #fitfam #fitness #weightlosstransformation #transformation #fatloss #weightloss #weightlossjourney #muscle #strength #strong #health #healthy #healthyfood #365 #365fitness #landellspersonaltraining #rosslandellspersonaltraining #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #nutrition #healthyliving #cardio #weights
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Jill Pitchford PROJECT 6 RESULTS
Results as follows:- Weightloss 16.5lbs Body Fat Percentage Loss 2.7% Body Fat Weightloss 13lbs... Hydration Increase 1.1% Muscle Mass increase 2% Visceral Fat Loss -1 CM Loss Chest - 3.5cm Waist - 12.2cm Hips - 7.7cm Arm - 1.8cm Leg - 0.6cm
Well done to Jill on the completion of her Project 6, youŌĆÖve done fantastic. The last 6 weeks have been a continuation of where JillŌĆÖs training left off since starting personal training in April. From day one your determination, attitude and desire to push yourself to the limits have been second to none. Every single session IŌĆÖve watched you give 100%, time and time again without fail. Your results speak for themselves despite not having a kitchen for half the project either. IŌĆÖm looking forward to carrying on with your journey of hitting your long term goal by the end of the year. Great work be very proud of yourself. ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ #Pt #personaltrainer #personaltraining #trainer #training #fit #fitfam #fitness #weightlosstransformation #transformation #fatloss #weightloss #weightlossjourney #muscle #strength #strong #health #healthy #healthyfood #365 #365fitness #landellspersonaltraining #rosslandellspersonaltraining #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #nutrition #healthyliving #cardio #weights
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Project 6 - Sophie
Weight Loss - 8.5KG (19 Pounds) Body Fat % Loss 5.1% Body FatKG Loss - 7.3KG(16.8 Pounds)... Visceral Fat Loss - 2 Waist - 15cm Hips - 10cm Arm - 4.5cm ­¤ś│­¤ś│ Upper Leg - 5cm Lower Leg - 1cm Chest - 8cm
What absolutely brilliant results Sophie. But these only tell a small part of the story. Your fitness, shape and athleticism have all massively improved in 6 weeks.
YouŌĆÖve been a pleasure to instruct, come to every session with a great attitude and the weights you are now lifting are impressive.
Thanks for your efforts, you deserve a top time in Barcelona.
Well done
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Sheffield United young hot shot Frankie Maguire working hard in his pre season prep. Remember this name ­¤æī­¤Æ¬ŌÜĮ’ĖÅ


PROJECT 6 FINAL RESULTS Hannah Rowett Age 48
Results as follows:- Weightloss 18lbs... Body Fat Percentage Loss 3.3% Body Fat Weightloss 15lbs Hydration Increase 0.9% Muscle Mass increase 3% Metabolic Age Loss 6 years CM Loss Chest - 8cm Waist - 7.4cm Hips - 13.2cm Arm - 3.7cm Leg - 4.8cm
Well done to Hannah Rowett on the completion of her Project 6 From the get go Hannah kicked off into her project brilliantly adapting to the nutrition and increasing training sessions to 4 times a week without a problem. Hannah progressed both cardio and resistance wise throughout the 6 weeks as fitness performances increased week on week. Well done and great work!! ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ #Pt #personaltrainer #personaltraining #trainer #training #fit #fitfam #fitness #weightlosstransformation #transformation #fatloss #weightloss #weightlossjourney #muscle #strength #strong #health #healthy #healthyfood #365 #365fitness #landellspersonaltraining #rosslandellspersonaltraining #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #nutrition #healthyliving #cardio #weights
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PROJECT 12 FINAL RESULTS Marie Hallam Age 51
Results as follows:- Weightloss 27lbs... Body Fat Percentage Loss 7.3% Body Fat Weightloss 24lbs Hydration Increase 6.9% Muscle Mass increase 7% Metabolic Age Loss 8 years CM Loss Chest - 11.5cm Waist - 22.4cm Hips - 11.9cm Arm - 3.5cm Leg - 7.8cm
Big well done to Marie Hallam on the completion of her project 12. I couldnŌĆÖt be happier for Marie at the end of this project. It was tough going for her at the start, not just getting her head around the nutrition side of things but realising it was a lifestyle change also. As the project progressed Marie adapted well and changes were made accordingly as required to her plan. Ive watched MarieŌĆÖs fitness grow week on week throughout this project and she is now a regular to spin on a Sunday morning. Marie is capable of so much more than she realises and I look forward to helping her confidence grow throughout our next journey. Well done and great work!! ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ #Pt #personaltrainer #personaltraining #trainer #training #fit #fitfam #fitness #weightlosstransformation #transformation #fatloss #weightloss #weightlossjourney #muscle #strength #strong #health #healthy #healthyfood #365 #365fitness #landellspersonaltraining #rosslandellspersonaltraining #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #nutrition #healthyliving #cardio #weights
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Results as follows:- Weightloss 6lbs... Body Fat Percentage Loss 3% from 25.4% to 22.4% Body Fat Weightloss 5lbs Hydration Increase 3.2% Muscle Mass increase 3% Metabolic Age Loss 3 years from 21 to 18 CM Loss Chest - 2.7cm Waist - 7.4cm Hips - 3.3cm Arm - 1.4cm
Congratulations to Laura on completing of her 6 week project. Laura was a regular PT client of mine up until about 3/4 months ago when she went on her honeymoon and then on her return had a couple bouts of illness so was unable to train. So Laura had decided to do a project to get her back into training again. Due to her not needing any cardio and not requiring large amounts of weightloss we agreed that weŌĆÖd achieve her goals using resistance work only focusing 2 days on upper body and 2 days on lower body incorporating core work into each day as this was an area Laura wanted to work on more than most. ItŌĆÖs been a pleasure working with you again and couldnŌĆÖt be happier for you achieving the results you have. Well done and great work!! ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ #Pt #personaltrainer #personaltraining #trainer #training #fit #fitfam #fitness #weightlosstransformation #transformation #fatloss #weightloss #weightlossjourney #muscle #strength #strong #health #healthy #healthyfood #365 #365fitness #landellspersonaltraining #rosslandellspersonaltraining #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #nutrition #healthyliving #cardio #weights
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Project 6 - Amy and Adam
Amy Weight Loss - 6.8KG (15 Pounds) Body Fat Loss - 8KG (17.6 Pounds)
... Adam Weight Loss - 9KG (20 Pounds) Body Fat Loss - 10KG (22 Pounds)
Loved training this great couple, not only achieving great weight loss results but also watching their fitness dramatically improve over the last 6 weeks. (see results in the comments)
TheyŌĆÖve put in some serious hard work over the last 6 weeks, and the results show this.
Well done to both of you, you should be proud. Total respect guys. ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤æŹ­¤Å╗< br> See More


Project 12 - Rach
Weight Loss - 14 Pounds Body Fat KG Loss - 8.2 KG (18 Pounds) Body Fat % Loss - 7%... Muscle Gain - 4 Pounds Visceral Fat Loss - 2 Metabolic Age - 52-36 Waist - 10cm Hips - 11cm Chest - 6.5cm Upper Leg - 6.5cm Lower Leg - 4cm Arm - 1.5cm
A great and exemplary transformation. Again dismissing the myth that we should only focus on what we weigh. Rach as Lost 18 pounds of body fat and gained 4 pounds of muscle. ­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗­¤Æ¬­¤Å╗ This is very difficult whilst in a calorie deficit.
SheŌĆÖs now lost a total of 21 pounds since joining us last year, but itŌĆÖs the improvements in her physique and athleticism that are most impressive.
Well done Rach, loved training you and very proud of how far youŌĆÖve come, enjoy your holiday and weŌĆÖll get straight back on it when youŌĆÖre back
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When only the best will do. first class training.


The best place to train!! #TEAM365 Ō£ģ


Started my journey with 365 in January and honestly transformed my body my health and over all fitness. #stronger#leaner#faster. The team is amazing and recommend this to anyone that wants to change there body or lifestyle in the correct way.


Personal, prolific, proficient and polite.

Bespoke all accommodating studio, this guy combined with this studio will bring the best out of you and get you fitter than you've ever imagined


Personal Training with Ross Landelles , was the best move I have ever made , Really well worth every penny . Started p12 with Ross 10 weeks ago and he as help me so much , I am still joined at an other big gym , but I can honestly say I will be staying with these guys at 365 . The results are amazing in just 10 weeks , Never learned so much from any other gym , and I have been joined to a lot over the years , like I have learned here with these personal trainers , you will never look back xx


On Satureday 04/10/14 I visited Howard at 365 Functional Fitness for my 1st watt bike session. The set up is amazing everything you could need or want and the service was 2nd to non. Howard talked me through the plan step by step before putting me through my paces which helped settle any nerves. It was an awesome workout and will 100% be going back to check on improvement through the winter so I'm ready for next season! Highly recommended to everyone.


Just want everyone to know how fantastic this place is. I've just finished an intensive 12 week programme with Howard called P12. Although I only weighed just over 10 stone and was reasonably healthy, at a health check with the nurse I was told my visceral fat (around my middle) was in the amber range on her measure. That's what made me engage in the programme in the first place. The results have been fantastic and I have lost over a stone and a half in weight and gone down to under 30% body fat which I feel so proud about. At the beginning I had terrible sugar withdrawal symptoms as all refined sugar was cut from my diet. It made me realise how bad it is for my and I've vowed to stay off it for good. The last 12 weeks are the start of my journey and whilst I don't want to loose any more weight I want to keep chipping away at my body fat percentage. I'll keep going to 365, everyone is so supportive and it's like one big 'fit family' and carry on pushing myself. People have been asking me what my secret is and no one could believe I had anything to loose in the first place. Howard's before and after photos tell a different story!! It's amazing how you can hide fat under your clothes! As for value for money, P12 is incredible. Although I have had to buy a whole new wardrobe of clothes ’┐Į Thanks again to Howard and the team at 365. You're all awesome ’┐Į’┐Į


It's like a relationship they give you.....fabulous facilities, friendly trainers, wealth of knowledge, support, experience and motivational advice in the bucket loads...

all you need to do is put your trust in them, believe in yourself and give nothing less than 100% and you will not go far wrong....... ’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į


In March I decided to contact Andy about P12 due to having a group holiday booked for the middle of this year. With my severe anxieties and confidence issues with my physique I knew I had to change the thoughts I had about food and my body structure. Andy gave me all the information about the 12 week programme and made sure I was to follow it step by step before agreeing. 20th February was when my p12 journey began.

Although i'd trained with Andy a couple of years back, never did I realise how much I would be put through my paces. For the first 3 weeks I was doubting my decisions. I was craving so many foods and suffering from major DOMS, but when week 4 came around I was as ready as I could have ever been! I was starting to see physical changes. The changes I wanted (becoming leaner/stronger and having food security), but also changes that didn't cross my mind! I started to feel happier in myself, my confidence started to grow, my skin became healthier and so did my hair!! (Added bonuses!!)

Andy has taught me not to be a 'girl' in the gym and experiment with strength/weight training, not to get caught up on weight loss, and that 'changes' do not happen overnight. I know I still have a long way to go but without p12 I would have nil confidence, nil understanding of effective workouts and most importantly not have a full understanding of healthy eating!

I seriously cannot thank you enough Andy, not just for helping me change my lifestyle and making me stronger, but for putting up with my constant moaning!!

Also a big shout out to all the other guys who work at 365. Lacking in confidence I used to hate going to the gym, but I can honestly say these guys are so welcoming and not once have I felt embarrassed or out of place during my sessions!


I would like to send a special thanku to Sarah for her professional help throughout the year at 365 loved every minute of it n will carry on doing so ! Her help n advice as been 100%

I've lost weight , toned up n feel more confident in myself I've also met some lovely people while training ,

Thanku to guesty n Ross for the spin classes I no I'm a beginner but love em n hope to start more classes in the future , I couldn't of done it without any of you xx


I seriously can't imagine why 365 would get anything other that 5 stars I started my journey with them just over 12 months ago as an extremely unfit and inactive person. In the time I have been going I have lost weight and improved my fitness levels 100% I have made some fantastic friends and can honestly say that P12 was one of the best things I have ever done big thank you to Andrew guest my pt and Howard hill for providing the facilities


I have been into fitness and health for a number of years and Howard is a top class trainer with knowledge and integrity that knows no bounds , and above all it's you that he will devote his time to , with the 365 gym and Howard , Worksop and area should feel lucky


I first began training at 365 in Sept '17. I had finally plucked up the courage after a couple of years (yes years!) after seeing results of friends who train there. I made contact half expecting to be told they couldn't fit me in for a few more months (phew!) but no - Ross managed to find a training time to suit me starting just two days later.

Having never worked with a PT before I was a little nervous, expecting to feel embarrassed & to be shouted instructions army boot camp style - I couldn't have been more wrong. Ross worked me at a pace I could manage & allowed me to rest (frequently!) as needed but wouldn't allow me to slack off either ’┐Į. The training has been a mix of cardio and weights - which I hadn't done before but now I love. I had days where my muscles ached so much I could barely sit but I was beginning to see results and so were others. 3 months down the line I decided to try P12 - a 12 week project focussing on nutrition & fitness - beginning in the new year. My goal was to lose weight (for others it may be increasing their fitness/stamina or improving physique - the plans are tailored to your needs). I finished my plan yesterday and have lost 22lbs and dropped 2 dress sizes. I couldn't be happier with the results.

I plan to continue with my training, and after a little splurge this weekend (after all I've earned it!) I will be back on plan - and enjoying it. My views on food have changed (though I still like a little chocolate brownie or two) and the weeks of food prep have become routine, so I'm hoping to continue my weight loss over the coming months & who knows maybe I'll be back in a bikini for my summer hols!

The 365 team are great Ross, Andrew & Howard all know their stuff. The other gym users range in age/sex and fitness levels including footballer fitness types to short, fat, barely moving 45yr old women (me) - it is NOT a place where you will feel daunted or intimidated by muscle heads ’┐Į, though I'm sure they would be welcome too!

Great team. Great 'fit family'. Great atmosphere.

Get yourself booked in - you're worth it!’┐Į’┐Į


Had a lot of issues with my neck and shoulders and after 1 session with Andrew I feel like a new woman!, if you have aches, pain or niggles I would definitely recommend booking in with him he's sorted me out a treat and il defo be returning x


Great Gym, dedicated, hard working team, really good setup. What's not to like!


Excellent facility with highly qualified and knowledgeable team of personal trainers.


Brilliant personal trainers who will work you out to the maximum and feel like you have acheived something


Awesome set up !! Everything you need and more !


When only the best will do. first class training.


The best place to train!! #TEAM365 Ō£ģ


Started my journey with 365 in January and honestly transformed my body my health and over all fitness. #stronger#leaner#faster. The team is amazing and recommend this to anyone that wants to change there body or lifestyle in the correct way.


Personal, prolific, proficient and polite.

Bespoke all accommodating studio, this guy combined with this studio will bring the best out of you and get you fitter than you've ever imagined


Personal Training with Ross Landelles , was the best move I have ever made , Really well worth every penny . Started p12 with Ross 10 weeks ago and he as help me so much , I am still joined at an other big gym , but I can honestly say I will be staying with these guys at 365 . The results are amazing in just 10 weeks , Never learned so much from any other gym , and I have been joined to a lot over the years , like I have learned here with these personal trainers , you will never look back xx


On Satureday 04/10/14 I visited Howard at 365 Functional Fitness for my 1st watt bike session. The set up is amazing everything you could need or want and the service was 2nd to non. Howard talked me through the plan step by step before putting me through my paces which helped settle any nerves. It was an awesome workout and will 100% be going back to check on improvement through the winter so I'm ready for next season! Highly recommended to everyone.


Just want everyone to know how fantastic this place is. I've just finished an intensive 12 week programme with Howard called P12. Although I only weighed just over 10 stone and was reasonably healthy, at a health check with the nurse I was told my visceral fat (around my middle) was in the amber range on her measure. That's what made me engage in the programme in the first place. The results have been fantastic and I have lost over a stone and a half in weight and gone down to under 30% body fat which I feel so proud about. At the beginning I had terrible sugar withdrawal symptoms as all refined sugar was cut from my diet. It made me realise how bad it is for my and I've vowed to stay off it for good. The last 12 weeks are the start of my journey and whilst I don't want to loose any more weight I want to keep chipping away at my body fat percentage. I'll keep going to 365, everyone is so supportive and it's like one big 'fit family' and carry on pushing myself. People have been asking me what my secret is and no one could believe I had anything to loose in the first place. Howard's before and after photos tell a different story!! It's amazing how you can hide fat under your clothes! As for value for money, P12 is incredible. Although I have had to buy a whole new wardrobe of clothes ’┐Į Thanks again to Howard and the team at 365. You're all awesome ’┐Į’┐Į


It's like a relationship they give you.....fabulous facilities, friendly trainers, wealth of knowledge, support, experience and motivational advice in the bucket loads...

all you need to do is put your trust in them, believe in yourself and give nothing less than 100% and you will not go far wrong....... ’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į


In March I decided to contact Andy about P12 due to having a group holiday booked for the middle of this year. With my severe anxieties and confidence issues with my physique I knew I had to change the thoughts I had about food and my body structure. Andy gave me all the information about the 12 week programme and made sure I was to follow it step by step before agreeing. 20th February was when my p12 journey began.

Although i'd trained with Andy a couple of years back, never did I realise how much I would be put through my paces. For the first 3 weeks I was doubting my decisions. I was craving so many foods and suffering from major DOMS, but when week 4 came around I was as ready as I could have ever been! I was starting to see physical changes. The changes I wanted (becoming leaner/stronger and having food security), but also changes that didn't cross my mind! I started to feel happier in myself, my confidence started to grow, my skin became healthier and so did my hair!! (Added bonuses!!)

Andy has taught me not to be a 'girl' in the gym and experiment with strength/weight training, not to get caught up on weight loss, and that 'changes' do not happen overnight. I know I still have a long way to go but without p12 I would have nil confidence, nil understanding of effective workouts and most importantly not have a full understanding of healthy eating!

I seriously cannot thank you enough Andy, not just for helping me change my lifestyle and making me stronger, but for putting up with my constant moaning!!

Also a big shout out to all the other guys who work at 365. Lacking in confidence I used to hate going to the gym, but I can honestly say these guys are so welcoming and not once have I felt embarrassed or out of place during my sessions!


I would like to send a special thanku to Sarah for her professional help throughout the year at 365 loved every minute of it n will carry on doing so ! Her help n advice as been 100%

I've lost weight , toned up n feel more confident in myself I've also met some lovely people while training ,

Thanku to guesty n Ross for the spin classes I no I'm a beginner but love em n hope to start more classes in the future , I couldn't of done it without any of you xx


I seriously can't imagine why 365 would get anything other that 5 stars I started my journey with them just over 12 months ago as an extremely unfit and inactive person. In the time I have been going I have lost weight and improved my fitness levels 100% I have made some fantastic friends and can honestly say that P12 was one of the best things I have ever done big thank you to Andrew guest my pt and Howard hill for providing the facilities


I have been into fitness and health for a number of years and Howard is a top class trainer with knowledge and integrity that knows no bounds , and above all it's you that he will devote his time to , with the 365 gym and Howard , Worksop and area should feel lucky


I first began training at 365 in Sept '17. I had finally plucked up the courage after a couple of years (yes years!) after seeing results of friends who train there. I made contact half expecting to be told they couldn't fit me in for a few more months (phew!) but no - Ross managed to find a training time to suit me starting just two days later.

Having never worked with a PT before I was a little nervous, expecting to feel embarrassed & to be shouted instructions army boot camp style - I couldn't have been more wrong. Ross worked me at a pace I could manage & allowed me to rest (frequently!) as needed but wouldn't allow me to slack off either ’┐Į. The training has been a mix of cardio and weights - which I hadn't done before but now I love. I had days where my muscles ached so much I could barely sit but I was beginning to see results and so were others. 3 months down the line I decided to try P12 - a 12 week project focussing on nutrition & fitness - beginning in the new year. My goal was to lose weight (for others it may be increasing their fitness/stamina or improving physique - the plans are tailored to your needs). I finished my plan yesterday and have lost 22lbs and dropped 2 dress sizes. I couldn't be happier with the results.

I plan to continue with my training, and after a little splurge this weekend (after all I've earned it!) I will be back on plan - and enjoying it. My views on food have changed (though I still like a little chocolate brownie or two) and the weeks of food prep have become routine, so I'm hoping to continue my weight loss over the coming months & who knows maybe I'll be back in a bikini for my summer hols!

The 365 team are great Ross, Andrew & Howard all know their stuff. The other gym users range in age/sex and fitness levels including footballer fitness types to short, fat, barely moving 45yr old women (me) - it is NOT a place where you will feel daunted or intimidated by muscle heads ’┐Į, though I'm sure they would be welcome too!

Great team. Great 'fit family'. Great atmosphere.

Get yourself booked in - you're worth it!’┐Į’┐Į


Had a lot of issues with my neck and shoulders and after 1 session with Andrew I feel like a new woman!, if you have aches, pain or niggles I would definitely recommend booking in with him he's sorted me out a treat and il defo be returning x


Great Gym, dedicated, hard working team, really good setup. What's not to like!


Excellent facility with highly qualified and knowledgeable team of personal trainers.


Brilliant personal trainers who will work you out to the maximum and feel like you have acheived something


Awesome set up !! Everything you need and more !

More about 365 Functional Fitness

365 Functional Fitness is located at Studio 7, creative village, canal road, worksop, S80 2EH Worksop
07800 761845