
About 4Ai

4AI - half alive, half dead, it never dies. It's coming! It will take you to a new 3D /VR world and another world and another. . . Be aware 4AI never dies!

4Ai Description

The never-ending 3D /VR universe creator. The home for future Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) - Extended Reality (XR).



#Universe3D project is getting better and more interesting with every day. In this video you can see an example of #Book3D, small #Firm3D, #Album3D, #Paintings3D, #SpaceGallery3D, #VRMars3D and #MountainsVR. If you have any suggestions how we can improve Universe3D projects or Universe3D Player, let us know. What would you like to see in #3D / #VR ?


Lately some new features have been added to the #Universe3D Player. The below video presents some of them. It is also a quick overview of some of the #Universe3D projects: #SpaceGallery3D, #VRMars3D, #MountainsVR and #Estates3D.


Please vote for our project SuperMarket3D if you like it at https://tinyurl.com/voom-supermarket3d. Click Vote, login and click Vote again. Thank you.


Our project SuperMarket3D has been added to the startup competition #VOOM PITCH 2018 (https://tinyurl.com/voom-supermarket3d). Please vote for it if you like it. Thank you in advance for voting, sharing and likes. Click Vote, login and click Vote again. SuperMarket3D improves shopping experience. Thank you.


On Monday 4AI3D.com went live :). More news coming soon.

More about 4Ai
