4R Office

About 4R Office

4R Office is a supplier of business products & services with an eco /ethical bias.

4R Office Description

We believe that for any business to achieve sustainable success Profit, People & the Planet should be treated as equally important.

Our trading relationship with wholesale heavyweight Banner and their logistics arm Truline means we can offer terms and services normally reserved for corporates to the whole of the UK business community. Truline deliver directly to our customers taking cost out of the supply chain.

The website leads with eco and ethical business products which are priced to give best value so you can protect your costs while managing your carbon footprint.

We donate 2% of turnover to the charity Pump Aid www. pumpaid.org who save lives in Africa by tackling two of the biggest killers ; contaminated drinking water & poor sanitation. Pump Aid help communities to build their own Elephant Pump to provide clean water & Elephant Toilets to improve sanitation.

4R Office is a trading name of 4R Future Ltd.

More about 4R Office
