56A Bike Space

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 15:00 - 19:00
Thursday: -
Friday: 15:00 - 19:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About 56A Bike Space

Located in South London, the 56a bike workshop is a space for Do It Yourself repairs and is run solely by volunteers.

56A Bike Space Description

The 56a bike workshop is a space for Do-It-Yourself repairs and is run solely by volunteers.

We have repair space and tools, as well as cheap new and second-hand parts like inner tubes, spokes, brake pads, cables, and patch kits etc.

We open only:

- Wednesday 3-7pm

- Friday 3-7pm

56a Crampton Street
SE17 3AE

We're always looking for more volunteers who can commit to a few hours per week for a shift. Being a workshop volunteer involves showing visitors where parts and tools are, giving advice, and helping people fix up shonky bikes (to the best of your ability - you don't need to be an expert mechanic! Patience and a passion for bikes are more important).



We will be closed this Friday! We need to do a bit of maintenance over the weekend - so hopefully we will return a better equipped, sturdier and ever so slightly cleaner bikespace


Well done to our friends Housing Action Southwark and Lambeth for their great protest raising this important issue for homeless families in Southwark and across London!
Homeless families are being housed in temporary accommodation further and further away from their schools, work places and communities. They are saying: No more long journeys to school! We need a home close to school!
Everyone needs and deserves safe, secure good quality council homes in their communities!


Hey everyone, this Friday is our last shift of the year! We'll be back on the 9th January ūüéĄūüéÖūüéĄ


"The Bangladeshi capital was paralysed for nine days, starting at the end of July, by protests involving tens of thousands of students.
Triggered by the killing of two schoolchildren by a minibus, the demonstrations started as a demand for better road safety, but spiralled into a larger expression of frustration against corruption and government impunity.
As protests have subsided in the past 48 hours, many of the students involved now fear reprisals from a government that ri...ghts groups say is becoming increasingly intolerant to opposition."
https://www.theguardian.com/…/none-will -be-spared-students-…
See More


Head over to the Community Cycle Works bike jumble tomorrow, grab a bargain and help a great local bike project!


Tonight, 5.30pm at 160 Tooley street! Support our local communities defending their neighbourhood from greedy developers! ūüźėūüŹį‚̧ԳŹ‚̧ԳŹ‚̧ԳŹ


This is our bodge fix of the week! Our trailer fixings will be broken no more!


Got a request from somebody to share this with folks who might be interested: "Planning on building a mobile bicycle sound system for Critical Mass and other such festivities! Have absolutely no idea about soundsystems, the electronics/mechanics of it all. If anyone knows a thing or two about such things and would be up for helping out and getting involved would be greatly appreciated. Contact Dan at: hiyodando@hotmail.com. Thanks"


It's too cold! So our mechanics will be taking a break soon. We are open the next 7 days then will be closed between the 21st Dec-6th Jan.


Solidarity with striking couriers in Brighton tonight! #NothingToLoseButYour...ūüėú
https://twitter.com/IWGB_CLB/status/93449 9218802331649


November issue of Rebel Roo - organise together for better pay and conditions!
https://www.weareplanc.org/wp-conte‚Ķ/‚Ä ¶/2017/11/Rebel-Roo.pdf


This event tomorrow at DIY Space for London looks really good. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wagfest-4- taking-up-space-ac…


Solidarity with Stop Killing Londoners campaigners who have been sent to prison for their awesome direct actions against air pollution.
They highlight the shocking statistic that 25 Londoners die each day because of dirty air. But the solution is simple: better public transport and cycle infrastructure - think how beautiful London could be!
No pollution - no prisons!
... Join their next protest on Thursday 23rd https://www.facebook.com/events/200633535 9649815/
See More


It's the 56a infoshop benefit gig tonight in Stockwell! See you there! https://www.facebook.com/events/147169038 2890800/

More about 56A Bike Space

56A Bike Space is located at 56a Crampton Street, SE17 3AE London, United Kingdom
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 15:00 - 19:00
Thursday: -
Friday: 15:00 - 19:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -