579 Fd Sqn - Eod & Search

About 579 Fd Sqn - Eod & Search

579 Field Squadron (Explosive Ordnance Disposal & Search), now recruiting at, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Rochester & Redhill, email 101ENGR-recruiting-multiuser@mod. gov. uk. Change your life today.



It doesn't always go to plan!!


If at 1st you don't succeed, try, try again!!


Money blues?
For some April is the end of the tax year, but for members of 579 Sqn it is the end of the training year. All those soldiers who have completed the required 27 days, passed their annual tests in subjects such as first aid, shooting, fitness and navigation are looking forward to their Bounties. A bounty is a tax free sum of up to £1759 that is paid in recognition of the commitment and ability to perform the role of a soldier.
So why not join today and receive your... bounty next year.
#blackcats579 @BlackCats579
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Business as usual for the EOD teams around the country.


We inspire ordinary people to exceptional achievements. We are the British Army.


Exercise FLAMING PHOENIX - Not sure if that’s smoke or steam coming off the troops but a great end to a busy exercise in challenging conditions! #FindWhereYouBelong
@101EngrRegt @101ERRA @Proud_Sappers @ArmySouthEast @SouthEastRFCA


A sense of belonging may sound like a small thing. Yet it fuels you as much as food and water, because it doesn't just feed your body, it feeds your mind and soul.
The stronger the sense of belonging - the stronger you become.
Sure, you could look for belonging in a football team or club, but the sense of belonging you'll find in the Army - well, that's the next level.
... When you've trained together side by side, learnt things no classroom can teach you and fought with each other, for each other - that creates a bond like no other. A bond that lasts a lifetime.
Belonging sees you through whatever life - on or off the battlefield - may throw at you.
This is belonging.
Watch this and other videos to find out - https://youtu.be/JPSWFr9_sJo
You can also find out more by going to this website - https://www.army.mod.uk/belong/belonging< br> See More


It’s that time of year when everyone has a fitness game face! Test yourself against @BritishArmy entry standards. #fitness #Motivated #CSReserves


579 Sqn took part in the 2017 event. The toughness of the challenge exceeded expectations with only one of the team making it to the finish line. Brilliant effort by all involved; looking forward to 2018!

More about 579 Fd Sqn - Eod & Search

579 Fd Sqn - Eod & Search is located at Army Reserve Centre, St Johns Road, TN4 9UU Royal Tunbridge Wells