9Th Avenue Apparel

About 9Th Avenue Apparel

From design to print to delivery, we can turn your logo into wearable and promotional fodder.



DJ's / Bands get in touch for your merchandise. We make it so you can make money selling your own stuff.DJ's / Bands get in touch for your merchandise. We make it so you can make money selling your own stuff.


Want stickers???? Get in touch


Just some of the 300 shirts gone out today. The customer loved them and Such a cool venue too. Get in touch if you want shirts or merchandise for your company or brand


Stickers are now available too. Get in touch for prices


We are happy to add screen printing to our repertoire. Get in contact if you want some cool shirts made.


A load of shirts shipped out to a waiting customer. Get in touch if you want yours made


Made my own shirt to wear while Djing at Love Summer Festival Mister Rich


Made some shirts for the Love Summer Festival FUN BASS crew. Get in touch if you want your logo on a shirt


Wow so many likes in less then a day. Thank you so much. Don’t forget, if you want your logo on a shirt or even a sticker get in contact. Much love


Our custom logo's etc are designed and made by DRDesign in Bristol by a fantastic chap Check him out here https://www.facebook.com/DRDesignBristol/