A Meaningful Exchange

About A Meaningful Exchange

WeвҖҷre Hannah and Jane. We love clothes and fashion вҖ“ the creativity behind it, the way it lets you express yourself, the beauty in a unique print or comfort in a slouchy pair of jeans.

But we do not like what too often lies beneath. How can a top have its material produced in India, be hand sewn in Bangladesh, and then be shipped across the world to a Western country for sale in an enormous high street chain store for less than ВЈ10? How are those retailers, selling clothes that cheaply, making enough to rent the spaces they do, let alone turn enormous annual profits? Somewhere in the supply chain, corners are being cut, and not everyone is getting a fair deal.

Frustrated and appalled at the complete disregard by vast sectors of the fashion industry for human rights and the environment, we started A Meaningful Exchange.

A Meaningful Exchange is not a business. We facilitate clothing exchanges (also known as clothes swaps /swishing). We put them on for your group of friends, at parties, or host them at your business for your staff or clients. You provide the venue and guest list, and weвҖҷll do the rest!

We donвҖҷt charge for facilitating the exchanges and we donвҖҷt charge attendees.

A clothing exchange isnвҖҷt going to change the world on its own. But it presents an alternative to the fast fashion cycle of buy and discard, always feeling behind the trend, always wanting more. It provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the issues with fast fashion, and discuss alternatives to it. It lets us remind ourselves that we donвҖҷt need the fashion industry вҖ“ it needs us вҖ“ and that means we get to call the shots on how it behaves. It shows us that we can opt out of the cycle that fast fashion tries to make us unwitting participants in. Plus, youвҖҷre bound to come away with some lovely new threads! Less bin, bin, bin, more win, win, win!

If this sounds appealing to you (how could it not?! ), check out the Services tab for details, and then drop us an e-mail or IM.

A Meaningful Exchange Description

WeвҖҷre Hannah and Jane. We love clothes and fashion вҖ“ the creativity behind it, the way it lets you express yourself, the beauty in a unique print or comfort in a slouchy pair of jeans.

But we do not like what too often lies beneath. How can a top have its material produced in India, be hand sewn in Bangladesh, and then be shipped across the world to a Western country for sale in an enormous high street chain store for less than ВЈ10? How are those retailers, selling clothes that cheaply, making enough to rent the spaces they do, let alone turn enormous annual profits? Somewhere in the supply chain, corners are being cut, and not everyone is getting a fair deal.

Frustrated and appalled at the complete disregard by vast sectors of the fashion industry for human rights and the environment, we started A Meaningful Exchange.

A Meaningful Exchange is not a business. We facilitate clothing exchanges (also known as clothes swaps /swishing). We put them on for your group of friends, at parties, or host them at your business for your staff or clients. You provide the venue and guest list, and weвҖҷll do the rest!

We donвҖҷt charge for facilitating the exchanges and we donвҖҷt charge attendees.

A clothing exchange isnвҖҷt going to change the world on its own. But it presents an alternative to the fast fashion cycle of buy and discard, always feeling behind the trend, always wanting more. It provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the issues with fast fashion, and discuss alternatives to it. It lets us remind ourselves that we donвҖҷt need the fashion industry вҖ“ it needs us вҖ“ and that means we get to call the shots on how it behaves. It shows us that we can opt out of the cycle that fast fashion tries to make us unwitting participants in. Plus, youвҖҷre bound to come away with some lovely new threads! Less bin, bin, bin, more win, win, win!

If this sounds appealing to you (how could it not?! ), check out the Services tab for details, and then drop us an e-mail or IM.



Got FAQs?рҹӨ” WeвҖҷve got answers! рҹ’ҒрҹҸҪвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’ҒрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ Head over to our brand-spanking new website to get the low down on how our exchanges work and answers to those other head-scratchers (вҖңBut what if my entire wardrobe is Zara??рҹҳ¬вҖқ) рҹ‘үрҹҸҪ Ameaningfulexchange.org рҹ’Ӣ #ameaningfulexchange #fashionrevolution #fashiondetox #nojudgement #wevebeenthere #faqs


рҹҳұ ITвҖҷS LIVE! рҹҺү Our beautiful new website made with love by our babe-ing designer extraordinaire friend @a_isforanna is up! We just woke up one day to find that she had been busily secret squirrelling away on the other side of the world, making A Meaningful Exchange a gorgeous new online headquarters рҹҳҙрҹ’— рҹҢҸHead over and рҹ‘үрҹҸҪcheckрҹ‘үрҹҸ»itрҹ‘үрҹҸҝout рҹ’ғрҹҸҪрҹ’ғрҹҸҪameaningfulexchange.org #ameaningfulexchange #fashiondetox #fashionrevolution #fromtheheart #bangingdesign #clothingexchange


A wonderful initiative from Care - you can use the link below to write a message of solidarity to women in BangladeshвҖҷs garment factories who are standing up against abuse and sexual harassment at work, and Care will translate and deliver it рҹ’Ң Get sending those warm thoughts and support! рҹ’«


Unfortunately the Exchange at Atelier Tammam tomorrow isnвҖҷt going ahead рҹҳў Keep an eye out for a future date though and keep putting aside those clothes - hopefully itвҖҷs just a postponement! рҹӨһрҹҸҪ


How cute is this place?рҹҢқ We canвҖҷt wait to hold our first open and ticketed Exchange at Atelier Tammam in Kings Cross this Sunday! рҹҺҹ Grab your ticket from our FB page - numbers are strictly limited! рҹҸғрҹҸҪвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҸғрҹҸјвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹҸғрҹҸ ҫвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ #ameaningfulexchange #ateliertammam #ateliertammamboutique #fashiondetox #fashionrevolution #ecoconscious #ecochic


Fab looking free online course by Fashion Revolution - sign up and grab that knowledge! вңҢрҹҸҪ


Add your names to the long list of people calling for all workers to be protected from violence and harassment in their workplaces. Together we can make our voices and those of workers around the world heard <3


Such a great exchange at LinkedIn for their Environment Day yesterday! рҹҢҸ
Lots of lovely humans who gave us their afternoon and hopefully took something away with them - some empowering info, a new resolve, a nice new garment - another great Meaningful Exchange! рҹӨқвқӨпёҸ


вңЁAll dressed up with somewhere VERY SPECIAL to go рҹ’«
WeвҖҷre super excited to be holding an exchange at LinkedInвҖҷs environment day this Friday! рҹҷҢрҹҸҪ
What a way lead into Fashion Revolution week! вңҠрҹҸҪ
... This snazzy wee outfit will be up for the exchanging - dreamy vintage dress and cuuute Kate Spade handbag рҹ‘ӣ
#ameaningfulexchange #fashionrevolution #linkedin #corporateresponsibility #lookingfine
See more


New clothes can be so fun and such a fulfilling experience! They can be about so much more than solitarily endlessly browsing floor to ceiling racks of cheap, poor quality trash.
They offer us a chance to rediscover the connections that fashion used to hold for us - to find a special piece with a great backstory, to make something completely unique, to chat to the person who made it or sourced it or owned it first, to go vintage treasure hunting with friends - the whole experience can and should be a meaningful exchange рҹ‘ҜвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’ҡрҹ‘ҜвҖҚвҷӮпёҸ If itвҖҷs not, we donвҖҷt want it!
#ameaningfulexchange #fashionrevolution #fashiondetox #slowfashion #socialfashion


We want one where all living things and the planet are respected - youвҖҷre not getting any more of our money fast fashion рҹҷ…рҹҸҪвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҷ…рҹҸҫвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹ’°
LetвҖҷs have a chat about good places to spend your hard-earned cash (or how to not spend it at all!) - host A Meaningful Exchange!
Check out Ameaningfulexchange.org for deets x


Spreading the word waste-free - weвҖҷre here to put on your clothing exchange party! рҹҷӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҷӢрҹҸҪвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
Details at ameaningfulexchange.org рҹҺҲрҹӨқрҹ‘ҡ


Millions of garment factory workers are paid such desperately low wages that they are unable to lift themselves out of poverty - ensuring a perpetual source of cheap labour for the fast fashion industry to exploit.
On an even more literal note, some garment factories are reported to lock their workers inside the factories - horrific in any circumstances, but potentially deadly in an industry prone to factory fires.
DonвҖҷt stand for it! Demand a fairer, safer deal for everyone вңҠрҹҸҪ


Fast fashion is only profitable if we constantly buy mass amounts of clothes - so letвҖҷs stop!вңӢрҹҸҪ
LetвҖҷs stop buying masses of rubbish from companies that donвҖҷt respect the environment or the people in the supply chain рҹӣ‘
And letвҖҷs start making good choices about how and where we buy our clothes. You can shop from ethical retailers, buy second hand, buy quality clothes that last, or donвҖҷt buy - HOLD A FREE EXCHANGE! рҹҷҢрҹҸҪвқӨпёҸрҹҢҸ Look at those smiles рҹҳҳ
... Find out how on our website рҹ‘үрҹҸҪameaningfulexchange.org
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More about A Meaningful Exchange

A Meaningful Exchange is located at E8 London, United Kingdom