A Tidy Mind - Professional Decluttering And Organising

About A Tidy Mind - Professional Decluttering And Organising

Empathetic Home Organisers & Decluttering Experts. Coaching & mindset work as well as practical help. Yorkshire, West Midlands, North Cotswolds, London, Glasgow. Can also help with house moves & personal admin. .



I would love everybody to read the below article. This is one of the reasons why we haven't been hammering this page with inspiration to embark on a big house declutter & organise.
It really is ok to grieve & sit with your emotions & this may mean you slow right down. And don't achieve much other than just surviving.
Everyone deals with things differently but most people I know don't have the energy or the headspace to redecorate the house, take courses, learn a language etc. If you do, that's great! But if you're unproductive, that's ok (& pretty normal) too.


Did you know you can sell your vintage & retro items whilst staying at home with the free home collection service by Vintage Cash Cow?
Many of you have been focusing on your homes & how we can make them into better spaces. Not to mention how we can make some extra cash...
We've had so many messages from people who are getting around to decluttering ­¤Æø
... Maybe you are finding this stuff you no longer need. But the charity shops are shut... because weŌĆÖre all staying indoors.
What to do? ­¤Æü­¤Å╝ŌĆŹŌÖĆŌĆŹ
Well, hereŌĆÖs a Ō£©FREE solution Ō£©
VintageCashCow.com will pay money for all sorts of old, vintage & retro items.
Yes to: ­¤ÆŹ­¤æø­¤æ£­¤Æ╝­¤ĢČ­¤Ź┤ŌÜĮ’ĖÅ­¤ÅÅ­¤Ä¢­¤Å ģ­¤Ä║­¤ÄĖ­¤Ä╗ŌīÜ’ĖÅ­¤ōĘ­¤ōĮ­¤ÄźŌÅ▒­¤Ģ░­¤ ÆČ­¤øĀ­¤öŁ­¤ŚØ­¤¦Ė(see the website for more of what they accept)
And if you want to support ­¤ÆÜ charities ­¤ÆÖ who are doing so much good work at the moment, you can donate your items via their FREE sister-service VintageGiving.Com
You donŌĆÖt have to leave your ­¤ÅĀ at all as Parcel Force will safely pick up for free. ­¤śŹVisit VintageCashCow.com for more details on how to package up your items & to book a collection.
#decluttering #stayathome #declutteranddonate #makemoney #donatetoday #charitybeginsathome #ifilledabox
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"Self-Care for the mind and bodyŌĆØ by @atidymindlondon is now up on the blog.
Now more than ever self care is super important. Being in lockdown is difficult and you may find you get trapped in your thoughts. Do you have a self care plan for your time in quarantine? Use this time wisely and donŌĆÖt ever forget to look after you.
... #selfcare #isolation #selfcaretips #selfcaresundays
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Seeing fly tipped waste is horrible. It always makes me so sad. At the moment household waste & recycling centres are closed as are many paper & clothing banks (like the ones in supermarkets)
Also many charities are not picking up at the moment & obviously the shops are closed.
If you are doing decluttering projects, that is brilliant but think about the plan for waste.
... ­¤Æø Can donations be bagged up and left somewhere dry until 'this' is over?
­¤Æø Can you reduce general household waste to leave more room in your bins if you need it?
­¤Æø Commercial sites are still open. Some skip companies are still operating so consider using one which will dispose of waste ethically
­¤Æø If you arrange for anyone to collect waste from you, please check they are a registered waste carrier. Ps. If it's too cheap, they are probably not.
Let's not forget that it's so important to think about what happens to our unwanted stuff ­¤Æø
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Are you working from home? Only it's much more than just that isn't it? You may also have children to entertain or educate. You may have a partner to support, elderly people to provide for. You may be dealing with loneliness, financial worries, job insecurity. Or general fear. Or just a feeling of being unsettled.
So when it comes to working, it's so easy to slip into bad habits & become unproductive. Yet you know your productivity could actually be a superpower right now.
In this new blog, A Tidy Mind - West & South Yorkshire breaks it down into simple steps that REALLY make a difference. Have a read of this & take stock of what's been a crazy couple of weeks.Then start afresh next week - you CAN do this #wfh thing ­¤ÜĆ


Amazing results achieved VIRTUALLY by Caroline & her client ­¤Æø­¤Æø­¤Æø


If you're London based (or nearby) we now have a mailing list you can sign up to for local news, tips & inspiration.
Sign up below ­¤æć


Some really inspiring Spring Clearing tips in this article that A Tidy Mind - London contributed to ­¤Æø­¤Æø­¤Æø


Hello lovely ones. How are you?
So I've given myself over a week of laying low & barely using social media. I needed some time to reflect & to gather my thoughts.
Also, have been super busy looking after kids, dropping supplies at the door of some vulnerable clients & trying to adapt my business & my mindset to accept the things beyond my control.
... This post is inspired by a grounding conversation I had yesterday with the beautiful soul that is @atidymindlondon (give him a follow if you don't already - his posts are really inspiring & insightful)
We were talking about decluttering thoughts & behaviours which aren't good for us. During hard times, I've always come back to simplifying life. It has got me through many difficult periods. I kind of feel like it's a superpower!
So what to subtract during the current crisis?
­¤Æø Aimless reading of the news. You'll find a story that will frighten you but it won't necessarily be accurate. Catch up once a day with what's going on - at most.
­¤Æø High expectations of yourself. Everyone keeps describing these times as 'unprecedented' which means YOU don't have to conform to a precedent. It's a case of muddling along & getting through it. There will be stumbles & ugly moments. Accepting that takes a huge weight off.
­¤Æø Buying stuff. This may be forced on you because of uncertain finances or because you have less opportunity. But it's a chance to make do with what you have. 'Making do' feels resourceful, freeing even. And the best thing is it makes you more grateful for what you have.
­¤Æø Too many people. The current climate obviously isolates you. But will likely heighten the connections you have with those who mean the most (even if you're not physically with them). Maybe you'll realise you actually don't have room for that many people in your life & it's better to focus on a small circle, rather than try to be everything to everyone.
Letting go can feel amazing. Take care of you ­¤Æø­¤Æø­¤Æø
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­¤æć Hence the social media break!
Planning to post about decluttering & organising tips soon...when I get time ­¤śś­¤ś£
... Sending love & virtual hugs ­¤ÖćŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤Æø
#busy #busierthanever #selfemployedlife
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Excited to be part of this Spring Clear Campaign. I say this a lot to clients & it's all the more relevant in the current climate - focus on what you CAN control. We're spending more time at home....so let's focus on our environment. Spring Clear. Reclaim our spaces. Clarify our priorities. Simplify & streamline our homes so they are a sanctuary ­¤Æø


Have a listen to The Declutter Hub latest podcast. It may just spur you on to sort out your wardrobe... #SpringClearingWeek #MyClosetClearingChallenge


A great way to look at #decluttering below...


Below is one of the amazing businesses offering remote services at the moment. I've had personal styling and a colour consultation with Anna & it was amazing. So worth it to figure out how to feel your very best & prioritise your self care.


This week is #SpringClearingWeek! A campaign launched by APDO to encourage us to clear the surplus from our lives, in line with the change of season. Many people will be spending more time at home in the forthcoming period & with every adversity comes an opportunity. What better time to think about those decluttering projects you've been putting off?
This week, we'll be sharing tips for specific, bite size decluttering projects. Is there an area of your home that you know you need to tackle, but don't know where to start?


It's a very natural human reaction to try to exert control at times when we feel out of control. But the wave of fear that has induced masses of people in society to stockpile huge amounts of goods is NOT showing humanity in a good light.
Same goes for hand gel stolen from public buildings & gloves & masks taken from hospitals.
... What message is this giving to others & especially to children? Don't buy into it. We need to face this challenge together.
Let's choose compassion, sharing, altruism, kindness & support for those less vulnerable.
The greatest power of the British public is to stand united, to keep calm & be logical. That mindset has got us through many historical crises. So let's draw on that now ­¤Æø
#panicbuying #covid19 #coronavirus
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Have you noticed it? People being kinder? Strangers smiling at each other more?
During tough times, it wakes us up to the things that are important.
... At the moment we're feeling vulnerable but it's a bridge to compassion, love & human connection.
#humanconnection #compassion #chooselove #chooselovenotfear
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If you're interested in our virtual coaching service, email kate@atidymind.co.uk ­¤Æø

More about A Tidy Mind - Professional Decluttering And Organising

A Tidy Mind - Professional Decluttering And Organising is located at 7 Newby Close, Menston, LS29 6 Ilkley