
About A2Ok

A2OK can be reconfigured in many ways and is very flexible to include support a wide range of creative, educational and entertainment uses.

A2Ok Description

The OKlab HQ Space (2AOK) can be reconfigured in many ways and is very flexible to include support a wide range of creative, educational and entertainment activities.

Examples of use in the past.

’Artist networking to establish new projects and collaborations’

‘Rehearsal space for well new or already established projects , or projects than need temporary /emergency adhoc space’

Delivery of OKLAB's internal, external and internet projects as adhoc performances or showing to public, in the form of open days and showings.

Any other use which fits the aim of OKLAB /A2OK mission statement and is with the parameters of capabilities of the space (we can’t do swimming competions! )

Space should be accessible and adapted to be suitable all humans, no matter physical abilities , colour, race , nationality , however the must abide by our code of conduct and acceptable use policies.

If we cannot accommodate a Aritst, Creatives, Projects or a Producers for any reason, we will endeavour to find suitable venue.

If the production team feel the our Mission statement, Ethos, AUP and Code of conduct is being brached, we have the right to refuse access to our physical and virtual resources.

A2OK Current Resource list

2x Sound proof rooms
1x Reconfigurable space

Structure Cabling
240v Power