
About Aaaib

AAAIB offers and National Counselling Society Accredited and Quality checked counselling courses as well as personal counselling.



Please see our website for full details of our upcoming Level 4 Diploma in Counselling practice starting February 2020.…/level-4-diplo ma-in-counselling-p…/


Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Concepts and Skills - Starting March 2020
The AAAIB Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills and Concepts focuses on the understanding of counselling concepts and the development of counselling skills.
This course aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to a range of counselling skills and an understanding of the importance of using counselling skills within published ethical frameworks, such as those from the National Counselling Soc...iety (NCS), British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)
Please contact the centre on or 01726 814582 to register your interest.
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Level 4 Certificate in Psychodynamic Theory
Course dates/times
Start date : Thursday the 5th of March 2020
... End date : Thursday the 28th of May 2020
Course duration – 13 weeks
Times 11.00 till 3:30pm
Course Details;
This unit will provide learners with an overview of the key concepts of Psychodynamic theory and allow them to explore the particular opportunities and challenges of working with clients in this model. This unit aims to enable learners to develop a theoretical and practical understanding of a Psychodynamic approach
Fees : £650
For full details click on the this link…/level-4-certi ficate-in-psychodyn…/
The course is quality checked by the National Counselling Society
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Level 4 certificate in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
We are running a new Level 4 certificate in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) at AAAIB from Friday 8th March to Friday 28th June 2019. We will be running the course for 13 weeks 10:00 to 14:00.
If you know of any Level 3/ level 4 qualified counsellors who would be interested please forward or share this post.
... * There is no exam for this course *
Fully inclusive cost £680 to include AIM Award Course Registration , AAAIB entry, course material, refreshments and AIM Award Level 4 Certificate in CBT .
Please contact Andi on Email: or Telephone: 07710018758
or message us via Facebook.
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1 DAY WORKSHOP - Working with and understanding Personality Disorders-Adaptations
Facilitated by Clare Heslop and Jaki Bedingham Saturday 30th March 2019 from 10.30am - 3.30pm ... CPD Certificate awarded Cost: £50.00 for AAAIB students (past and present) £85.00 for all other attendees
Light lunch and refreshments are provided throughout the day
A £30 deposit is required to secure your place on this workshop
Please note: Counselling Qualifications at Level 2 or above are required for you to be able to join us on this workshop.
Please message to get more details or email
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* Please Share*
New Course- Level 2 Certificate in Counselling begins on Tuesday 29th January - 6pm till 9pm for 17 weeks.


Happy New Year.
New level 2 begins Tuesday 29th January


This is an Aim Award Qualification and is registered on the National Health and Social Care framework - Quality checked by the National Counselling Society
... Tuesday 29th January 6pm till 9pm
17-week course one evening a week (Every Tuesday)
This course will include a unit: Level 2 "Counselling In The Workplace"
This course adheres to and follows and the BACP Ethical Framework for good practice
AAAIB is Cornwall's only AIM Award and National Counselling and Psychotherapy training practice
Disabled Facilities and Free Parking
Pay weekly at no extra cost
Please call 01726-814582 or email or visit our website:
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Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills (QCF) - new course starting in January 2019
The AIM Awards Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills (QCF) focuses on the development of counselling skills. This qualification aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to a range of counselling skills and an understanding of the importance of using counselling skills within published ethical frameworks, such as those from the National Counselling Society (NCS), British Association f...or Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).
This qualification comprises one mandatory unit (Counselling: Skills Acquisition and Practice) and four optional units. The optional unit provided is Counselling Skills in the workplace an opportunity for learners to acquire counselling skills in this contexts and is applicable to a wide variety of helping and supporting roles:
Please contact the center on or 01726 814582 to register your interest.
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wonderful feedback from one of our former students, not on facebook so i am sharing on her behalf...!
I learnt so much from you starting my training at AAAIB. I looked forward to my training every week; you always made it fun, engaging and it was inspiring to see how passionate you are. You taught in a way that made every skill and theory so clear and easy to understand; I never felt like it was a chore and thoroughly enjoyed learning something new each week, and thanks to yo...u, I had a 100% pass rate!
You were the one that made me want to continue when I got to London; I completed my Level 4 training. But I would like to continue later on in life when I have gained more life experience and when more settled. You have definitely been a great influence and it would be amazing to do what you do. Jess
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Thank you to everyone that has liked our page for our new 17 week Counselling course that begins on Monday 3rd September at 6pm in St Austell.
This is a 17 week course and is £680.00 fully inclusive of all training packs, registration fees, your level 2 exam and certificates etc. You can take advantage of our payment plan to pay weekly or monthly. There is no funding available for this course.
Please email us or call us on 07815530001 or 01726-814582 to a booking form. There are only 10 places on this course and registrations will be on a first come first served basis.
Thank you again for sharing and showing an interest in our courses.
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*** Please share***
Our new Level 2 Counselling Course begins on Monday 3rd September
1 evening a week (Mondays) from 6pm till 9pm for 17 weeks.
... Please contact or visit our website Thank you.
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Another 100% pass today for our level 2 and final year level 4 Students - what a journey you’ve been on I hope the destination is just as fabulous for for you all. A fantastic result for everyone we are all so very proud of you. Thank you for choosing to train with us.

More about Aaaib
