Abc Pre-School Nursery And Out Of School Club Audlem

Monday: 07:45 - 18:00
Tuesday: 07:45 - 18:00
Wednesday: 07:45 - 18:00
Thursday: 07:45 - 18:00
Friday: 07:45 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Abc Pre-School Nursery And Out Of School Club Audlem

ABC Childcare provides high quality childcare that is flexible, affordable & parent friendly, for children aged 2 to 11 years

Abc Pre-School Nursery And Out Of School Club Audlem Description

Our nursery provides care for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. We also provide wrap around care for children from 3 to 11 years who attend local schools.

We are open from 7. 45am to 6pm Monday to Friday. The Nursery is closed on bank holidays and between Christmas and New Year.



Look at our wonderful MayDay Pole, the children have loved dancing to music whilst holding their ribbon!рҹ’ғрҹҸјрҹҺҖ


The children made their very own ABC Flowershop! рҹ’җрҹҢёрҹҢјрҹҢ»рҹҢәрҹҢ№рҹҢ·


Blossom painting! рҹ‘©рҹҸјвҖҚрҹҺЁрҹ‘ЁрҹҸ»вҖҚрҹҺЁрҹҺЁ


The children had lots of fun pretending to dance with their ribbons! рҹҺҖ


Messy mayhem-making moonsand! рҹҳғ


Today weвҖҷve been on an adventure looking for dragons in our wagon and we chose what we wanted to put in our dragon food, yum, yum!рҹҳӢрҹҗІ


On the look out for dragons in the environment. The children used their imaginations to look for dragons inside and outsideрҹҳҠрҹҗІ we also enjoyed painting a picture how of what we think a dragon looks like on our computer рҹ–Ң


So far the children have enjoyed free painting, making pud pies, playing superheroes, eating their lunch outside and lots of outdoor play in the sunshine!рҹҳ„вҳҖпёҸ


Lots of learning through play! рҹҳ„


Our theme of the week is "Stay inside the wagon and keep safe from the dragon." We have been learning sign language, drawing to music and making a house for the dragon! рҹҗүрҹҗІ


We've been busy making dragon food, we put jelly, sand, soil, sticks, leaves, flowers and water inside. The children have also enjoyed spray painting! вҳәпёҸвҳҖпёҸрҹҗүрҹҗІ


Beautiful weather for a picnic and fresh air!вҳәпёҸвҳҖпёҸ


Getting the popcorn ready for after-school! рҹҳӢрҹҚҝ


We've made bread, rainbow play-doh, had an ABC talent show and lots of outdoor fun! рҹҺӨрҹҺјрҹҚһвҳҖпёҸ


After- school fun making bird feeders! рҹҗҰрҹҰү


What a fun filled day! We've been to the park, played roll down the hill, had a picnic and an ice-cream.рҹҳӢ We've worn them out! рҹҳ„рҹҚҰвҳҖпёҸрҹҢәрҹҢё


Science experiments and outdoor adventures! рҹҘҡрҹ’ҰрҹҡҙрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҡҙрҹҸ»вҳҖпёҸрҹ ҢјрҹҢәрҹҢё


What can you do with an egg? рҹҘҡ The children have played catch with an egg(the circle got bigger to make it harder), rolling their egg down the slide to see if it would crack, colour changing eggs and outdoor games! рҹҳ„

More about Abc Pre-School Nursery And Out Of School Club Audlem

Monday: 07:45 - 18:00
Tuesday: 07:45 - 18:00
Wednesday: 07:45 - 18:00
Thursday: 07:45 - 18:00
Friday: 07:45 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -