Abigail Eaton-Masters

About Abigail Eaton-Masters

With fierce feminine grace I breathe original innocence into place. Weaver of feminine mysteries, ceremony and ritual, therapy, plant medicine and dakini codes.



Eeeek! Those times when you push yourself right out of your comfort zone but know it's needed for your own growth?! Yep today I've created an actual bloomin trailer for my YouTube channel. Please give it a watch and thumbs up, it's only 44 seconds and would love to hear your feedback.
Much love!


Today I am sharing my insights on why light language has been 'safe' for me to hide behind and what that means now going forward for my YouTube channel. Discussing all things plant medicines, breakdowns and homelessness!


The last two years saw that my work made the grand shift from working exclusively with women, to that of including men. As I healed my own wounding, I realised that rejecting the masculine had been a theme running through my life.
Opening up the space to welcome men felt like a return home. They opened their hearts to me, expressing their peace and safety with me and I was able to expand into that energy of feeling safe and at peace with them.
... We are all doing this, mirroring to the other all the unhealed parts of self and all the hurts so that we align back to love. We see this over and over, in relationships and in the collective.
As the energy of the Mother made herself unapologetically known to me, she kept my path aligned even when I was blind. It was like every door I opened lead back to her womb and to her consciousness.
She showed me how I was still anchored into the old matrix imprintation of distorted sexuality, that I didn't need to use my sexuality to keep me safe and that the only way to serve Her was to expand in all of me.
That meant welcoming the mother energy into me and into my work. I needn't be some 'sex siren', I didn't need to be 'sexy' and I certainly do not have to watch my back in case I am 'too sexy'. And all these realisations are being mirrored back right now in the collective consciousness, it's what BOTH men and women are awakening to.
Once I realised this, I saw the Mother energy as everything and everywhere. And She is certainly one hot mama! But She is not just about sexuality. She is about LOVE, unconditional love and she wants her sons to come home to this, for this is where the greatest healing for humanity will take place.
She is calling out to her Sacred Sons; return home! And through this message I am deeply honoured to facilitate my first exclusive workshop just for the divine masculine. It will be held at Conscious Camp on the land in Wales this May.
Beloved brothers, it's time to come home. Allow your armour to fall. Allow your battle scars to be kissed and blessed. Allow yourself to return home. Back to perfect innocence. Back to perfect acceptance. Beloved brothers, you are loved, you are perfect, you are whole.
Allow all the fight and burden to fall as we journey through the sacred temple of womb consciousness to access the Mother Shekina template with channelled drum Icaros and dance.
This is a deep devotion to you Brothers, I hope that this message finds you! πŸ’ž
Get your ticket to conscious camp and all the other amazing workshops at consciouscamp.co.uk
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A song came through just this evening to clear betrayal energy between the feminines. Such as mother-daughter, sister-sister, friend-friend.
Seek forgiveness and forgive is the primary intention in this sound code healing.
... Much love πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’ž
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As we purge this seemingly 'epidemic' from the planet, we will one by one all come to bear witness for another's sexual abuse story. It may be first, second or third hand but all of us are now affected, it is undeniable.
It may feel overwhelming or confusing. We may wish to deny its existence and bury our head in the proverbial sand but it is this action that has enabled this deeply embedded trauma to seep into our human psy...
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Saturday morning I was sitting in the kitchen with my beloved, thoughts of my Grandmother came through. I missed her so much, that feeling of love she offered me when the world seemed so bleak to me as a little girl. I cried for her, tears welled up for her presence and I sent my love and gratitude to her eternal spirit.
Then I remembered her betrayal, before she passed from this plane I was able to briefly share my childhood sexual ab...use with her. Turned out she knew all along. How that side of the family had guessed but as I seemed "OK", nobody intervened.
The deep blade of abandonment cut through me, how her silence had held me captive to disgusting actions by a man who was meant to protect me, yet snatched my innocence. I was that speachless at her revelations that I was never able to share this deep hurt.
Her silence had enabled the abuse to exist. It mirrored the conditioning of her times to "not make a scene". It is silence that has enabled all atrocities against the feminine in all Her forms.
When I realised that these perversions had kept not only me silent but the collective, I began to speak up and it mirrored the mass purging from the feminine psyche.
Over time my voice grew stronger and I expressed it mostly in writing but later through talking to audiences such as my YouTube channels, speaking at events or even once upon a time my own TV advice show. In 2016 I even began slowly opening up the throat chakra to sing what I now know to be Icaros, and later light language transmissions.
Last year I mused to a sister that "to think they tried to destroy this voice through trauma"... and she thoughtfully replied, "but the trauma helped create the beauty of your voice", which certainly helped me shift to the bigger perspective.
In talking, our voices terminate false shame paradigms that we have carried in our hearts and wombs. This was my big 'why' in becoming a psychotherapist; to bear witness to that untold agony that we have carried for ourselves, for our ancestors and for the planet. There is no greater gift to hold space in your presence as you transmute the unspoken.
On a mass scale we are witnessing this distorted energy and illusion being transformed. It can be frightening for some as we witness not only the actions from the masculine but also the feminine. We are all accountable! We have all played a part, consciously or unconsciously in this illusion being brought out of the darkness and into the light.
The pain of this that we have been carrying? We are agreeing to it no more! Which is why we are calling out every shadow aspect, which is why we are lighting up every match and sending it to the great fire.
We have got this brothers and sisters, surrender to love, allow it to move through your veins. Be a loving witness to what is being purged from our collective consciousness.
Only love leads the way.
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I poured my heart out to a worldwide audience of my story, an old narrative of the wounding of childhood sexual abuse.
I used to think being a TED speaker would be the highlight of my career but instead it marked an end of an era, where I hung my cowbow boots and quit separating all the facets of me.
... Since then I've been learning to integrate myself into my own uniqueness, like putting together a rose again from these petals.
I quit using the name I was known by (Abigail Eaton-Masters - thats for another post) and surrendered to the name of my bloodline and ancestors: Waters.
I'm sharing today because I am still seeing people's stories emerging of sexual abuse and woundings. I used to think it was an epidemic and I was scared by the enormity of it.
But now? Now I see that we are ALL purging the false sexual matrix programming. Our sexual innocence has been deeply betrayed but through love we are all finding our way home.
I witness your courage and your bravery brothers and sisters and I bow in humbleness to your rising πŸ™πŸ»
You can search YouTube for "What does resilience look like?" if you'd like to see my TEDx Talk
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I realised today that I was craving ordinaryness, full on presence with the every day and the holiness of our humanness.
2004 brought forth my first 'awakening', after an unsuccessful suicide attempt and the dance into the unknown began. -... We never stop awakening do we? Growing, evolving, expanding. Wow what a ride. Gritty and glorious in the same mouthful.
Here I am in 2019, fifteen years in service to my soul and self development and its joy in the every day that calls me, between the school run and housework and everthing in-between
I am disallusioned by narcissistic spiritualisim, by people hiding behind unreachable concepts but not daring to show up in humanness and ordinaryness.
The magic of being is calling me home, here on this earth plane, where my feet are once again planted and I know my heart will lead the way.
Yesss I honour and recognise the multidimensional aspects of self in me and within you, and what extraordinary beauty there is there! We are beautiful! Look at us!
This being human business has not been easy, and escapism is soooo appealing... but I want to live, dont you?!
I am realising I have the guts up to show up in the glory of a new humaness, divine, holy and GROUNDED.
Breathe sacredness into YOUR ordinaryness beautiful πŸ’•πŸŒˆ
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This water is from the #whitespring of Glastonbury. It was collected on the winter solstice last year.
Some of it had been used in a #waterdeita, some simply drunk. And some had been staring back at me collected in their huge containers.
... Last night, I knew. As the #fullmoon called to release and surrender, this sacred water and I embarked on a loving #ceremony.
It was just us: Water + Womb.
Not your usual #yonisteam; there were no plants, flowers or herbs. Just the two of us, a symbiotic flow, a reunion of holiness.
This sacred teacher, encoded with LIFE ushered codes of renewal and transformation. She poured in her blessings, as the abundant mother.
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Yoni Reading + Womb Song + Channeled Light Codes . . Reviews that speak for themselves πŸ’• .... . MESSAGES STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART OF YOUR WOMANHOOD . . Yes, in essence, I can read your yoni. . . ​I can pass on messages of love and devotion by bringing to your awareness what needs kissing better. . . No I don't need a picture, nor do I need a live-stream but what I do need from you is an open heart and an open mind. . . The consciousness of your yoni speak truth, and will take on the voice of any feminine archetype or goddess With a fierce passion your yoni will rage about your shadows and she will ecstatically praise and celebrate you. . . ARE YOU READY? . . This is a unique opportunity which the Yoni Readings take 20 minutes approx, you will receive channelled communication from the voice of your yoni, which will be sent out by email. . . You will also receive a recording of a unique sound healing which can be listened to either in meditation, or whilst lying down. . . Click on the link in bio for your own reading. . . . #yonitalks #yonireading #yonihealing #yoniconsciousness #wombwisdom #channeledsong #lightcodes #wombcodes #wombconsciousness #lightlanguage
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BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS . . Don’t try to sit on your distress, dearest daughter," cautions Grandmother Growth. "It will prove to be a hot, itchy, prickly, miserable seat, I can promise you. . . "When you try to deny what upsets you, when you sugarcoat your rage and drug your anxieties away, when you use your sexuality to please others and never to please yourself, when you are there for everyone but ignore your own needs, when you fear for your existence and the well-being of tho...se you care for, your vagina gets distressed too. . . " And it distresses you with discharges and smells, pain and burning, dryness and inflammation. Be gentle with yourself, my darling. Be gentle with your vagina. It is not your enemy. It is your friend, reminding you to honor your womanhood, honor your body, honor your vagina. . Words: Susun Weed Artist: @naqvi_sarah . . . . #wildwombwisdom #wombwisdom #yoniconsciousness #yoni #sacredwoman #divinefeminine #bacterialvaginosis #wombyn #healedwoman #healthyvagina
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The Grandmothers are ushering in new codes for all of Earth's children to remember their childhood joy. This is a wonderful transmission filled with magical blessings. Enjoy brothers and sisters πŸ§β€β™€οΈπŸ§šβ€β™€οΈπŸ„πŸ¦„


As daughters of Gaia we can assist the Great Mother by sending down our own womb codes as a synchronised event.
Recognising and witnessing our Mother, the primordial creatrix, in the true rhythms of the divine feminine; the womb codes that all women carry within them, are now to be aligned.
It is my intention to hold space so that we may gather for this great work. These are the gifts that have been bestowed unto us sisters.
... I will guide you through this profound meditation, where we will clear our space, connect to our hearts and wombs, then seed the Earth with our codes.
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By being cradled in the arms of The Grandmother, out of my womb I birthed my mother, my grandmother, my great grandmother and so on until I reached the Divine Mother.
Through my womb, this portal of creation I birthed the Goddess back onto Earth.
In the two and a half years since, she has been waking me up , pouring liquid codes of remembrance into my heart and I remembered my vow to be of service.
... Almost one year ago everything I thought I was, everything in my possession was destroyed by the fire of LOVE. I became nothing to remember who I AM: Daughter of Gaia.
Here today, I have been beautifully moved to share space with you, not as an expert or a teacher but as your SISTER.
In one hour, I would love if you could join me in a free meditation where we will collectively work together to send our coded seeds as Earth once again reveals herself as Eden.
Artist: Ananda Vdovic
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Things have been slowly simmering away in the pot of creation. My guidance has been showing me since last winter solstice that The Great Mother had returned onto the planet and had been waking up her daughters!
In my vow to be of service has meant I too have had a need of transmuting the fear of persecution. These codes enter into the wounds of being burnt at the stake, of being drowned, tortured and dish...onoured for being an embodiment of the Goddess.
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MEET MARIGOLD . . I fondly call her 'matron'. She has a firm loving energy of knowing exactly where to go. If you're prone to micro vaginal tears or have scar tissues, let her be of aid. . .... Marigold is also known as Calendula, she will sooth inflammation and being a herb of the sun, she will also 'burn' through any negative suffering (but won't burn your yoni!). . . In yoni steaming she makes an excellent ally for trauma wounds and postpartum care, there couldn't be anyone better on your side πŸŒˆπŸ’›πŸŒ» . . . . . #vaginalsteamherbs #yonisteamherbs #yonisteaming #vaginalsteaming #yoniherbs #yoni #wombconsciousness #wombmystic #wombyn #marigold #calendula #sexabusehealing #healedwoman #postpartum #postnatal #scars
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More about Abigail Eaton-Masters

Abigail Eaton-Masters is located at Progress House, 17 Cecil Rd, WA15 9NZ Altrincham