Abigail Rogers Mindset Solutions

Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Abigail Rogers Mindset Solutions

I help ambitious people overcome self-doubt and say goodbye to limiting beliefs through solution focused coaching & hypnotherapy.

Mindset mentorship through Thrive! www. abirogers. podia.com or join my group Master Your Mindset for free support & tips!

Abigail Rogers Mindset Solutions Description

Solution focused coaching, hypnotherapy & mindset expert.

Anxiety, confidence, weight management, perinatal mental wellbeing, trauma specialist.

Group coaching and 1-2-1 sessions available. Online membership Thrive! . . . with Abigail Rogers.



­¤ī▒ How is hypnotherapy different from stage hypnosis? ­¤ī▒ Can a hypnotherapist make you do things you don't want to do? ­¤ī▒ What's it like to be hypnotised?
All great questions answered in this article on one of my Solution Focused Hypnotherapy colleagues - find out what it's really all about!
... https://the-inkline.com/ŌĆ”/hypnotherapy- a-mental-health-solŌĆ”/
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We all know we should find 'me time' in our busy lives but often we put ourselves last on the list - sometimes there's just too much to do!
I have to be honest, when things need doing I'm as guilty as the next person of filling my diary up until there's no breathing space - and with my therapist hat on I really should know better.
BUT - hooray! ­¤Äē It IS still possible to create that sense of calm and space so we can stay on top of things rather than feeling like we're dro...wning.
The key? Building little pockets of good stuff into that hectic schedule. I mean tiny, manageable things that just help us stay tuned in to 'us' and what we enjoy.
This morning, for example - I took a few seconds to light a lovely, zesty candle my husband had bought me. Amid the mad rush of the morning and a full day of clients ahead, the scent provided a little reminder of the present moment, along with evoking those happy feelings associated with getting the gift in the first place.
I made sure I focused on looking around & appreciating the beautiful morning, on my 3 minute 'busy mum march' back from the nursery drop off. I took a moment to really savour my morning coffee, rather than just knocking it back.
Tiny, tiny things really do add up to just helping us keep our happy in this hectic world.
What little things might you just be able to focus on to help next week feel that bit easier?
Have a great weekend!
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If you're looking for a holistic approach to health and well-being (and you're female!) this day retreat is well worth checking out.
Run by the lovely Lesley from Wild Country Woman, it sounds like a nourishing treat for mind & body - just what we need as we emerge from dark winter days!
https://www.facebook.com/events/285030868 838494/?ti=cl


Some fascinating research that shows how negative thought patterns affect our physical health, risk of disease and ageing.
The good news is that even if we've been stuck in harmful ways of thinking for a very long time, we CAN change the way our brains are 'wired' and learn to think in helpful ways.
It's a wonderful process to watch & one of the reasons I love my work so much.
... As I may have mentioned before, my dad passed away suddenly when I was 17 and I'm convinced stress was a huge factor. So for me, this just shows that whatever we can do to protect our minds & bodies from the effects of stress, it's well worth doing!
https://www.facebook.com/29092950651/post s/10161456654900652/
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Sleep can be hard to come by but is so essential for fending off anxiety, de-stressing, learning and staying sharp, productive & creative - to name just a few things!
These 5 tips are well worth taking on board and if you still struggle, hypnotherapy & training your mind to relax can really help.
https://www.theguardian.com/ŌĆ”/bedtime-r outines-five-ways-toŌĆ”


I've had such a great week, meeting some lovely new clients and catching up with some familiar faces - you're all doing so well, I'm so impressed.
The icing on the cake today was that every single client managed to make it to my afternoon clinic despite the off-putting weather conditions - a hardy & determined bunch!
Hope everyone is staying safe in the snow & wishing you all a great weekend. I'm off for a celebratory hot chocolate & some chill time of my own ­¤śŖŌØä’ĖÅŌøä


Goodness me, it's been such a busy, busy month!
I thought I'd better get round to writing a post, though, as I have some news to share.
I'm now fully booked for the next couple of months and... as you may or may not know... I'm expecting our second baby in late April!
... I'm unlikely to be able to take on any new clients before the new arrival but if you'd like to pop your name on my waiting list, I'll be in touch later in the year when I start taking on new bookings.
In the meantime Anna from GoodnessMe Nutrition and I are running another Mindful Weight Management course in March and we'd love to see you there ­¤śŖ­¤æŹ
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When you're feeling stressed it's completely normal to become very focused on all the tough bits ahead - coping with those relatives that are really hard work, timing everything to perfection, wondering about when the kids will first fall out...
The stressed out brain loves to look for problems & potential disasters before they've even happened!
The great thing is that knowing this, you can intercept those negative thoughts and remind yourself that things might actually be ju...st fine.
And by consciously focusing on what will be good about the next few days - and what's already good in life - you can help your stressed out brain feel calmer and cope much more easily if things do go wrong! ... .. . #Christmas #coping #magic #copingskills #stressed #dontpanic #hatechristmas #struggling #anxiety #worry #happychristmas #merrychristmas #tips
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I'm excited to let you know that Anna from GoodnessMe Nutrition and I are running another weight management workshop in January.
The last one was popular so if you'd like to get your eating on track in the New Year and learn to have a happy relationship with food, bag your place!


Tempting as it is to burn the candle at both ends, one of the very best things you can do for your mental well-being & stress levels is to make sure you're getting good #sleep.
Not always easy at this time of year - and not always what you'd think. Here are some tips to help you try to keep your slumber on track:
­¤Ää The most important part of sleep for brain de-clutttering and de-stressing is REM sleep (dream sleep). We need at least 8 hours a night get enough #REM - less t...han this means more of a stress hangover!
­¤Ää The other really important thing is consistent sleep cycles - unfortunately taking long lie-ins to try and catch up on lost sleep doesn't help, we can't get it back. Not fair!
­¤Ää If you've had a late night, it's better to try and wake up at your usual time and then have an afternoon nap the next day, to keep things regular.
­¤Ää Our lovely REM cycles get disrupted by sleeping pills and - sadly - booze! It's worth trying to drink lots of water alongside that Christmas tipple to keep your blood alcohol levels lower, and maybe looking at what you're drinking and when - nobody wants to miss out but a bit of sneaky planning might just help you get better quality zzz's.
­¤Ää If you struggle to sleep, try winding down gently to prepare your body & mind for rest. A warm bath, dim lights, avoiding screens & stimulation, and playing a good #relaxation track, white noise or relaxing music can ask really help ease a busy brain into sleep. ... .. . #stress #stressmanagement #festivestress #insomnia #4moresleeps #santascoming #deckthehalls #silentnight #burningthecandle #insomnia #cantsleep #whitenoise #bedtimeroutine #noscreens #bluelight #circadian #bodyclock
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One of the most mentally draining things we face at this time of year is all that decision making - SO much to think about!
It's easy to find yourself panicking over getting every present absolutely perfect, and worrying about making it the most special day ever.
There are some really good reasons just to say 'that'll do' and move on, though, rather than stressing yourself out!
... ­¤Ää We actually make better decisions when we just go with our gut feel and don't try to think too hard - trust yourself!
­¤Ää Research shows that after a decision is made, we become happier with the thing we've chosen and less bothered about the other options we could have had - so just making that decision is not only a load off but it's a route to guaranteed satisfaction!
­¤Ää We place far more value upon what other people think than they do - so the chances are they'll be thrilled you've made the effort, whether it's perfect or not. It really is the thought that counts!
So go forth and make those decisions in peace and the knowledge that you can't get it that wrong (and if you do... they'll still love you anyway) ­¤śś ... .. . #Christmas #christmas2018 #decisions #decisionsdecisions #confidence #confidencecoach #selfesteem #selfworth #anxiety #worry #calmchristmas #youreworthit #calm #peace #decisive #itsthethoughtthatcounts #gut #gutinstinct #intuition #trustyourself ourself
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Feeling like the to do list is snowballing? Ōśā’ĖÅŌØä’ĖÅ
It's really vital to give yourself some time off from 'doing' - even if it feels like you'll never get everything done in time!
Being constantly busy tells your brain that there's an emergency - it gets used to seeing everything in a very 'all or nothing' way - so we lose perspective and the ability to plan efficiently.
... You need some time out to let the calming, logical part of your mind restore the balance!
I have an annual tradition now of booking a day off in the week before Christmas, to get some me time in with my husband - we'll go for lunch, a massage or a walk, just to wind down.
Even making time to do a few minutes of something 'normal' and rewarding helps, though - a read, a bath, a few stretches - anything that just puts yourself back in the picture! ... .. . #calm #peace #restore #balance #worklifebalance #Christmas #crazy #panic #busy #metime #selfcare #mindhacks #feelbetter #worry #anxiety #festivemadness #festivestress #stress #busylady #timeout #youcount #lookafternumber1 #tips #December #7sleeps #7sleepstogo #anger #christmas2018
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Only a week to go until Christmas Eve - blimey, how did that happen?
Over the next week I'll be posting my top tips to help you keep your Christmas cool and avoid turning into a seething ball of stress in the run up.
The idea of peace on earth & goodwill to all men needn't feel like the most ironic thing, ever - honest! Ō£©­¤æī­¤ÖÅ­¤Ää... ... .. . #tips #toptips #Christmas #stress #anxiety #panic #worry #8moresleeps #santascoming #calmdown #keepcalm #dontpanic #itsok #depression #cantcope #coping #help #therapist #SAD #tistheseason #stufftheturkey #bahhumbug
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If you're already feeling the stress building, take 5 minutes out to have a read - this might just make your Christmas a whole lot nicer!


If you know anyone who's feeling a little frazzled in the run up to Christmas, or wants to get their 2019 off to a great start, please share this with them!
I'm running some Festive Rescue packages this year, helping you de-stress and prepare from as little as ┬Ż45.
I can work online or in person - and if you'd like to buy a session as a Gift Voucher for someone, please just drop me a message!
... Good luck with all your preparations... ­¤Ää­¤śŖ
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Argh but that's terrifying! ­¤ś▒­¤ś│ Agreed, why would you want to put yourself through that when life's ok?
We'll, think about it this way - do you want life just to be 'ok'? To hit old age and wish you'd been more, done more, been happier, had more confidence, made that break...
Being content is a wonderful thing if we really ARE content, but if it just feels like something's missing... that's your clue.
... And the only way we learn, grow and become more our REAL self is by being brave and stepping outside of that comfort zone.
Thing is - it need not be anything like as terrifying as you imagine! When you know how to gently coax your brain into making changes, in fact it becomes much easier... exciting, even, rather than scary.
I'll be sharing my #TopTip in a little Insta live later on (as part of #InstaBizWeek) - on how to make facing your #fear less daunting.
#staytuned ! ... .. .
#inspire #beinspired #empoweringwomen #empowerment #girlboss #bossbabe #bosslady #ownbiz #bristolbiz #entrepreneur #UKWIB #strongwomen #beyourownhero #independentwoman #alphafemale #goals #nevergiveup #goaldigger #solopreneur #selfworth #innerstrength #mindhacks #mindset #subconscious #girlontop #beauthentic #realyou
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I'm taking part in the #InstaBizWeek challenge over on Instagram this week and today, we're being asked to share our passion.
My passion is very simply enabling others to pursue their dreams and live the life they want to live!
... I've always believed life's too short and too precious to waste in doing things that don't make you happy. But... sometimes, we get so caught up in keeping all the balls in the air that it's impossible to see a way out.
And sometimes our own minds get in the way - our subconscious can sabotage those dreams and ambitions if we don't know how to tame it!
I've been there, I know how it feels to be stuck. And I know just how much of a barrier low confidence can be, even if you've got all the motivation in the world!
Don't sit on the sidelines, let me help you #livewithpassion
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Just taking a look back through some old Instagram posts and I stumbled across this one.
It occurred to me that this also really mirrors a lot of the work I do with clients!
Often we get so caught up in our worries and just keeping going each day that we can forget just how wonderful we are and and all the good stuff we've achieved in life. We naturally tend to dwell on the negatives - one of the perils of being human!
... So in sessions we spend a lot of time reminding the brain of all our capabilities and strengths, and gently creating a new template for those thought patterns to become more positive and helpful - this can help enormously with confidence & self-image among many other things.
Even if you can't think of one good thing about yourself right now, I promise you things can look very different with a bit of gentle reminding ­¤ÖÅ
And if you can subtly do that for the people you love, you can make a world of difference.
Have a wonderful weekend!
https://www.instagram.com/p/BR0VxbbAcfJ/Ō Ć”
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Since having a baby, the world has felt like a much more terrifying place. Sessions with Abigail are helping me to notice the positives in life and I'm already feeling much lighter, happier, and able to do things I've struggled with before.

I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Abi to others.


I've had some fantastic sessions with Abi to tackle my stress levels and associated OCD traits. Her style is very relaxed and she puts you at ease straight away. The sessions have improved my OCD in particular and the relaxation part of the session has helped enormously. I would highly recommend Abi to anyone!


I had an online consultation with Abi to talk about stress and low mood caused by sleep deprivation. She was really understanding and gave me lots of strategies to deal with the situation. I really valued her detailed explanation of what was going on in my brain and why I felt the way I did. Understanding about my 'inner caveman' has helped immensely! Highly recommended!


I came to Abi for help with giving up smoking.. i had previously tried all sorts and although had given up had not managed to quit. I had previously worked with in a stop smoking team so have a good knowledge of mainstream smoking cessation services.. so was interested in this different approach.

Meeting with Abi was an interesting and very positive experience. She made me feel very much at ease, was a great listener and very knowledgable.

Her assessment was thorough and very thought provoking.

I was open to the idea of hypnotherapy although may be in the back of my mind a wee bit sceptical..

Abi's explanation of how our brains work in relation to smoking/need/addiction etc made sense to me. The hypnotherapy was an interesting experience for me.. i left feeling calm and positive..

Although, i have over the past month or so, had the odd cigarette ( Christmas and new year were a testing time!) .. i have now not smoked for 3wks, i listen to Abi relaxation tapes most nights and use the information we discussed to stop me from relapsing back to the sneaky fags!

I would highly recommend Abi.. if you would like to stop smoking or change other negative behaviours..

thanks Abi ’┐Į


Since having a baby, the world has felt like a much more terrifying place. Sessions with Abigail are helping me to notice the positives in life and I'm already feeling much lighter, happier, and able to do things I've struggled with before.

I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Abi to others.


I've had some fantastic sessions with Abi to tackle my stress levels and associated OCD traits. Her style is very relaxed and she puts you at ease straight away. The sessions have improved my OCD in particular and the relaxation part of the session has helped enormously. I would highly recommend Abi to anyone!


I had an online consultation with Abi to talk about stress and low mood caused by sleep deprivation. She was really understanding and gave me lots of strategies to deal with the situation. I really valued her detailed explanation of what was going on in my brain and why I felt the way I did. Understanding about my 'inner caveman' has helped immensely! Highly recommended!


I came to Abi for help with giving up smoking.. i had previously tried all sorts and although had given up had not managed to quit. I had previously worked with in a stop smoking team so have a good knowledge of mainstream smoking cessation services.. so was interested in this different approach.

Meeting with Abi was an interesting and very positive experience. She made me feel very much at ease, was a great listener and very knowledgable.

Her assessment was thorough and very thought provoking.

I was open to the idea of hypnotherapy although may be in the back of my mind a wee bit sceptical..

Abi's explanation of how our brains work in relation to smoking/need/addiction etc made sense to me. The hypnotherapy was an interesting experience for me.. i left feeling calm and positive..

Although, i have over the past month or so, had the odd cigarette ( Christmas and new year were a testing time!) .. i have now not smoked for 3wks, i listen to Abi relaxation tapes most nights and use the information we discussed to stop me from relapsing back to the sneaky fags!

I would highly recommend Abi.. if you would like to stop smoking or change other negative behaviours..

thanks Abi ’┐Į

More about Abigail Rogers Mindset Solutions

Abigail Rogers Mindset Solutions is located at 226 North Street, BS3 1JD Bristol, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -