Ability School Of Dance

About Ability School Of Dance

Inclusive classes, promoting wellbeing & improving life prospects:
* Autism Movement Therapy
* ConfiDANCE
* Deafinity
* Watch this space. .



The many shoes of a dance teacher..! 😄
Today, Miss Jo has:
a) Been back to dance with the students of Gorseland Primary School’s SSC on their Residential trip (who were little superstars 🌟)
... b) Taught her usual weekday Autism Movement Therapy and ConfiDANCE classes (both of which were wonderful 🤩)
c) Co-taught tap dancing with the lovely Louise Kate Dance - LKD 🥰🙌
Over and out 😴😁❤️🖤 • • • • • • • • • • #AbilitySchoolofDance #ASofD #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Confidence #SelfEsteem #Dance #Dancing #Dancer #DanceClass #DanceSchool #DanceTeacher #Contemporary #Tap #CreativeDance #Technique #Improvisation #AutismMovementTherapy #AMT #MovementTherapy #Autism #AutismSpectrum #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ASD #Aspergers #SEN #Inclusive #Kesgrave #Ipswich #Summer2019 Bloch Dance Europe
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This picture does a brilliant job of expressing our excitement about classes starting back this Thursday 🙌🤩 We can’t wait to dance with you all again!! ❤️🖤 • • •... • • • • • • • #AbilitySchoolofDance #ASofD #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Confidence #SelfEsteem #Dance #Dancing #Dancer #DanceClass #DanceSchool #Contemporary #CreativeDance #Technique #Improvisation #AutismMovementTherapy #AMT #Movement #Therapy #MovementTherapy #Autism #AutismSpectrum #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ASD #Aspergers #SEN #Inclusive #Kesgrave #Ipswich #Summer2019
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Clap your beaks if you had a rather fun half term - but can’t wait to get back to even more fun at dancing...quaaaack! 🦆👏😁🤩 • • • •... • • • • • • #AbilitySchoolofDance #ASofD #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Confidence #SelfEsteem #Dance #Dancing #Dancer #DanceClass #DanceSchool #Contemporary #CreativeDance #Technique #Improvisation #AutismMovementTherapy #AMT #Movement #Therapy #MovementTherapy #Autism #AutismSpectrum #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ASD #Aspergers #SEN #Inclusive #Kesgrave #Ipswich #May2019
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Miss Jo has had a lovely afternoon at All England this afternoon with Louise Kate Dance - LKD 💖💜 Congratulations to Ben and Evie who both danced beautifully, Miss Louise and I are super proud! 🤩🥰 • • •... • • • • • • • #LouiseKateDance #AbilitySchoolofDance #ASofD #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Confidence #SelfEsteem #Dance #Dancing #Dancer #DanceClass #DanceSchool #Contemporary #CreativeDance #Technique #Improvisation #AutismMovementTherapy #AMT #Movement #Therapy #MovementTherapy #Autism #AutismSpectrum #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ASD #Aspergers #SEN #Inclusive #AllEngland
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Who’s going (or already been!) to the Suffolk Show this year? 😍😁 Miss Jo LOVES all the animals there...we have animal-related games and dances every single class, plus lots live in the sensory tent too! 🐭🐘🐴🐱🐡🐝🥰 • • •... • • • • • • • #AbilitySchoolofDance #ASofD #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Confidence #SelfEsteem #Dance #Dancing #Dancer #DanceClass #DanceSchool #Contemporary #CreativeDance #Technique #Improvisation #AutismMovementTherapy #AMT #Movement #Therapy #MovementTherapy #Autism #AutismSpectrum #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ASD #Aspergers #SEN #Inclusive #Ipswich #May2019 #SuffolkShow2019
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We hope you’re all having a lovely, restful bank holiday! 😴 Here, David managed to capture a rare moment when everyone was still... ...or did he? 🧐 Maybe we were simply being starfish?! 🌟😁 You’ll have to come along to our classes to find out! 😉❤️🖤... • • • • • • • • • • #AbilitySchoolofDance #ASofD #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Confidence #SelfEsteem #Dance #Dancing #Dancer #DanceClass #DanceSchool #Contemporary #CreativeDance #Technique #Improvisation #AutismMovementTherapy #AMT #Movement #Therapy #MovementTherapy #Autism #AutismSpectrum #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ASD #Aspergers #SEN #Inclusive #Kesgrave #Ipswich #May2019
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May Half Term has arrived..which means summer term is on its way!! ☀️ We’ll be posting some more of the wonderful pictures photographer David captured of you all very soon 😍🤩 Miss Jo can’t wait to be back dancing consistently with you all again (without all the bank holidays interrupting studio hire)! ❤️🖤 Plus, there are a couple of extra events in her diary this term too, which she’s looking forward to posting about...as always, watch this space! 🥰 •... • • • • • • • • • #AbilitySchoolofDance #ASofD #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Confidence #SelfEsteem #Dance #Dancing #Dancer #DanceClass #DanceSchool #Contemporary #CreativeDance #Technique #Improvisation #AutismMovementTherapy #AMT #Movement #Therapy #MovementTherapy #Autism #AutismSpectrum #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ASD #Aspergers #SEN #Inclusive #Kesgrave #Ipswich #May2019
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This term, in addition to all her other roles(!), Miss Jo is co-teaching dance sessions for students at Thomas Wolsey Ormiston Academy - alongside the lovely Phoebe 👭😊 We have been treated with so much beautiful dancing already...we can’t wait to see what’s to come! 😍🌟 This is part of a project with DanceEast & there are plans for a performance at the end! 🖤🌈 • •... • • • • • • • • #AbilitySchoolofDance #ASofD #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Confidence #SelfEsteem #Dance #Dancing #Dancer #DanceClass #DanceSchool #CreativeDance #Technique #Improvisation #AutismMovementTherapy #AMT #Movement #Therapy #MovementTherapy #Autism #AutismSpectrum #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ASD #Aspergers #SEN #SEND #Inclusive #Ipswich #DanceEast #ThomasWolseyOrmistonAcademy
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Take a look at these snapshots of the group dance we choreographed collaboratively in ConfiDANCE last week! 😍 If you’re aged 14-26yrs and would like to explore Contemporary dance in a safe and supportive atmosphere - whilst also benefitting your mental wellbeing, this class is a perfect match 🥰 Please do get in touch today, we’d love to have you join us after half term! ❤️🖤 • •... • • • • • • • • #AbilitySchoolofDance #ASofD #Ability #Contemporary #Dance #Dancing #Dancer #DanceClass #DanceSchool #DanceTeacher #CreativeDance #Technique #Improvisation #Inclusive #Wellbeing #Confidence #SelfEsteem #Supportive #MentalHealth #MentalWellness #Depression #Anxiety #Stress #EatingDisorders #SelfHarm #BodyImage #Kesgrave #Ipswich #Suffolk #May2019
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Today is the final day of #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek, a subject that is so incredibly important and close to our hearts - especially with the focus this year being #BodyImage 🧠 We understand that it can sometimes feel impossible to accept what you see in your reflection, but please remember that the way you look cannot and does not define you and there are infinite more important things to be spending your time thinking about 💭 We want all of our dancers to know that no matte...r what your body shape, or what it does/doesn’t do, you will always be more than welcome to dance with us ❤️🖤 Not having a certain body type should never ever stop you from dancing, or for that matter, stop you from doing anything else you love to do! 🌟 You are more than worthy of the space you take up in this world, of kindness, of respect...and you already are and always will be more than good enough 🥰 #BeBodyKind #ShineYourLight #BeTheChangeYouWantToSeeInTheWorld • • • • • • • • • • #AbilitySchoolofDance #ASofD #Ability #Inclusive #Wellbeing #Confidence #SelfEsteem #MentalHealth #MentalWellness #Depression #Anxiety #Stress #EatingDisorders #SelfHarm #Contemporary #Dancing #DanceClass #CreativeDance #Technique #Improvisation #DeafDance #AutismMovementTherapy #Autism #Kesgrave #May2019
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Looking forward to seeing you all! ❤️🖤🥰🙌 • • • •... • • • • • • #AbilitySchoolofDance #ASofD #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Confidence #SelfEsteem #Dance #Dancing #Dancer #DanceClass #DanceSchool #Contemporary #CreativeDance #Technique #Improvisation #AutismMovementTherapy #AMT #Movement #Therapy #MovementTherapy #Autism #AutismSpectrum #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ASD #Aspergers #SEN #Inclusive #Kesgrave #Ipswich #May2019
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Today is #PDADay ❤️🖤 Take a look at this excellent information from the PDA Society, to learn more about Pathological Demand Avoidance - a lesser-known profile of Autism. Some important points to note: 1. PDA stems from anxiety and a need for control, not purposeful or often even conscious avoidance 😥 2. Even when the person desperately wants to do something, if their brain perceives it as a demand, they can be completely unable to 😌... 3. Simple changes in the way we communicate can enable these individuals to access the world in a way that feels less scary for them - Miss Jo tries her best, but is always working on this...practice makes perfect! 🥰 • • • • • • • • • • #AbilitySchoolofDance #ASofD #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Confidence #SelfEsteem #Dance #Dancing #Dancer #DanceClass #DanceSchool #Contemporary #CreativeDance #Technique #Improvisation #AutismMovementTherapy #AMT #Movement #Therapy #MovementTherapy #Autism #AutismSpectrum #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ASD #Aspergers #SEN #Inclusive #Kesgrave #Ipswich
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In this Saturday’s AMT classes, David the photographer will be joining us again...mainly to capture even more of Miss Jo’s expressive faces!! 😆🤪 Who can spot him from when he visited before & accidentally snapped himself in the picture? 📸😁❤️🖤 • • •... • • • • • • • #AbilitySchoolofDance #ASofD #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Confidence #SelfEsteem #Dance #Dancing #Dancer #DanceClass #DanceSchool #Contemporary #CreativeDance #Technique #Improvisation #AutismMovementTherapy #AMT #Movement #Therapy #MovementTherapy #Autism #AutismSpectrum #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ASD #Aspergers #SEN #Inclusive #Kesgrave #Ipswich #May2019
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This week in ConfiDANCE we created duets about our ‘Favourite Places’ 📍☺️ Another of Miss Jo’s favourite places to be (other than at Ability classes of course!! ❤️🖤) is Project 21 🥰 Such an incredible charity giving performance opportunities to people with Downs Syndrome...if you’ve not heard of them yet, you HAVE to check them out - especially their latest video!! 😍🌟🙌 • •... • • • • • • • • #AbilitySchoolofDance #ASofD #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Confidence #SelfEsteem #Dance #Dancing #Dancer #DanceClass #DanceSchool #Contemporary #CreativeDance #Technique #Improvisation #AutismMovementTherapy #AMT #Movement #Autism #AutismSpectrum #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ASD #Aspergers #SEN #Inclusive #Kesgrave #Ipswich #May2019 #DownSyndrome #Project21UK
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Any Level 1 AMT participants recognise this face from a couple of weeks ago..? Good news - Ellen will be joining us again this Saturday! 😀👏 This term she is assisting Miss Jo - along with Sophie and Sienna - in our Level 1 AMT classes, as part of her Dance degree (from the University of Suffolk , in partnership with DanceEast). We’re all looking forward to dancing with you again very soon 😊❤️🖤 •... • • • • • • • • • #AbilitySchoolofDance #ASofD #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Confidence #SelfEsteem #Dance #Dancing #Dancer #DanceClass #DanceSchool #Contemporary #CreativeDance #Technique #Improvisation #AutismMovementTherapy #AMT #Movement #Therapy #MovementTherapy #Autism #AutismSpectrum #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ASD #Aspergers #SEN #Inclusive #Kesgrave #Ipswich #May2019
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Congratulations to our Level 1 AMT participant Mark, his parents, support workers and everyone else who participated in Headway Suffolk’s ‘Cycle Ride and Walk’ in Ipswich on Saturday 27th April - especially in the stormy weather!! 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️ Also a huge THANK YOU to anyone who donated towards our group sponsorship - we raised £40 for this cause altogether 🙌❤️🖤 (Picture courtesy of Headway - have a read of their article here: https://tinyurl.com/y2eauete ☺️🧠) • •... • • • • • • • • #AbilitySchoolofDance #ASofD #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Confidence #SelfEsteem #Dance #Dancing #Dancer #DanceClass #DanceSchool #Contemporary #CreativeDance #Technique #Improvisation #AutismMovementTherapy #AMT #Movement #Therapy #MovementTherapy #Autism #AutismSpectrum #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ASD #Aspergers #SEN #Inclusive #Kesgrave #Ipswich #Headway
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Thank you to LEAPS Suffolk for having me and being such enthusiastic dancers! As can be seen (as per usual), Miss Jo’s silly face game was especially strong whenever the camera snapped!! 🙈😁🤪❤️🖤 [Check our Facebook page below for a shared post from LEAPS, with pics of everyone else who Ability School of Dance don’t currently hold photo permission for 😀📸✨] • • •... • • • • • • • #AbilitySchoolofDance #ASofD #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Confidence #SelfEsteem #Dance #Dancing #Dancer #DanceClass #DanceSchool #Contemporary #CreativeDance #Technique #Improvisation #AutismMovementTherapy #AMT #Movement #Therapy #MovementTherapy #Autism #AutismSpectrum #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ASD #Aspergers #SEN #Inclusive #Kesgrave #Ipswich #May2019
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Love these! An even bigger thank you for having me 😊 Looking forward to being back again soon too 🙌❤️🖤

More about Ability School Of Dance

Ability School Of Dance is located at Dance Studio, Kesgrave High School, Main Road, Kesgrave, IP5 2PB Ipswich, Suffolk