Abs Life Coaching

About Abs Life Coaching

ABS Life Coaching has been created to help you on your fitness journey by preparing you mentally.

Helping People is my #1 Value.

Abs Life Coaching Description

What is ABS Life Coaching all about?

ABS Life-Coaching is all about helping people.
That is all, thank you : -)

So now you are ready to sign up and start your journey with me? I hope not! So let me give you some more details: -

My background is, what I will refer to from now on as being a 99% er : -)

So, what is a 99% er I hear you ask?

The 99% ers are the 99% of the population that lead ‘normal’ lives. We go to School, get some qualifications, find a job, get promoted, have kids, get a mortgage, save for holidays, go overdrawn, yo-yo diet and complain how hard life is treating us. We whinge that it’s never our fault and we know there is more to life than how we ‘exist’ today. And I choose that word carefully, ‘EXIST’, not ‘LIVE’, just ‘EXIST’.

Now I'm not saying that is wrong. I'm just saying that some of the 99% ers want something different but unfortunately they never do anything about it, and this is the fundamental key to my service.

My job is to understand what is getting in your way and help you overcome those obstacles. To help you reduce your percentage : -)

It’s usually ‘WTS’ (Woods and Trees Syndrome). We are so wrapped up in our, self-applied ‘rubbish’ ‘day-to-day’ lives that we take no time to reflect and see what is actually stopping us from achieving what we want. We cannot see the Wood for the Trees : -)

So welcome to ABS: - The place and service that offers you the opportunity, if you want it enough, to take control and to change your future.

ABS has 2 meaning: -
1. Achieve /Believe /Succeed - These 3 words are fundamental to having the life you want
2. ABS as in a ‘six pack’

The first point is self-explanatory, but the second, you are probably asking, ‘What the hell?’

Well, let me explain.

I have seen, in myself, the massive impact that Health and Fitness has had on my whole life and I believe the fitness ‘industry’ has it wrong and focusses too much in the wrong areas.
You will no doubt of heard the saying 80% kitchen v 20% gym, or a six pack is earned in the kitchen etc. and I agree it is definitely a requirement, but what makes you go to the kitchen or the gym in the first place?

A six pack is indeed earned by good healthy eating and doing exercise; however the fundamental step BEFORE all of this happens is getting your head 100% right and then maintaining and sustaining that positive state in your life long journey.

If you really want something you WILL do it, but sometimes you just need those trees removing so you can see the wood. I have the chainsaw and I will be giving you the opportunity to borrow that chainsaw, until you are ready to own it. In fact I will give it to you. Forever. My gift to you : -)

How do you do this?

Easy, just spill your most inner secrets on this page and I will reply. PLEASE DON’T DO THIS!

You will get to know me and my sense of humour, or lack of it, soon enough : -)

Seriously, this page is basically a placeholder for my business and more importantly for you to be able to contact me privately.

If you have read this far (Well done for starters! ) then you are probably genuinely interested and really want to know more. Therefore I am offering the first 2 people that private message me the opportunity to work with me.

Once you have contact me I will let you know what ‘working with me’ looks like and if you are still interested we can start our journey together : -)