Abundance Fitness

About Abundance Fitness

Capella Wellness is a company focused on individual people's health and wellbeing. We provide small friendly classes including yoga and pilates.
Complementary therapies include massage, reflexology, reiki and indian head and face massage and beauty.

Abundance Fitness Description

Everyone can get healthier than they are with the right support and motivation. its not all about physical fitness - nutrition and mental wellbeing are integral part of your health
Friendly and fun classes for people of all ages and abilities.



Ladies... Here it is.... My new yoga studio at home!! Needs some work but I will be starting classes again in September!!


Did my first head stand today in yoga class.... Strength is returning ladies.... Looking forward to starting teaching again very soon. Keep your eyes peeled for some amazing news at the end of this month.......


Interesting...I'll certainly be watching my position more!


Hello my lovely ladies. I hope you are all well and still doing some exercise! Miss you all terribly, I enjoyed our classes so very much.
Quick update for you; my health is much better and I'll be starting to teach again after the summer hols..... May have some very exciting news as well in a few weeks too.....!!


Fantastic yoga event and in bosham too.


Love this! 😂


I hope my lovely ladies are well and have enjoyed Xmas. If you're looking for an easy way to get going again.... Why not try this? We've got some lovely countryside and footpaths around emsworth/westbourne. Xx


Hope you've all had a lovely Xmas. I'm feeling better each day, slowly slowly. Thought I'd share this with you all as this is something I'm trying to do.


Made me smile x


Thank you soo much for all the messages of love, support and understanding. I'm quite overwhelmed. I will be back in the spring.... hopefully with my own studio.... so til then, stay healthy! Xxx


Last classes this weekend Today: Pilates 6pm/ Stretch 7pm Monday: 7pm Stretch/ Yoga 7.30pmLast classes this weekend Today: Pilates 6pm/ Stretch 7pm Monday: 7pm Stretch/ Yoga 7.30pm


As some of you know, I've not been well lately. I have a chronic illness that flairs up and reminds me how important it is to care for myself. I need to rest and focus on my health and thus means having my weekends and evenings back to myself.
It is with sadness that I have to announce that I will be stopping my regular evening classes at the end of November. Last classes will be 25th and 26th Nov. I shall miss teaching you all so much, you are amazing ladies and always mak...e me smile. Its been an honour.
In the new year, I intend to still do individual & small groups arranged privately. This will depend on how I'm feeling. Watch this space!
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