
Monday: 09:00 - 23:59
Tuesday: 09:00 - 23:59
Wednesday: 09:00 - 23:59
Thursday: 09:00 - 00:00
Friday: 09:00 - 23:59
Saturday: 09:00 - 23:59
Sunday: 09:00 - 23:59

About Acacus

Acacus Restaurant
Libyan North African cuisine
Serving breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Open from 9: 00 - mednight
Seven days a week



#libyenfood #grill #chiken #salad #healthy #tasty #Northafrica #cosy #restaurant #food #shoot #yummy #shisha


فوائد الفلفل
يقلّل من احتمالية الإصابة بمرض السرطان؛ لأنّه يعمل على محاربة الخلايا السرطانيّة ويقضي عليها. ينظيم نسبة السكر في الدّم. ينظيم عملية الهضم. يحفّز نشاط الدورة الدمويّة، ويقي من الإصابة بالجلطات القلبيّة. يفتح الشهيّة، وفي نفس الوقت يساعد على حرق الدهون، والسعرات الحراريّة. يقضي على البكتيريا الموجودة في المعدة، والتي تسبب الحرقة والحموضة، وتزيد من احتمال الإصابة بسرطان المعدة، أو القرحة. يقلّل من احتمال الإصابة بأمراض الأوعية الدمويّة؛ حيث يخفّض مستوى الدهون الثل...اثيّة، والكولسترول في الدّم. يخفّف من احتقان والتهاب الجيوب الأنفية؛ لامتلاكه خصائص مضادة للبكتيريا. يسكّن الآلام الناتجة عن التهابات المفاصل الروماتيزميّة. يعمل كمضاد حيويّ، خصوصاً إذا تمّ تناوله الثوم، حيث يصبح تأثيره شبيهاً بتأثير البنسلين. ينشّط خلايا الجسم، ويخفّف من الشعور بالتعب والإرهاق، كما أنّه ينعش الجسم ويخفّف من أعراض الحزن والاكتئاب. يسرّع التآم الجروح. يعالج الصداع النصفيّ.
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Stay worm and cosy at Acacus with underfloor heating & heaters above with our great promotion of : £10 !!! For the best shisha in London when you show on you phone the fallowing code: Acacus 101 Wishing you a very happy 2019


calamari baked in the oven no oil used


Shisha @ Acacus


فطيرة وعسل My favourite💕


أخيرا سفنز في أكاكوس


New Years Dinner Come and Join us in Acacus for dinner 31th of Dec 2018 Great food Amazing ambiance 3 meal courses for £30 p.p For your booking please call. 0207 935 1545 Wishing you all the best of seasons greetings and a very happy new year.... Acacus Restaurant 7 A Dorset Street London W1U 6QN United Kingdom
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New Years Dinner Come and Join us in Acacus for dinner 31th of Dec 2018 Great food Amazing ambiance 3 meal courses for £30 p.p Wishing you the best of seasons greetings and a very happy new year




منورين بالتوفيق

Good luck I wish you all the best


ربي يوفقك ويحميك

المطبخ الشمال الأفريقي الليبي خصوصا غني بالنكهات والأطباق المميزة عن غيرها من مطابخ العالم


This is a lovely place to go to. Had a special dinner with friends and the Libyan food was delicious. The menu was well presented and they had brilliant service. The Acacus team were very friendly and welcoming, especially the director! We had a great evening last night. Thank you! Will definitely come again. Highly recommended


Really authentic Libyan and Tunisian dishes, we love this place. The meat falls off the bone, feels like homemade food. Thank you, we will be back .


Hi mounira,

For saturday 23rd, Aous is ok for the lunch at 1pm.

Could you please send me the menu details and prices so I send the email to the members tomorrow �

We might be between 30 and 40 but I will confirm.

For the lunch with my colleagues, it will be on Wednesday 20th or Thursday 21st June. I will confirm tomorrow.

Could you please send me the menu as well ? Can we give then the possibility to choose between couscous with fish or lamb ?

We might be 15 or more but I will confirm.


Delicious food and excellent atmosphere. The service is very good as well. I will be very happy to go there again and I highly recommend it. The Tunisian food is just amazing there ���


Best customer service I have ever seen! Food is amazing too.


Amazing North African dishes in a lovely restaurant in a great part of london. Excellent customer service!




منورين بالتوفيق

Good luck I wish you all the best


ربي يوفقك ويحميك

المطبخ الشمال الأفريقي الليبي خصوصا غني بالنكهات والأطباق المميزة عن غيرها من مطابخ العالم


This is a lovely place to go to. Had a special dinner with friends and the Libyan food was delicious. The menu was well presented and they had brilliant service. The Acacus team were very friendly and welcoming, especially the director! We had a great evening last night. Thank you! Will definitely come again. Highly recommended


Really authentic Libyan and Tunisian dishes, we love this place. The meat falls off the bone, feels like homemade food. Thank you, we will be back .


Hi mounira,

For saturday 23rd, Aous is ok for the lunch at 1pm.

Could you please send me the menu details and prices so I send the email to the members tomorrow �

We might be between 30 and 40 but I will confirm.

For the lunch with my colleagues, it will be on Wednesday 20th or Thursday 21st June. I will confirm tomorrow.

Could you please send me the menu as well ? Can we give then the possibility to choose between couscous with fish or lamb ?

We might be 15 or more but I will confirm.


Delicious food and excellent atmosphere. The service is very good as well. I will be very happy to go there again and I highly recommend it. The Tunisian food is just amazing there ���


Best customer service I have ever seen! Food is amazing too.


Amazing North African dishes in a lovely restaurant in a great part of london. Excellent customer service!




منورين بالتوفيق

Good luck I wish you all the best


ربي يوفقك ويحميك

المطبخ الشمال الأفريقي الليبي خصوصا غني بالنكهات والأطباق المميزة عن غيرها من مطابخ العالم


This is a lovely place to go to. Had a special dinner with friends and the Libyan food was delicious. The menu was well presented and they had brilliant service. The Acacus team were very friendly and welcoming, especially the director! We had a great evening last night. Thank you! Will definitely come again. Highly recommended


Really authentic Libyan and Tunisian dishes, we love this place. The meat falls off the bone, feels like homemade food. Thank you, we will be back .


Hi mounira,

For saturday 23rd, Aous is ok for the lunch at 1pm.

Could you please send me the menu details and prices so I send the email to the members tomorrow �

We might be between 30 and 40 but I will confirm.

For the lunch with my colleagues, it will be on Wednesday 20th or Thursday 21st June. I will confirm tomorrow.

Could you please send me the menu as well ? Can we give then the possibility to choose between couscous with fish or lamb ?

We might be 15 or more but I will confirm.


Delicious food and excellent atmosphere. The service is very good as well. I will be very happy to go there again and I highly recommend it. The Tunisian food is just amazing there ���


Best customer service I have ever seen! Food is amazing too.


Amazing North African dishes in a lovely restaurant in a great part of london. Excellent customer service!

More about Acacus

Acacus is located at 7 a Dorset street, W1U 6QN London, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 23:59
Tuesday: 09:00 - 23:59
Wednesday: 09:00 - 23:59
Thursday: 09:00 - 00:00
Friday: 09:00 - 23:59
Saturday: 09:00 - 23:59
Sunday: 09:00 - 23:59