Achieve Happiness

About Achieve Happiness

Achieve Happiness provides life coaching, NLP, IEMT and counselling services covering a wide area throughout the North West of England

Achieve Happiness Description

I was 25 years old when I obtained my qualifications in Counselling Skills. I felt so grateful to be able to help people through the tough times and I think that was when I mentally made the decision that this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I have spent years taking people on journeys through turmoil into new beginnings.

I gained my qualification in Life Coaching in 2013. Coaching and Goal setting are priceless in getting to where you want to go and to being who it is that you want to be. "If you have a dream, you have the ability to make that dream come true. " I believe that Coaching is the bridge that enables you to cross the threshold to a new you. Most people who have goals become incredibly successful in whatever it is that they set out to achieve.

After just 1 session with me you will be able to start building a new life. One full of wonder and courage. You will learn ways to deal with stress and anxiety and achieve an ability to look into the future and the challenges ahead with confidence.



Please teach your children to celebrate their uniqueness. Now society and social media says that we should all look, dress and act in a certain way. That the only safety available is in fitting in, being the same as the others. Children tell me “if I look like this, if I have my hair like that, if I have my eyebrows done then the bullies won’t pick on me, I will be accepted “. A lot of Bullies are sad miserable lonely people who don’t love or like themselves very much. A l...ot of them have been through horrendous things in their short lives. They will pick on anyone to try to make themselves feel better. (Of course it doesn’t work). So please help your children to be themselves. Celebrate and focus on their differences.
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Brilliant article I advise my clients to practice deep breathing, drinking lots of water, singing and meditation (there are some great guided meditations and relaxations on you tube). We are the generation that has forgotten how to breathe. We are too busy. Sounds crazy eh? Monitor your breathing and see how many seconds you breathe in and out when you are not concentrating on it. Most of my clients literally breathe in between 1/2 seconds and breathe out the same. It’s not... enough 😳 Our resting breathe should be at least 3 seconds in and out. Breathing refreshes the body and removes toxins. Oxygen helps the blood flow through the veins along with water. Blood keeps us alive ! Help it along. Practice really breathing this week and please feel free to let us know on here how your body and mind change 🤗 l-being/
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I love this picture. There are scans now that prove our minds change with positive thoughts. Your mind is the best computer in the World and there is only you that can program it. Install some great programs now. Be grateful for everything that your hands touch. Put some great words after I am and I can. ... Do some guided meditations. Keep the mind programmed with good positive stuff and watch your life change. It has to its science. What have you got to lose? The positive software is even free for you to use 🤗🤗
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Highly Recommended 🤗🤗


Thought for the day 💕 Therapy versus Anti-Depressants Why is there more of a stigma connected to having therapy than taking Anti-depressants? Now don’t get me wrong there are situations in life where these pills can be beneficial and you should always consult your doctor before reducing or stopping your medication. But if you could only see or experience my clients after just 3 sessions I am sure that 75% of people would never chose the medication route. ...
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Please share to your friends. You never know who has been through this. Show them you understand 💕


Love this. Upgrade your writing on the wall today 🤗🤗


Still the mind and the body will follow 💕


Love this 😂😂😂😂


Absolutely 🤗 It’s challenging as a parent of children with super fuel as it can be exhausting to keep up with them, however, you will also get a lot of pleasure from keeping them amused. Please watch their diets as sugar will make them worse as will certain preservatives. Keep them active with as many outdoor activities as possible. Allowing them to run around safely to burn off their super fuel.


More important for me as the brain runs the body. If the brain is in conflict so is the body. If you have any long term ailments post them below and I will explain how it could be coming from the mind.


Great lesson in life


For those whom I have done the magic finger waddling with 🤗🤗 neurons in real life 😂🤓

More about Achieve Happiness

Achieve Happiness is located at True Serenity, OL12 0 Rochdale