Acklam Home Dog Boarding

About Acklam Home Dog Boarding

Home from home dog boarding, doggy day care and walking.
Licensed , inspected and Insured
I adopt your pet who lives in my home, no kennels /cages Founded 2010



Sunday 21st July
We found out who is responsible for Ruby's collar coming off!
Ruby and Sasha met for the first time last Monday and renewed their acquaintance on Friday and have been best buddies ever since. They chase each other for hours mainly trying to get each others collar. So far, we have had to find Ruby's collar three times.
... it was on lead walks for Eric Jetta and Frank today as we were in open areas and all my boarders had another sound night and eating well
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Saturday 20th July
Free Eric
Had a few here today that need lead walks so gave them a treat by taking the group to the enclosure so everyone could have a run around and boy did they love it.
... Things are busy as were 6 pets here in total at one time so roped in 2 helpers . In the house today has ve been Eric and Jetta the boarding Afghans, Ruby the Boxer, Sasha the Rottie mix, frank the Pug and Cain with his Mam who kindly helped today and as supplied some fab photos
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Friday 19th July
Here comes the mirror man....
Its back to the 80s as Human League tribute band Eric and Jetta arrive and co opt boarder Sasha and returning Ruby on back up vocals
... All members of the band are jamming well gave a few acclaimed performances today and are presenting resting before their next gig
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Thursday 18th July
Sasha's day
A quiet day all round as only Sasha staying today and Cain day visiting.
... Too hot to do a lot with them so both have spent a lot of time chilling. Sasha is a superb guest she even puts her paw around me at night when we crash out and she did have the chance to see a Rottie today!
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Wednesday 17th July
Cain (fit) and able
Poor Cain has been poorly but is back to normal as the canine vacuum so rejoined us this afternoon for a walk.
... Sasha is well content with his night time routine and even leaves some room on the bed for me now. He is the only boarder at the moment with indi and Harvey the Bichon here as day guests. Took the three out this morning and added Cain this afternoon.
Too warm but we coped
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Tuesday 16th July
"I'm having a great holiday, loads of walks and playmates and my bed is so comfy I even let Mike have part of it"
sasha is ell and truly into her holiday, she is my only over night guest at the moment but plenty of day dogs here, today Nancy came back for another day and we also had cally and lana the dalmatians for the day.
... The photos are from two walks, both were based around the Avenue and woods because it has been so hot I needed shade for them.
First walk local dog Alfie the Cockapoo also joined the pack .
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Monday 15th July
The harvest is in. The fields are ploughed. Today it was time to say goodbye to the Tractor boys, Fergus and Fendt, my side kicks for the last 3 weeks.Hurts when they go you know.
To cheer me up, Sasha had brill first night , indeed I turned over this morning and had a shock to find a Rottie in my bed! Mainly day dogs today as the Boxers ruby and Bruce reunited and also had Finlay back with Nancy the beagle/kangaroo.


Sunday 14th July
George celebrates beating Fendt to the ball by impersonating a rabbit!
Busy day starting with boarders Fergus Fendt and George having Toby the Shih tzu here too and chance to mix with more local dogs.
... George and Toby have gone home and arriving is Sasha for a holiday, she is a rottie/american bulldog cross.
Needless to say everybody got on famously
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Saturday 13th July
"I like it here Mam"
So says George who enjoyed an excellent first night and fits in very well with the Tractor boys.
... Todays photos are from their play session by the open fields and meadows spent chasing a ball as Fendt will not let us leave the house without a ball.
All nicely crashed out around the front room catching some rest
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Friday 12th July
Its a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world, Except for Lola, Lo lo lo lo Lola, Lo lo lo Lola
... Besides thinking of Ray Davies tribute to a transvestite ( he was in the Kinks and wrote the song ) I had two Lolas in today which was very confusing .
In addition today marked the arrival of mini poodle George for a long week end. First walk was Tractor boys with George and Lola the Spaniel day dog and second was Tractor boys George and Lola the Greyhound day dog.
As two pets were new to me, used the enclosure for both walks so photos are similar but different times
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Thursday 11th July
New kid in town
This is Blu ( owner's spelling) here for the day he is just under a year and another fabulous Staffy, first time he has been but will holiday shortly.
... His company were Thursday regular Pepi and the Tractor boys. Went to the enclosure first so Blu could have a run too , he was fine off lead so this afternoon let him off down the Avenue for more ball chasing and tonight Blu had left so went by the beck as nice night and I was thinking what can i do, so took my guests out again
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Wednesday 10th July
Friendships are made here.
Fergus with Bruce.
... Bruce had an excellent trial night and fitted in perfectly with everybody. he thought of getting on the bed but realised there were already two tractors on it so used his duvet.
Today saw Indi here as day guest thus another new foursome for the morning walk then Bruce and Indi left making the later walk the inevitable ball chase.Plenty of old favourites have booked in for more breaks today including the wonderful news that the Legend will continue another chapter beckons.
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Tuesday 9th July
Only one thing better than having a Boxer in the house....having two Boxers in the house.
Day started with a walk for Fergus Fendt and returning day guest Pepi ( his owners are having a bathroom installed ) and ball chasing by th fields and wild areas at the back of the Crem.
... Pepi then went home and Bruce the Boxer arrived for an overnight stay prior to his holiday. So to make him happy, I borrowed Ruby for the evening
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Monday 8th July
The Fantastic Four
Four ball today as ball mania sweeps my household and day guests Pepi and Ruby show the same devotion to ball chasing that Fergus and Fendt insist upon,
... So we duly obliged and spent the walks throwing a ball for them all to chase and we certainly got them tired
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Sunday 7th July
More ball games
The Tractor boys now insist on taking a ball out on our walks . they were joined for the first one by Cain who tried his best to join in. He may not have been in ball chasing shape but he is really coming on and enjoying his walks. As for the Tractor boys we now have no chance of going out without a ball. Sometimes Fergus gets it first but Fendt pinches the ball off him


Saturday 6th July
Play ball
Started today with Finlay Fergus and Fendt down the Avenue where we met a Bedlington and recommended Julie but it marked Finlay's stay coming to an end , he will return for day care shortly. Hes been fabulous fun was just so hot for the long haired breeds
... Later it was ball play with Fergus and Fendt, we were impressed Fergus won the race to the ball on a few occasions
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Friday 5th July
Me and my shadow
Day guests today were Pippa the Cockapoo, that idolises Jevon, Lola the spaniel and Cain.
... Walk this morning was with boarders Fendt Fergus and Finlay. that walk revolved around ball chasing and the meadows with Pippa spending most of it as Jevon's shadow although she did have a little play with the Tractor boys.
Afternoon cain had joined us as well so between us we took all six out and this time Pippa joined in the racing
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Thursday 4th July
I should make my instruction clearer.
You may recall that on their last trip here Fergus and Fendt borrowed a local Farmer's tractor and had ploughed half a field before I could get them off, so as we were passing the same place I gave them strict instruction, leave the nice farmer's tractors alone.
... They quickly disappeared and within minutes I heard a rumbling and feared the worst, flick through the photos to see what happened....
Meanwhile the main walk s were with the Tractor boys Finlay and day guests Pepi and Cain, Cain is really enjoying his walks now.
And in case you didnt know, I have a creative imagination
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More about Acklam Home Dog Boarding

Acklam Home Dog Boarding is located at 37 Birtley Avenue, TS5 8LA Middlesbrough
01642814946 07580255030