Acorn Health

Monday: 09:00 - 13:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 13:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 13:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 13:00
Friday: 08:30 - 13:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00

About Acorn Health

Award-winning virtual health clinic offering online pain management coaching, life coaching and Pilates. Effective, accessible care for all with accredited healthcare professionals.

Acorn Health Description

You can use this page to follow the latest news from our health clinic, as well as gain access to a range of information relating to conditions, therapies, and other relevant topics that you may find useful.

We aim to provide you with information that is helpful in preventing pain and problems developing, as well as ensuring you are able to access information to help you should problems arise in the future.

You can also book appointments with us through the "Book Online" tab on our page.



Hello, My name is Copper and I belong to Philippa & Rhiannon.
... As some of you may know, my brother Monty had emergency spinal surgery yesterday and is staying at the vets for a while. IŌĆÖve never been left alone and get scared if I am so IŌĆÖm going to be coming in to clinic with my family for the next few days to make sure I have company.
IŌĆÖm sorry if I bark, please donŌĆÖt take it personally as IŌĆÖm just a bit worried at the moment. ItŌĆÖs best if you just ignore me!
We appreciate this may be somewhat unconventional, but as a family-run business we hope you don't mind an additional Oakley joining the team for a few days.
Thank you for being so understanding.
Copper and the Oakleys
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For just two more appointments per year, patients who chose to receive regular "maintenance care" from their chiropractor saw almost 13 days less pain throughout the year than those who just sought treatment when it was painful.
This is great news for people who are actively seeking effective and cost-efficient ways to look after their back.
To book your appointment, please call us on 01243 379693 or visit


Important words from Catherine Quinn, BCA President
"First Contact Practitioners, such as chiropractors, can help relieve the pressures on primary care services today. For example, we know that 80% of people in the UK will suffer with back and neck issues during their lifetime and, of those, 32% will visit their local GP as the first action, when they could see a chiropractor instead ŌĆō thatŌĆÖs potentially over 17 million people that could avoid seeing the GP as their first po...rt of call.ŌĆØ
It's like choosing to see your GP for tooth pain, rather than your dentist. Choosing appropriate care as quickly as possible increases your likelihood of recovery and can immediately help alleviate the burden on our strained NHS.
To book to see our chiropractor, please call 01243 379693 or visit to book online.
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Our website is currently down (and we've got our techno wizards on the case! ­¤¦ÖŌĆŹŌÖé’ĖÅ)
For appointments, please call us on 01243 379693. The online booking facility is still working so you can also book online by visiting


Here's an interesting study for any ladies out there struggling with migraines. This study found that women with migraine demonstrated decreased neck flexor and extensor endurance compared to women without migraine.
This may indicate an association between migraine and reduced performance of the neck muscles.
Chiropractic is effective for migraine prevention and we have the rehabilitation facilities on site to help you fully address these issues through specific exercises our chiropractor Philippa will guide you through as part of your care.
To book your appointment, call us on 01243 379693 or visit to book online.
Read the full study here: pt.2019.8816ŌĆ”
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We are really excited to celebrate with The Final Straw Solent in their "Plastic-Free Day" initiative with schools throughout the UK. The Final Straw team have done some incredible work and prompted a change across the Solent region and wider UK, encouraging us all to take more responsibility for our environmental impacts and refuse single use plastics.
As a business, we have taken steps to ensure that we have robust environmental policies to ensure we are doing our part to r...educe our use of single use plastics and care for this wonderful planet of ours.
Some of the steps we have taken are: - Using 100% recyclable paper cups or washable glasses with our South Downs Water dispenser in reception - Reviewed and updated our contracts with companies who do not meet our environmental expectations - Spoken to suppliers to establish what they can (and will) be doing to reduce their use of single use plastics - Our range of Pukka Herbs teas available in clinic do not contain plastic, unlike many others available
We are continuing to actively seek alternatives for various medical equipment we use that has plastic components.
In addition we are proud to have sponsored one of The Final Straw Solent's "Beach Clean Boards" which will be coming soon to North Street!
Wishing the wonderful Sir David Attenborough a very happy 93rd birthday from all of us at Acorn Health.
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New patient appointments available this week:
Wednesday 8th PM Thursday 9th AM and PM Friday 10th AM and PM
... Wednesday 15th AM and PM
Please book online here: or call reception on 01243 379693.
Please let us know if your friend or family member has referred you to Philippa Oakley-Chiropractor as we take 10% off the price of both your and your friends next follow up treatment!
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New guidelines have recently been released regarding physical activity, sedentary behaviour (time spent sitting down) and sleep in children less than 5 years old.
"Improving physical activity, reducing sedentary time and ensuring quality sleep in young children will improve their physical, mental health and wellbeing, and help prevent childhood obesity and associated diseases later in lifeŌĆØ
Click on the link to see the recommendations at a glance for infants (<1 yr old), children aged 1-2, and children aged 3-4.


Feeling stressed about going back to work tomorrow?
Here's a simple solution- get up and get moving!
Just 30 minutes of low to moderate aerobic exercise (walking, running or cycling) helps calm the pain centres in our brain.
... Remember- you can be sore but safe. Exercise and remaining active is one of the best ways to manage back pain.
Need some more advice? Book online to see our chiropractor by visiting
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The thoughts, feelings, and words we say to ourselves when we have back pain have been shown to have a significant impact on how well recover.
"I'm never going to get any better." "My back pain's always going to be terrible."
... vs
"My back is strong and stable, just a bit sore." "Hurt doesn't equal harm, it's safe for me to move and use my back."
You can see which one is likely to give us more confidence and a more optimistic outlook on our recovery, can't you?
So what do say to low back pain? Not today!
For appointments with our chiropractor, call us on 01243 379693 or visit
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Wow- what a weekend! I spent it in Manchester attending a course with the Prague School of Rehabilitation and Manual Medicine, learning "Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation."
DNS involves studying how a child moves and develops, and uses the basis of this optimal movement to improve our movement quality and stability. This can help reduce pain, prevent injuries and optimise our sporting performance.
Those of you who've been in clinic today will have already noticed how DNS ha...s influenced the treatment and exercise advice I've given you today and I'm really excited to continue to develop my knowledge in this area to further benefit you all. This is going to be the start of a fabulous journey and I'm already looking forward to the next course!
A huge thank you to our fabulous chiro friend Sam at Davies Chiropractic Care for organising the course.
Sam is running a DNS Exercise 1 course in June in Manchester. This course is suitable for clinicians but also PT's, yoga or pilates instructors, sports therapists and S&C coaches. To find out more, visit: https://davieschiropracticcare.ŌĆ”/ŌĆ”/ŌĆ ”X8eAAEQNPY31n8hu6xeFgNZE
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.... And theyŌĆÖre off! Acorn Health on tour as Philippa and Hannah head up North for the weekend to join our chiropractic colleagues at a 3 day course on Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation.
The nervous system establishes programs that control our posture, movement and gait. This ŌĆśmotor controlŌĆÖ is largely established during the first critical years of life. DNS focuses on these developmental aspects of motor control in order to assess and restore dysfunction.
ItŌĆÖs going to be a fascinating and challenging weekend of learning- stay tuned for more photos!


Some snazzy kinesiology taping going on this morning to reduce pain and swelling around the elbow after a fall.
This is a method of application called lymphatic fan taping which helps to reduce fluid build-up by directing lymph fluid towards a less-congested lymphatic pathway and lymph nodes.
To find out more about kinesiology taping, read our blog on it here: ping-for-pain-howŌĆ”/
... Kinesiology taping is one treatment modality that might be used by your chiropractor to help aid your recovery. If you'd like to book in to see our chiropractor, please call us on 01243 379693 or visit
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SUCH a great post. This is why, as healthcare providers, we have to be so conscious of the words we use so that you leave feeling reassured, rather than using negative language that could make you more worried. For us, itŌĆÖs about getting you better as quickly and safely as possible, and ensuring you leave equipped with the tools you need to keep yourself out of pain.
If youŌĆÖd like to book an appointment, please visit or call us from 9AM tomorrow on 01243 379693.


WeŌĆÖre now closed for the Easter break and are off to enjoy a mini break with these two little bunnies! We will be back on Tuesday 23rd at 9AM.
Appointments can still be booked online at
... Wishing you all a restful bank holiday weekend in the sun!
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­¤ÆÜ Thank you, you amazing bunch! ­¤ÆÜ
Together, you have helped us raise ┬Ż180 (and counting!) for the Chiropractic Research Council through our spinal health screenings during Chiropractic Awareness Week.
The fundraising won't stop there- we want to keep supporting the work the CRC do researching chiropractic for the benefit of our patients. As such, we're going to continue to offer our spinal screenings throughout the year in order to raise funds for the CRC and the important wo...rk they do.
Thank you to everyone who has taken part so far, and if you'd like to book in for your spinal health screening, please book online at or call us on 01243 379693
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ŌŁÉ’ĖÅ5 stars! A poetical interludeŌŁÉ’ĖÅ
Are aches and pains Stopping you from getting gains? Come and pop in... We'll get you back in the gym.
(Ok so poetry is not our thing- we'll stick with the day job. ­¤ś£) Thanks to Jaimes for this fabulous review!
Call us on 01243 379693 to book your appointment or visit to book online.
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Rhiannon and I met the lovely Nathan and Emma in Chichester yesterday who are raising funds for Back Up - a charity that transforms the lives of anyone affected by spinal cord injury. Obviously this is a case close to our heart.
Nathan and Emma's connection to Back Up started 29 years ago when Nathan's mum suffered a spinal injury as a result of a car accident. Almost 29 years to the day of this event, today they will run Brighton Marathon.
Back Up's tireless support helped t...heir family live life to the fullest, in-spite of Julie's spinal injuries.
Your kind donation will help support the charity's continued work.Donate here: https:/ŌĆ”/nathanŌĆ”PXlF7HdoW3F0v3dH0JVmW aW2xirtIBPPtFvMm3v7rFE6jY
Best of luck to Nathan, Emma, and everyone running the Brighton Marathon today! ­¤æ¤
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Ok- getting older has its perks (and itŌĆÖs downsides!) ­¤ż¦
If your back hurts when you sneeze (trust us, itŌĆÖs a thing!) why not book in to see one of our chiropractors next week?
Book online:


Thank you so much for working magic on my back. I went from absolute agony to able to move freely after your work. Really super- highly recommend to anyone needing treatment!


Phillipa worked wonders with my back pain. Three sessions over the course of a week I went from being in agony to feeling great.

A massive thanks to a at Acorn Health. You are all just brilliant. Thank you so much.

Martin x


Philippa, I just wanted to say thank you so much for helping me through my injury. A silly but painful injury to by elbow while exercising was causing me pain and stopping me from doing a full range of exercises. After suffering for over 5 weeks, I finally booked an appointment to see you! Just 3 sessions later and I am healed!!! The pain has stopped; I have full movement and can do my full range of exercises again. Amazing! Your service has been fantastic; you have been compassionate, extremely knowledgeable and great value for money. I have no doubt I would still be in pain, had I not come to see you! If I ever injure myself again, I will not wait so long before booking an appointment! Thank you for all your help and I will definitely recommended you to anyone I meet in need of your services!


Philippa takes care of everything, and provides clear stretched, exercises and advice. Everything is explained beforehand so there are no surprises. Would highly recommend. Thank you


Philippa = Competent, Skilled, Honest, Accomplished Professional - With a big heart. 5* Chiropractor!


Philipa is amazing with her healing hands. I suffer with Fibromyalgia and have been seeing her for a few months now.Yesterday I saw her and was in a lot of discomfort. Walked out with my neck feeling a little better and pain levels dropped throughout the afternoon/evening. Woke this morning feeling better. Thanks Philipa and your magic hands. Xxx


Just had to say a huge thank you to the Acorn Health team for their excellent service. I've been having some trouble with my knees and back when running; having never been to a chiropractor before I was a bit nervous, but Philippa's calm, professional manner instantly put me at ease. During treatment she explained what she had found and what she was going to do, which was really helpful as it enabled me to understand more about why my knees and back felt the way they did. I hadn't really expected to feel any different after treatment as I considered that the aches and pains in my back were just a normal part of getting older, however I immediately felt a huge improvement after Philippa had finished treating me. My back felt more supple, my neck wasn't tense and my knees were no longer aching. The next day I felt even better again! In fact I was so impressed not only by the way that I felt after treatment but by the kind, informative and friendly service I received from Rhiannon on reception that I've booked another treatment and am going to be a regular client from now on. If you are thinking of seeing a chiropractor, or even if like me you have no idea how much it would benefit you, I would sincerely recommend that you book an appointment to see Philippa. It's amazing how a little treatment can make a massive difference to your life.


I went to see phillipa a few months ago with extremely painful feet which was affecting my daily life, she sourced exactly what the cause was on my first visit and set to work. The results have been amazing and now I'm on the maintenance programme via the app that I've been given. This is fantastic with an exercise plan specific to me and a daily reminder. Thanks must go to all at acorn health for their professional and prompt treatment.


I really can't recommend Phillipa highly enough. After years of abuse Phillipa helped me understand my back better and for the first time in years I can sit down of an evening pain free. Not only did I see Phillipa for my own problems but I have also taken my 2yr old along for help and advice for her ongoing health problems. The level of care and patience Phillipa shows towards her has been amazing, altering treatment methods to suit a nervous and challenging toddler. She now adores you and can't wait to come and see you and your magic hands!


I have suffered with sciatica and back problems for a very long time. I have seen many health professionals and other chiropractors however it never seemed to help or improve my condition just seemed to aggravate it more. I came across the reviews for acorn health and decided i would try again as nothing else was working. The service i have recieved from walking through the door to the actual treatment has been welcoming, informative and friendly. Philippa has been amazing throughout my treatment and for the first time i do not have the constant pain and discomfort in my back and neck. I am able to do things i have not done in a long time without pain or fear that it will aggravate it more. Thank you Philippa.


I have been visiting Philippa at Acorn Health for a couple of years with sporadic lower back pain. She offers a calm, professional service and always ensures that she fully explains the reason for the pain and the treatment plan. Having recently had a spasm in my QL muscle she quickly reassured me that the intense pain was normal and was spot on for how long that phase would last. As soon as I was able to move, she got me moving properly again quickly. I really recommend Acorn Health as a clinic, all the team are helpful and friendly and Philippa as a Chiropractor - don't go anywhere else! Kind Regards Hilary Channing


Great presentation this evening about avoiding (and recovery from) injury. Really useful. Thanks.


Amazing clinic with fantastic clinicians. Thoroughly recommend.


After suffering from pain running from my neck down to my left hand, over the Christmas, plus having trouble sleeping, I decided to look up a local Chiropractor. Up came Acorn Health , booked online and managed to see Philippa.With treatment and online exercises my problem is all but gone( treatment next week). Acorn Health Is an lovely friendly practice, who make you very welcome and Philippa is a excellent Chiropractor


After just four treatments the results are amazing! I feel confident with my recovery and now can I can progress back into what I love, the gym. Thank you so much!


After having lower severe back pain for a very long time i finally booked an appointment with Acorn health . What a fantastic place reception staff friendly and knowledgeable and after the first session with philippa I was amazed how much more I could move and nearly pain free. What a fantastic place and people highly recommend many thanks


Thank you so much for working magic on my back. I went from absolute agony to able to move freely after your work. Really super- highly recommend to anyone needing treatment!


Phillipa worked wonders with my back pain. Three sessions over the course of a week I went from being in agony to feeling great.

A massive thanks to a at Acorn Health. You are all just brilliant. Thank you so much.

Martin x


Philippa, I just wanted to say thank you so much for helping me through my injury. A silly but painful injury to by elbow while exercising was causing me pain and stopping me from doing a full range of exercises. After suffering for over 5 weeks, I finally booked an appointment to see you! Just 3 sessions later and I am healed!!! The pain has stopped; I have full movement and can do my full range of exercises again. Amazing! Your service has been fantastic; you have been compassionate, extremely knowledgeable and great value for money. I have no doubt I would still be in pain, had I not come to see you! If I ever injure myself again, I will not wait so long before booking an appointment! Thank you for all your help and I will definitely recommended you to anyone I meet in need of your services!


Philippa takes care of everything, and provides clear stretched, exercises and advice. Everything is explained beforehand so there are no surprises. Would highly recommend. Thank you


Philippa = Competent, Skilled, Honest, Accomplished Professional - With a big heart. 5* Chiropractor!


Philipa is amazing with her healing hands. I suffer with Fibromyalgia and have been seeing her for a few months now.Yesterday I saw her and was in a lot of discomfort. Walked out with my neck feeling a little better and pain levels dropped throughout the afternoon/evening. Woke this morning feeling better. Thanks Philipa and your magic hands. Xxx


Just had to say a huge thank you to the Acorn Health team for their excellent service. I've been having some trouble with my knees and back when running; having never been to a chiropractor before I was a bit nervous, but Philippa's calm, professional manner instantly put me at ease. During treatment she explained what she had found and what she was going to do, which was really helpful as it enabled me to understand more about why my knees and back felt the way they did. I hadn't really expected to feel any different after treatment as I considered that the aches and pains in my back were just a normal part of getting older, however I immediately felt a huge improvement after Philippa had finished treating me. My back felt more supple, my neck wasn't tense and my knees were no longer aching. The next day I felt even better again! In fact I was so impressed not only by the way that I felt after treatment but by the kind, informative and friendly service I received from Rhiannon on reception that I've booked another treatment and am going to be a regular client from now on. If you are thinking of seeing a chiropractor, or even if like me you have no idea how much it would benefit you, I would sincerely recommend that you book an appointment to see Philippa. It's amazing how a little treatment can make a massive difference to your life.


I went to see phillipa a few months ago with extremely painful feet which was affecting my daily life, she sourced exactly what the cause was on my first visit and set to work. The results have been amazing and now I'm on the maintenance programme via the app that I've been given. This is fantastic with an exercise plan specific to me and a daily reminder. Thanks must go to all at acorn health for their professional and prompt treatment.


I really can't recommend Phillipa highly enough. After years of abuse Phillipa helped me understand my back better and for the first time in years I can sit down of an evening pain free. Not only did I see Phillipa for my own problems but I have also taken my 2yr old along for help and advice for her ongoing health problems. The level of care and patience Phillipa shows towards her has been amazing, altering treatment methods to suit a nervous and challenging toddler. She now adores you and can't wait to come and see you and your magic hands!


I have suffered with sciatica and back problems for a very long time. I have seen many health professionals and other chiropractors however it never seemed to help or improve my condition just seemed to aggravate it more. I came across the reviews for acorn health and decided i would try again as nothing else was working. The service i have recieved from walking through the door to the actual treatment has been welcoming, informative and friendly. Philippa has been amazing throughout my treatment and for the first time i do not have the constant pain and discomfort in my back and neck. I am able to do things i have not done in a long time without pain or fear that it will aggravate it more. Thank you Philippa.


I have been visiting Philippa at Acorn Health for a couple of years with sporadic lower back pain. She offers a calm, professional service and always ensures that she fully explains the reason for the pain and the treatment plan. Having recently had a spasm in my QL muscle she quickly reassured me that the intense pain was normal and was spot on for how long that phase would last. As soon as I was able to move, she got me moving properly again quickly. I really recommend Acorn Health as a clinic, all the team are helpful and friendly and Philippa as a Chiropractor - don't go anywhere else! Kind Regards Hilary Channing


Great presentation this evening about avoiding (and recovery from) injury. Really useful. Thanks.


Amazing clinic with fantastic clinicians. Thoroughly recommend.


After suffering from pain running from my neck down to my left hand, over the Christmas, plus having trouble sleeping, I decided to look up a local Chiropractor. Up came Acorn Health , booked online and managed to see Philippa.With treatment and online exercises my problem is all but gone( treatment next week). Acorn Health Is an lovely friendly practice, who make you very welcome and Philippa is a excellent Chiropractor


After just four treatments the results are amazing! I feel confident with my recovery and now can I can progress back into what I love, the gym. Thank you so much!


After having lower severe back pain for a very long time i finally booked an appointment with Acorn health . What a fantastic place reception staff friendly and knowledgeable and after the first session with philippa I was amazed how much more I could move and nearly pain free. What a fantastic place and people highly recommend many thanks


Thank you so much for working magic on my back. I went from absolute agony to able to move freely after your work. Really super- highly recommend to anyone needing treatment!


Phillipa worked wonders with my back pain. Three sessions over the course of a week I went from being in agony to feeling great.

A massive thanks to a at Acorn Health. You are all just brilliant. Thank you so much.

Martin x


Philippa, I just wanted to say thank you so much for helping me through my injury. A silly but painful injury to by elbow while exercising was causing me pain and stopping me from doing a full range of exercises. After suffering for over 5 weeks, I finally booked an appointment to see you! Just 3 sessions later and I am healed!!! The pain has stopped; I have full movement and can do my full range of exercises again. Amazing! Your service has been fantastic; you have been compassionate, extremely knowledgeable and great value for money. I have no doubt I would still be in pain, had I not come to see you! If I ever injure myself again, I will not wait so long before booking an appointment! Thank you for all your help and I will definitely recommended you to anyone I meet in need of your services!


Philippa takes care of everything, and provides clear stretched, exercises and advice. Everything is explained beforehand so there are no surprises. Would highly recommend. Thank you


Philippa = Competent, Skilled, Honest, Accomplished Professional - With a big heart. 5* Chiropractor!


Philipa is amazing with her healing hands. I suffer with Fibromyalgia and have been seeing her for a few months now.Yesterday I saw her and was in a lot of discomfort. Walked out with my neck feeling a little better and pain levels dropped throughout the afternoon/evening. Woke this morning feeling better. Thanks Philipa and your magic hands. Xxx


Just had to say a huge thank you to the Acorn Health team for their excellent service. I've been having some trouble with my knees and back when running; having never been to a chiropractor before I was a bit nervous, but Philippa's calm, professional manner instantly put me at ease. During treatment she explained what she had found and what she was going to do, which was really helpful as it enabled me to understand more about why my knees and back felt the way they did. I hadn't really expected to feel any different after treatment as I considered that the aches and pains in my back were just a normal part of getting older, however I immediately felt a huge improvement after Philippa had finished treating me. My back felt more supple, my neck wasn't tense and my knees were no longer aching. The next day I felt even better again! In fact I was so impressed not only by the way that I felt after treatment but by the kind, informative and friendly service I received from Rhiannon on reception that I've booked another treatment and am going to be a regular client from now on. If you are thinking of seeing a chiropractor, or even if like me you have no idea how much it would benefit you, I would sincerely recommend that you book an appointment to see Philippa. It's amazing how a little treatment can make a massive difference to your life.


I went to see phillipa a few months ago with extremely painful feet which was affecting my daily life, she sourced exactly what the cause was on my first visit and set to work. The results have been amazing and now I'm on the maintenance programme via the app that I've been given. This is fantastic with an exercise plan specific to me and a daily reminder. Thanks must go to all at acorn health for their professional and prompt treatment.


I really can't recommend Phillipa highly enough. After years of abuse Phillipa helped me understand my back better and for the first time in years I can sit down of an evening pain free. Not only did I see Phillipa for my own problems but I have also taken my 2yr old along for help and advice for her ongoing health problems. The level of care and patience Phillipa shows towards her has been amazing, altering treatment methods to suit a nervous and challenging toddler. She now adores you and can't wait to come and see you and your magic hands!


I have suffered with sciatica and back problems for a very long time. I have seen many health professionals and other chiropractors however it never seemed to help or improve my condition just seemed to aggravate it more. I came across the reviews for acorn health and decided i would try again as nothing else was working. The service i have recieved from walking through the door to the actual treatment has been welcoming, informative and friendly. Philippa has been amazing throughout my treatment and for the first time i do not have the constant pain and discomfort in my back and neck. I am able to do things i have not done in a long time without pain or fear that it will aggravate it more. Thank you Philippa.


I have been visiting Philippa at Acorn Health for a couple of years with sporadic lower back pain. She offers a calm, professional service and always ensures that she fully explains the reason for the pain and the treatment plan. Having recently had a spasm in my QL muscle she quickly reassured me that the intense pain was normal and was spot on for how long that phase would last. As soon as I was able to move, she got me moving properly again quickly. I really recommend Acorn Health as a clinic, all the team are helpful and friendly and Philippa as a Chiropractor - don't go anywhere else! Kind Regards Hilary Channing


Great presentation this evening about avoiding (and recovery from) injury. Really useful. Thanks.


Amazing clinic with fantastic clinicians. Thoroughly recommend.


After suffering from pain running from my neck down to my left hand, over the Christmas, plus having trouble sleeping, I decided to look up a local Chiropractor. Up came Acorn Health , booked online and managed to see Philippa.With treatment and online exercises my problem is all but gone( treatment next week). Acorn Health Is an lovely friendly practice, who make you very welcome and Philippa is a excellent Chiropractor


After just four treatments the results are amazing! I feel confident with my recovery and now can I can progress back into what I love, the gym. Thank you so much!


After having lower severe back pain for a very long time i finally booked an appointment with Acorn health . What a fantastic place reception staff friendly and knowledgeable and after the first session with philippa I was amazed how much more I could move and nearly pain free. What a fantastic place and people highly recommend many thanks

More about Acorn Health

Monday: 09:00 - 13:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 13:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 13:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 13:00
Friday: 08:30 - 13:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00