Act Cycling Tours

About Act Cycling Tours

Great cycling tours for all. End to End specialist, but many other superb tours.

Act Cycling Tours Description

ACT Cycling Tours is a company based in Suffolk running cycling tours on behalf of charities, or individuals wanting to support a charity.

We help raise funds for charities by organising fundraising cycle rides that their supporters can participate in. Rides which for the average supporter may have been a dream, but they haven't the time to organise themselves.

We run tours from Lands End to John O'Groats (LEJOG), Mizen Head to Malin Head (Irish End to End), and the UK Coast to Coast. All are significant challenges.



All ready for the 2018 Tours !!!


TOURS & BOOKS ! Recently two books have been written that include and talk about some of the ACT challenges. They are a testament to how life changing and important achieving goals can be, and of course how good the tours are !!!
Christine Garratt wrote a blog as she completed LEJOG in 2016, which became a book which she self-published in 2017, called “Blood surging, Sweat Dripping & Tears of Joy - A LEJOG Adventure”.
... For Christine, LEJOG was ridden as a celebration of her 50th birthday and her complete recovery from a life-threatening illness. It catalogues her route, her feelings and experiences as she rode the iconic tour, and her reflections after returning home. If you’re contemplating cycling LEJOG sometime shortly, then its a great read, and will I’m sure encourage you to undertake it even more.
Christine is selling her book to raise funds for The Brain Tumour Charity. You can purchase one for £6 direct from Christine – Check it out by going on her facebook page -
Mark Pritchard saw the ACT van driving through Suffolk while on one of his bike rides in 2014, and it spurred him on to ACT now ! He signed up for the LEJOG tour in 2015, followed by Italy and the Pyrenees in 2016.
Mark’s book is called Passione Celeste: Captain Century's Bianchi Bicycle Diaries and tells the story of some of Mark's recent rides. In addition to his tours with ACT there are accounts of his rides throughout Britain, including his 60 Centuries Series which he rode to celebrate his 60th birthday!
At the heart of Mark's story is his love affair with his family of Bianchi bikes. Passione Celeste takes a look at the history and growth of Bianchi and explains why the bikes have acquired a unique place in cycling around the world. It is also about the places he visited and the interesting characters he met along the way.
Mark will be riding again in 2018 with ACT – in Italy. Before that he will be riding across the USA from LA to Boston! You can follow Mark’s activities at
You can buy Mark’s book from his publishers ( or from booksellers and online (paperback and eBook versions available). If you would like a signed copy email Mark at Proceeds from the sales of his book are being donated to the Green Light Trust.
We don’t all have the desire to write a book after one of ACT’s tours, but they will transform your life! It’s not just the fantastic places you cycle through, but the unique friendships you develop with your fellow cyclists as well as the thrill of completing a challenge that lots of people only ever dream of doing!
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A great ride today at the Lea Valley Velodrome on one of their 'taster' sessions. Get there.....GREAT FUN !!


Outstandingly well organised and great staff. At the end of the LEJOG Martyn Ryan's favourite word "hill" now means "challange"!


Italy Trip Sept 2017 I've done a few trips with different companies but i must say this was like going away with a group of mates (even though most met on the first day) Martyn has a relaxed but very efficient way of organising everything this made for a great trip with a great bunch of people. Would definitely recommend and will use again.


Fantastic company to ride with. I rode the ACT 2016 LEJOG and am super excited to be doing Ireland End to End this coming July.


Completed the august 2017 LEJOG tour....A+ for everything...will be doing another tour with these guys in the near future without a doubt!!!!

More about Act Cycling Tours

+44 1359 271158