
About Active8

Active8 is a small Cornish charity which aims to empower and motivate young people with physical disabilities to become autonomous. Active8 develops their skills, confidence, support structures and aspirations. (registered charity 1163942)

Active8 Description

Active8 introduces the young people to new activities and a whole lot of fun. Active8's bias is to the most impaired, including life-limiting conditions. Careful risk assessments enable us to do challenging activities and leave no-one out. Some have been slow to trust us on this, from bitter experience. Sailing, film-making, skating (mostly in wheelchairs), surfing and abseiling are among the many things they have done so far.

In its second year the core group members are old enough to start the Duke of Edinburgh's Award at Bronze level. They will need accommodation, personal care, accessible transport and good leadership to plan and achieve this. We welcome young disabled volunteers as leaders and role models.

Being in Active8 can increase the confidence of the young people who take part. They become more able to take responsibility, to support one another, and to plan and execute projects of their own. It widens their experience. They are able to get to know other young disabled people, and overcome fear of difference as they learn to trust and help each other. They relax, and enjoy not bothering to compete with able-bodied people for once. They are able to make friends; also to fall out and make it up without adult intervention! Soon they keep in touch between weekends by phone, and sometimes visit.

After the two years, members of Active8 continue working towards the Duke of Edinburgh's Award if they want to, and have opportunities to keep in touch with each other through 'After Eight'.

For parents: this was written by the mother of an Active8 member.

'The way the team at Active8 encourage these children to challenge their own boundaries and to believe in themselves is astounding. My litle girl has grown into a confident young woman who doesn't let her disability hold her back, in fact she works it to her advantage to get what she wants out of life. I gave her the love and security that every child deserves, but Active8 gave her the ability to think for herself, make decisions based on her own judgement and she's now planning her future with confidence.

'So I thank you with all of my heart, and encourage other parents to take advantage of this unique opportunity that you offer to these young people. '

More about Active8
