Acupuncture Leicester & Hinckley

About Acupuncture Leicester & Hinckley

Ilan Shahor qualified and worked as a Western Medicine Doctor before specializing in Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has over 18 years of experience.

Acupuncture Leicester & Hinckley Description

www. acupunctureleicester. co. uk



Dr. Shahor risks the wrath of some of his patients and a few of his friends by writing a post about Brexit. (The Chinese medicine angle). Read all about it at: puncture-articles-an…/


Apologies to everyone. Just realized that since I let someone else be in charge of my AcupunctureLeicester website (professionals who actually know what they are doing) I didn’t announce the publications of new blog posts on Facebook! Better late than never-there are two out now: The Great British Med Off-Digestive Systems, Part one and Part two. In these blogs Dr Shahor continues his comparison of the treatment of different conditions with Chinese medicine and Western medicine. This time Digestive System conditions. To read the post go to: cture-articles-an…/


The Minister for Health, Matt Hancock, visited Dr Ilan Shahor's Burbage House Health Clinic in Hinckley this Thursday. During the 30 minute visit the Minister met the different Practitioners working at the Clinic and discussed their work and the possibility of implementing their therapies in the NHS. In the photos below Dr Shahor is with the Health Minister Matt Hancock and the local MP David Tredinnick at the Burbage House Health Clinic and discussing Complementary medicine with the Minister.


Severe withdrawal symptoms for half of the people trying to get off their anti-depressants – a new review study found.
This study is particularly shocking since this new generation of anti-depressants was claimed to be completely non addictive. Yet another important and significant claim by the pharmaceutical companies’ scientists has been proven to be untrue (fake?). For the view of TCM regarding the treatment of emotional conditions. and-emotional-pro…/


This week's over-medication update:
1. Yet another big review study found that taking aspirin, as a prevention for heart conditions and strokes, doesn’t work. However, it can put you at higher risk of potentially lethal digestive system bleeds.
2. Giving Paracetamol (known by most mothers as Calpol) to Children may increase their chance of developing Asthma later in life! Considering how commonly Calpol is used this is quite worrying.
... For the Chinese Medicine way of how to stay healthy and live longer (without the side effects) , go to my early posts ture-articles-and…/
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Back from the cold! Brand new post by Dr Ilan Shahor is now out. In the series comparing Western and Chinese medicine, this post looks at musculoskeletal conditions. at-med-off-2-musc…/


The recent study regarding the effectiveness of Antidepressants, widely and wildly reported in the media recently, is, unfortunately, a typical misuse of scientific studies and statistics.
Stories of medical success are a particular favourite of the media. Every time a research or a study regarding some medical success is out it is lapped up by the media and published repeatedly. And why not? We all need some good news to mitigate the general gloominess of ongoing current af...fairs. The problem is that, almost always, if you actually look at the details and facts of these stories you find out that they are exaggerated, or even downright misleading.
In this case the Headlines declared “Antidepressants do work!” I first heard about it on the radio on my way to work in the morning, and the story was still going strong in the evening news on my way back home. Taking a closer look at that particular research I was surprised to find two important things: 1) The study was conducted on patients with medium to severe clinical depression and people with this diagnosis are a very small portion of the people prescribed with Antidepressants. 2) The follow-up period was only 2 months! What happened then after 3 months or 6 months? or 2 years???
I actually don’t have a problem with Antidepressants as such. I do have a problem with the misuse of them by Doctors. I feel that they are hugely overprescribed and are offered to almost everyone presenting with emotional problems or stress. Presenting this story the way it did in the media will encourage GPs and patients to reach for the Antidepressant instead of looking for other possible solutions for their problems. In many cases these other solutions such as changes in life style, counselling, or other therapies will be much more effective than taking Antidepressants, particularly in the long term.
To learn about how Chinese medicine views and treats emotional problems and stress go to and-emotional-pro…/
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Who Dares to compare?
Who dares to compare Chinese and Western Medicines? Dr Ilan Shahor does. Read all about it in his new post, the Great British Med Off, now out. ture-articles-and…/


Read about what is behind the brilliance of Chinese Medicine in my new blog post hinese-medicine-p…/


Fresh from the press: common painkillers may increase the risk of heart conditions by 50%. Antidepressants raise the risk of early death by almost a third.
You may not realise, but there is a safe alternative:
... To learn how to treat pain without the heart risks eletal-and-nerve-…/,
And how to treat emotional conditions and stress, without the risk of early death. tress-and-emotional-pro…/
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So, what is it that you do? Usually a trivial question, unless you are a Chinese medical practitioner. In his new post Dr Ilan Shahor attempts to explain traditional Chinese medicine in simple words. ture-articles-and…/


Modern medical knowledge is great but how much does it really know of the complete picture regarding our health and the way our bodies work? Dr Ilan Shahor discusses this issue, which is philosophical on one hand, but also has serious practical implications on the other, in his new post. ture-articles-and…/


Depressing news: prescription of antidepressants is on an all time high according to recent reports. There are two worries here. A) It is a sad reflection of the times we live in that so many people need treatment for depression. B) Like most modern medicines antidepressants only treat the symptoms, not the root of the problem. They can be, in some cases, effective for short term relief. But they are poor as a long term solution, and can lead to addiction and side effects. For the Chinese medicine understanding and treatment of depression, anxiety and other emotional and mental conditions go to and-emotional-pro…/


“Popular pain killers useless for backache”-a big review study from Australia concluded the popular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) like Ibuprofen and Nurofen are a) not effective and b) dangerous in the treatment of chronic back pain. So why are they so widely prescribed and are there any alternatives? Read all about it in Dr Ilan Shahor’s new post ture-articles-and…/


Scientists from Harvard medical school find that chronic stress significantly increases the risk of developing heart conditions and strokes. It’s said that this is the first time this has been scientifically proven. I found it astonishing that modern medicine science, with all its advances, still has such a minimal understanding of the effect of stress on human health. To learn more about the TCM understanding of the issue go to: and-emotional-pro…/


Should children ever be treated with complementary medicine? According to the papers, some doctors say that they shouldn't. What is Doctor Ilan Shahor's opinion on the matter? Read all about it in his new post now out. ture-articles-and…/


Learn all about the Chinese Medicine role in helping IVF success and in preventing recurrent miscarriage, in my new post out now ture-articles-and…/


Hormone Replacement therapy- the consequences and the alternatives. How did HRT turn from a blessing to a curse, and why. Read all about it in my new post. ture-articles-and…/

More about Acupuncture Leicester & Hinckley

0116 251 1647 / 01455 616995