Adam Smith Institute

Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Adam Smith Institute

"Little else is requisite to carry a state to the highest degree of opulence from the lowest barbarism but peace, easy taxes, and a tolerable administration of justice: all the rest being brought about by the natural course of things. " – Adam Smith



Cool new concept coming from ASI alumnus Sophie Sandor!


Neoliberalism will be the saviour of the environment, not its downfall. Connor Axiotes writes for 1828.


That a Labour party, whose chancellor has called for a register of all property, for property to be requisitioned, for nationalisations, and for prices of appropriated assets to be set by politicians, can be seen as more pro-business than the Tories is genuinely staggering.
Our Matthew Kilcoyne on the New Statesman today.


If you're at Conservative Party Conference, make sure you check out Telegraph Refresh's event with Liz Truss MP and Bim Afolami MP.


Delegates at the TUC conference today heard a broken record from shadow chancellor John McDonnell…/old-mcdonne ll-has-a-broken-reco…


Politicians who don’t understand the internet shouldn’t try to regulate the future. They should look again at the past, a history filled with failure to control. They may learn something from it.


Internet retailing is using less of that scarce resource that is high footfall retail space. Quite why they should be taxed more because of this is unknown. Unless, obviously, you're a landlord watching your rents go down.


Our Daniel Pryor joined the Consumer Choice Center to discuss his recent paper on tobacco harm reduction and vaping.
Read the full paper here:…/1-million-y ears-of-life-how-har…


In this month's Freedom's Fighters the economist Ruth Lea is interviewed by Dr Madsen Pirie. She's certainly stamped her mark on British politics and economics.


Hugo Chavez talked a lot about caring for the sick and unwell. But his policies, and those of his successor, have left the entire Venezuelan nation in a state of ill-health.


Madsen Moment: on Segways and getting the government out of the way


The Chancellor's move to abolish Class 2 National Insurance contributions (NICs) is a classic stealth tax, and we're more than happy to call him out on it.


Frankly, when it comes to banning and regulating – it really is hard to tell the current government apart from the Opposition.
Connor Axiotes writes for The Telegraph


"The role of policy is to maximise wealth creation and then redistribute some of it to the less well-off so that they can enjoy good lives too. The IPPR instead care more about means and intentions than they do ends and outcomes, prioritising feel-good policies even if they make us less well off in the end."
Our Sam Dumitriu takes apart the IPPR's misguided report on the British economy for CapX.


Sanctions do not ban the import of goods into Venezuela nor the import of Venezuelan oil or other goods into the US. An arms embargo does not prevent toilet paper and medicine reaching Venezuela.


Our Sam Dumitriu is in the Daily Mail today reminding readers that Help to Buy was very badly targeted, and often helping people who are affluent. It should be scrapped altogether.


Good riddance Help to Buy. The well-off shouldn't get a hand out from government that pushes up the price of houses in already expensive markets.


Venezuela is now in a death spiral with 2.3 million people having already fled and another 2 million expected to soon. Must we wait until the country crashes at the bottom to act?


In his The Telegraph column Dan Hannan MEP challenges readers to think what happens in an abbatoir - and then to wonder what ethical, ecological and economic benefits lab grown meat might bring to the world.




good lads with decent banter and a can-do libertarian attitude


can't wait to bun a fat one. great idea from Bowman to promote youth engagement.


Voluntary transaction, a transaction free from coercion, is the only transaction worth making. Free marketplace, which is what Adam Smith promoted, is also a marketplace free from alleged government oversight. "Government oversight", more often than not is an oxymoronic construct, because government is a third party that not only wants a cut (for rendering no service), but is looking out for its own best interest.


This site has good downloads on economics. The summary on The Wealth of Nation's is a worthy read.


Tackling the real root causes of societies failures, not in it for cheap shots but real solutions


I think we still lack knowledge to reach the level that is in necessity to play such effective role like Adam Smith,Karl Max and John Maynard Keynes in the economic world, if we did had that we would ve probably see the world of economy becomes a better place for trading conditions expressed globally..

Smith who wrote books like "The theory of moral sentiments and An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations" really his idea of capitalism and neoclassical school which is still active today have a bigger picture and a seeable impact on today's economic systems.


I like it, it allows me to learn about libertarianism and free market, enterprises information, ideas about saving money.


Great site.


Fantastic, If I could vote for Tim Worstall to be our supreme leader I would be more than happy to. Wonderfully insightful idea's, I just wish politicians were brave enough to adopt some of them!


Excellent Institution promoting the best free markets and the capitalist system have to offer. Much more practical and real world business oriented than most think tanks.


Erudite and charismatic - the think tank world's Elon Musk


A lot more Independent thinking is needed in the world right now and this institution does much to aid this need


A good alternative to mainstream media. The articles are decent and informative.


"There is no art which one government sooner learns of another than that of draining money from the pockets of the people" - Adam Smith

The Adam Smith Institute fights big government, corporatism and centralization. It also offers much support material to climb the intellectual mountain of economics, it gives you the key to enlighten the polito-economic fog of corruption and state nepotism. The Adam Smith Institute is an opportunity to learn about free market economics, especially for normal people and not only intellectual elites. Five out of five.

Philipp Rosipal

Hanover, Germany


bit commie but I'm ok with that


Like a teeny weeny little pond of half-baked ideas mashed up in a peculiar Libertarian soup. Adam Smith didn't espouse even half the views vomited by the numpties on this page. He spent much of his professional life working for the government and spoke of the need to implement regulation in things like banking and fire codes in buildings. He said public works should be publicly funded. He wrote at length about morality. The simpletons and simple-mindedness on this page are unrepresentative of both Smith and his ideas. Smith and his ideas were more human, more complex and more nuanced. Though this audience would grasp none of that.


Inventors of the poll tax, creators of the 1993 rail privatisation model.

Basically plague infested rats that should be put down at the earliest opportunity.


Doesn't seem to believe in \Free markets at all. More Keynesian than Adam Smith.

More about Adam Smith Institute

Adam Smith Institute is located at 23 Great Smith Street, SW1P 3BL London, United Kingdom
020 7222 4995
Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -