Adapt To Perform

About Adapt To Perform

Adapt To Perform is a dedicated to adapting fitness for everyone.



It's quite easy, even when training everyday, to get complacent. Our body's are highly adaptable to the stimulus with provide them with. So if you just do the same exercises, resistance, reps etc everyday don't ever expect to change beyond a certain point . To improve we must constantly be pushing the limits a finding new ways to challenge ourselves. . Your friendly neighborhood quadriplegic Ben 🤟... . . . . . #AdaptToPerform #wheelchair #wheelchairfitness #wheelchairlife #paralympics #disabled #spinalcordinjury #getstrong #quadriplegic #paraplegic #paralysed #paralyzed #weighttraining #liftingweights #buildingmuscle #liftheavy #weights #lifting #disabledfitness #wheelchairrugby #wheelchairbasketball #gymaddict #bodybuilding #muscle
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Different ability, same ambition. With Adapt To Perform one of my main goals is to show other disabled people how to adapt to a regular gym so they can integrate and be part of society rather than seperate from it. . Here's a good example of that. Rather having to use a disabled specific machine, my buddy Charlie and I can go to the gym and train together. . We both love the gym and it'd be a shame to not share that experience together. Thanks to my @theactivehandsco drings o...n this one making it possible. . Your friendly neighborhood quadriplegic Ben 🤟 . . . . . #traintogether #trainhard #getstrong #buildingmuscle #liftingweights #muscle #cableworkout #triceps
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Hey everyone, so I posted a video yesterday on YouTube about why I'm not "wheelchair bound" this stirred up quite the conversation on the Facebook groups I post to! . Wheelchair bound is a term often used in media to describe a wheelchair user but it's the way it's used in conjunction with the articles to display being in a wheelchair as a solely bad thing. . I want to show people that in my reality my wheelchair is my source of freedom and without it I'd not be able to do th...e things I want to do. . People took this the wrong way and thought I was being politically correct and shouldn't be offended so easily when this wasn't the point I was trying to make. In fact I don't want to censor the medias use of words but in fact expand the narrative to show disability in a more nuanced way, rather than the usual sob stories. . The more we talk about things in a detail way about the good, the bad and everything in-between . The more we are seen as people rather than just wheelchair bound. . If you want to see the video link is in my bio (Facebook users can scroll down in my page) . Your friendly neighborhood quadriplegic Ben 🤟 . . . . . #disability #disabled #wheelchair #wheelchairbound #wheelchairuser #spinalcordinjury #disabilityawareness #spinalcordinjuryawareness
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In the media the term 'Wheelchair Bound' is frequently used in headlines and articles.
In this video I explain why I'm not a fan of this term and why my wheelchair is actually my source of freedom.
What do you think of the phrase? Is there an alternative you think is better?
... Ben
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Life's treating you rough? Kicking you whilst your down? Keep powering through! Drag yourself off the ground brush yourself and keep digging deep, you're almost there... . Tough times don't last, tough people do . Your friendly neighborhood quadriplegic Ben 🤟... . . . . . #AdaptToPerform #wheelchair #wheelchairfitness #wheelchairlife #paralympics #disabled #spinalcordinjury #getstrong #quadriplegic #paraplegic #paralysed #paralyzed #weighttraining #liftingweights #buildingmuscle #liftheavy #weights #lifting #disabledfitness #wheelchairrugby #wheelchairbasketball #gymaddict #bodybuilding #muscle
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Happy Bank Holiday! Had this lovely little fella with me this weekend. Which always brightens up the day! . Your friendly neighborhood quadriplegic Ben 🤟 . .... . . . #wheelchair #spinalcordinjury #dogoftheday #disabled #quadriplegic
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Knead some bread? (Not sorry for the dad joke) Had a great time making bread yesterday even though the results were shockingly bad! 😂 . Made bread a few times but for some reason just didn't work. Oh well. Was good fun and pretty great exercise kneading it for 10 mins! . I've had a few people want to see me cooking/baking and I think I'll look into it after Bali. Any suggestions?... . Your friendly neighborhood quadriplegic Ben 🤟 . . . . . #bakingfail #bread #breadmaking #kneading #wheelchair #disability #disabled #quadriplegic #spinalcordinjury
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So yesterday I showed getting into the car, this time it's back out again (plus if you want to see the full version at regular speed with instructions, head to my YouTube channel!) . Learning to drive and being independent with was a big step forwards to help me get to where I am today, it helped me get to my volunteer work at the swim club that helped me have purpose in my life again. . So yes it's 'just a car' but what it helps me be as a person is immense.... . Do you drive? . Your friendly neighborhood quadriplegic Ben 🤟 . . . . . #wheelchair #disability #disabled #independence #inspirational #spinalcordinjury #quadriplegic
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Want to know how I get in my car? Look no further! As a quadriplegic transfering is pretty difficult and getting my wheelchair in the car even harder. . But after plenty of practice and the right adaptions is fairly easy! If you'd like to know more about the adaptions please ask below! . My car is super important to my independence and takes me all over the place, whether that's the gym, work or on holiday. So not driving would limit these activities.... . Want to see the full video? It's up on my YouTube channel right now! . Your friendly neighborhood quadriplegic Ben 🤟 . . . . . #wheelchair #disability #disabled #spinalcordinjury #spinalcordinjuryawareness #independence #motivation #motivationalspeaker #inspirationalvideo
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My car is super important for my independence.
In this video I show you how and why I transfer into and out of my car independently as a quadriplegic.
I go into detail about ways to protect your shoulders long term to keep your independence.
... Enjoy
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Tag your training partner! . So the past few weeks Alice and I have been training together alot more frequently, which is great fun even if she is very distracting! . When it comes to fitness we are very different ends of the spectrum but we still find ways to train together and have fun doing it (read as: lots of time in sauna 😂)... . Who do you train with? Tag them below! . Your friendly neighborhood quadriplegic Ben 🤟 . . . . . #trainingpartner #gymbuddy #couplegoals #trainhard #gyminspiration #muscle #getstrong #buildingmuscle #wheelchair #disability
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Do you warm-up before you push your wheelchair?
Our shoulders aren't designed to push wheelchair, so even a stroll to the shops is like doing a exercise/sport. So just like them it's important to warm-up beforehand to prevent injuries and boost performance. Just ask anyone who's had shoulder surgery if it's important!
Here's a quick warm-up you can do before you head out!
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Summer is knocking on the door and for one that means epic sunsets! . Today has been a beautiful one with it being 20°c which for me is in the perfect range. Hot but not whereby I'm suffering with it. . Took advantage of it with last night going down the quay for bike night and today filming some YouTube videos outside! Why not!... . Your friendly neighborhood quadriplegic Ben 🤟 . . . . . #summer #sunset #poole #wheelchair #wheelchairuser #disability #disabled #gooutside
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Stretching is so vital but often overlooked in favour of doing other things. . Let's talk benefits: .increased flexibility and joint range .improved circulation... .better posture .stress relief .enhanced coordination . These are things that benefit everyone especially us in wheelchairs, you might think my legs don't work why stretch them but the circulation and posture benefits alone should be cause to do so . Your friendly neighborhood quadriplegic Ben 🤟 . . . . . #AdaptToPerform #wheelchair #wheelchairfitness #wheelchairlife #paralympics #disabled #spinalcordinjury #getstrong #quadriplegic #paraplegic #paralysed #paralyzed #stretch #yoga #disabledfitness #wheelchairrugby #wheelchairbasketball #gymaddict #stretching #stretches
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You are good enough. The adverts might say otherwise, your not strong enough, man enough, women enough, fit enough, good looking enough. . You know what f*CK them. You are good enough, they only say this to buy their powder, drink, book, car, leggings etc. . All you need is what's between your ears and what's beating in your chest to get to where you want to be.... . Your friendly neighborhood quadriplegic Ben 🤟 . . . . . #AdaptToPerform #wheelchair #wheelchairfitness #wheelchairlife #paralympics #disabled #spinalcordinjury #getstrong #quadriplegic #paraplegic #paralysed #paralyzed #weighttraining #liftingweights #buildingmuscle #liftheavy #weights #lifting #disabledfitness #wheelchairrugby #wheelchairbasketball #gymaddict #bodybuilding #muscle
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Don't just live in your comfort zone, live life on the edge. It's where all the fun is 👍 . Your friendly neighborhood quadriplegic Ben 🤟 . .... . . . #AdaptToPerform #wheelchair #wheelchairfitness #wheelchairlife #paralympics #disabled #spinalcordinjury #getstrong #quadriplegic #paraplegic #paralysed #paralyzed #weighttraining #liftingweights #buildingmuscle #liftheavy #weights #lifting #disabledfitness #wheelchairrugby #wheelchairbasketball #gymaddict #bodybuilding #muscle
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You want to know what the secret to being successful is? . Well there is no secret, it's just getting started sooner rather than later and putting the effort in day after day. Never giving up, only using failure as fuel on the fire and being smart about where to put your energy by learning and growing as you go. . It's not easy, in fact it's stupidly hard, life is going to kick you in the face more times than it won't. You're going have days when you want to quit and give up ...on your dreams. But that's when the energy needs to be highest to drag yourself through and continue on. . Let's do it 💪 . Your friendly neighborhood quadriplegic Ben 🤟 . . . . . #AdaptToPerform #wheelchair #wheelchairfitness #wheelchairlife #paralympics #disabled #spinalcordinjury #getstrong #quadriplegic #paraplegic #paralysed #paralyzed #weighttraining #liftingweights #buildingmuscle #liftheavy #weights #lifting #disabledfitness #wheelchairrugby #wheelchairbasketball #gymaddict #bodybuilding #muscle
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Becky is an amazing human with nearly 30 years of having spinal cord injury and most of those working with the charity Back-Up, she has a fountain of knowledge through some amazing experiences.
In this podcast we talk about her life, her experiences, getting back to work after being disabled, the state of spinal injury centres today and much more!
Please enjoy and if you have any questions please feel free to ask!
... Ben
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More about Adapt To Perform

Adapt To Perform is located at Poole, Dorset