Adaptable Fitness

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About Adaptable Fitness

Qualified Personal trainer, specialising in adaptive exercise. offering online training programmes at an affordable price.



One of the most common excuses used in any form of life. " I haven't got time I've only got my lunch break to workout" or "I can't because I need to pick up the kids in an hour"
just because you're strapped for time does not mean you need to sacrifice a good workout. Whatever your goal is; if it's to shred fat for summer or to bulk up over the winter you need to adhere to that plan. No matter how good the program is, it will only work if you work.
... So what can you do if you feel like you're running out of time? Simple, the answer is to superset.
Supersetting is essentially where you cut out the rest in between individual movements and combine them. There are two types of super sets. The first, opposing muscle groups this could be for example a bicep curl then immediately into the tricep push down. , so why the bicep is working the tricep is resting and vice versa. The second is using same muscle groups as the example shown below.
This is a tri set which focuses on the frontal and medial deltoid development. Whilst increasing overall shoulder strength with a dumbbell overhead press.
Combining these movements will lead to more time effective workouts and studies have shown that they have cardiovascular and hypertrophy (the process of building muscle) benefits.
However, if you are performing this please make sure to elongate the rest period after the set is complete. So for example, instead of having 30 seconds rest in between individual exercises have 1 minute rest after the superset.
Hope this tip will help you to get in those great workouts on days which are busy.
As always people if you need my help with anything finish related please send me a dm and i will be more than happy to help you with whatever your goal is.
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Forearms are often the most underdeveloped muscle group when it comes to training programs.
However, they can often be the key to unlocking new personal bests in the gym. For me, weak Forearms can be likened to building house foundations on sand.
... The stronger the foundation, the easier it is to stabilise the bar, dumbell or whatever you are using, leading to more reps and better overall performance.
For all you wheelchair users out there Forearms play a key role in your ability to push harder and faster for longer.
Research from Rankin et al (2011) shows that forearms have a big impact in the pushing speed and recovery when analysing a wheelchair propulsion action.
Therefore if you want to go faster then don't forget the development of your Forearms!
Unfortunately, spinach alone won't grow your popeye like arms! However, a great, simple and easy exercise you can do in order to enhance forearm development and unlock more speed when pushing is the wrist curl.
So try adding this to your program and feel free to let me know how you get on!
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