Adastra Training Locally, Nationally And Internationally

About Adastra Training Locally, Nationally And Internationally

We provide personal development training for a diverse range of organisations and people: individuals, small and large organisations, in the public and private sectors, in UK and in the Middle East.
Watch for a new project on career guidance for 15-18s

Adastra Training Locally, Nationally And Internationally Description

We provide training and personal development for a diverse range of organisations and people: individuals, small and large organisations, in the public and private sectors, in Britain and as far afield as the Middle East.



Great breakfast on Monday in Telford!


In the early part of the summer, I decided to update my 'strapline' - "Personal and Corporate Development". In July, the new business cards arrived bearing the new 'strapline' "Training locally, nationally and Internationally".
Between the first of August and the end of the year, I will have spent 67 days either in Kuwait training or travelling out and back. Is there a link between the change to my business cards and the sudden arrival of the work overseas? My only regre...t is that I don't get travelling time on this contract - but having now achieved silver on the Emirates Rewards programme, the four hour wait üòéin Dubai is a lot more bearable in the business class lounge!
Work at home is looking up with a continuation (on a very small scale) of the Capita/CSL contract and the promise of more work similar to the CSL courses in the New Year on a new contract with Knowledgepool.
An old contact from my days delivering training to the Ford Motor Company is working hard to get me into a number of new clients and I have a trial with a London based organisation that specialises in training delegates from the Middle East - a case of Mohammed coming to the mountain perhaps!
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Freelance training has always been feast of famine! This year has been a famine so far but I got told last Sunday evening that I've got a contract for seven courses with my old friends at Kuwait Oil Company. One small issue though - I need to fly out on Saturday and it's been a panic to get the manual written in time to get it to the printers. Objective achieved this evening so time to relax before the flight to Kuwait via Dubai. There's also the possibility of another set of five courses - bring it onüòÄ


Next week on Tuesday 29th November, I am once again running my successful one day course - 'Presentation skills for Nervous Networkers' at the Shropshire Chamber office on Stafford Park 4 in Telford. It will cover how to create and deliver effectively a one minute pitch and longer presentations at network meetings of any type. Timings - start at 0915 and end at 1630. Investment is just £75 plus VAT which includes the training materials, a comprehensive course manual and of course lunch and refreshments all day! I also offer a full refund if you are not satisfied with your experience! There will be no more than six delegates to ensure that all delegates get the maximum benefit from the learning experience.
To book or for more info, please call on 07703-261812 or email at


The Chief Finance Officer of Facebook announced very recently that Twitter has overtaken Facebook as the social media of choice among teenagers - and that comment wiped $18 billion off the value of Facebook! Oops! (Financial Times)


Interesting snippet from the Daily Mail online:
Most women are more scared of public speaking than they are of death, it was revealed yesterday.
Researchers who polled 2,000 women found many are far more at ease with meeting their maker than they are of standing in a room talking to an audience hanging on their every word.
... The study found women loathe the thought of making a spectacle of themselves, and feel more nervous about stuttering, tripping up and looking foolish than going to an early grave.
I can help! Please have a look at my course on overcoming your nerves and fears about public speaking - you can book directly from this page.
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Young adults in England have scored among the lowest results for literacy and numeracy in the developed world in an international study. England’s 16 to 24-year-olds rank 22nd for literacy and 21st for numeracy, out of 24 nations. It found that England is the only developed country where those approaching retirement are more literate and numerate than young adults, and that 8.5 million English adults have the maths skills of a ten-year old. Figures from the OECD.
What the hell went wrong and when exactly?


Places on my courses are now bookable through this Facebook page! Please follow this link:‚Ä ¶/app_190322544333196


Does your organization lose out because of poor presentation skills? It does seem that many do - .php…
If you need help to improve presentation skills at all levels within your team, please get in touch.


Attended the Shropshire Chamber Networking Club meeting at the 100 House hotel in Norton yesterday. Some familiar faces but a lot of new business people to interact with. Great presentation by Holly from FraggleWorks - lots of very useful information received and noted for future use - Thanks Holly, much appreciated.


I will be celebrating my birthday on 14th March with another presentation skills course at the Shropshire Chamber offices. Why not make a small investment in yourself?


One place on my Presentation Skills for Nervous Networkers course for Wednesday at Shropshire Chamber 0915-1630. Fifty pounds inc vat and refreshments!

More about Adastra Training Locally, Nationally And Internationally

Adastra Training Locally, Nationally And Internationally is located at 15 Rose Tree Close, The Rock, TF3 5DZ Telford