Addiction Therapy Birmingham

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday: -

About Addiction Therapy Birmingham

Therapy in Birmingham for addictions. Each addiction will have a different physiological and emotional trigger for its behaviour rapid methods are utilised for powerful effective results.

Addiction Therapy Birmingham Description

An addiction causes a sufferer to experience physical or mental symptoms as a result of a dependence on a substance, behaviour or activity. They have no control over their actions and are controlled by the source of their addiction. This continues to the point where the sufferer is unable to function on a daily basis unless they have their fix Their lives are dominated by their addiction . They persist in their habit, knowing that it is dangerous to their health, but feel powerless to resist. When you engage in activities that make you feel happy, shopping spree, winning a bet or having sex with someone new , your brain releases feel-good chemicals that encourage you to repeat that behaviour because it provides such an enjoyable high.



Compulsive Shopping Addiction ? It's never been easier to get lost in crippling debt. You can spend hundreds or more at the click of a button from the comfort of your lounge. Millions of people suffer from compulsive shopping
I can resist anything except temptation."
... - Oscar Wilde
It is easy to resist temptation when it's not there. We can all eat sparingly and avoid refined sugar when we're stuck on a desert island.
You might, if you are as old as me, recall those distant, digitally unstimulating times before you could access your bank account with a click at 2 am and splash the cash with a mere flick of your avaricious index finger. But now of course we have the luxury of being able to send ourselves to the verge of bankruptcy without the inconvenience of having to wait for stores to open. Without even having to leave the sofa!
I suspect this increased opportunity and ease of spending is the reason compulsive buying has increased. It does seem that it's more of a problem for young women , and reports estimate that it may affect around 5% of people in industrialised countries . This may not sound huge, but it amounts to many millions of people who cannot control their spending. When did the out-of-control spending begin and what, if anything, changed during that time? So often a problem pattern is a sloppy and unconscious way of trying to meet a primal emotional need. Perhaps it may be the out-of-control spending provides a brief a sense of escape from the realities of our job and a fleeting sense of meaning and excitement. Surfing for bargains feels meaningful because it feels as if we are completing a 'hunt' – 'making a killing', so to speak.Once we get a sense of what might be missing (and how the compulsive behaviour may be hijacking that need) then we can begin to work to find healthier, and cheaper, ways of meeting those needs. If you feel you may have an issue with compulsive shopping, call Stuart -07825 599340 for a free 30 minute consultation to discuss further or alternatively email -
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Addiction Therapy - Edgbaston- Birmingham Does your addiction rob you of a balanced life, money, pleasure and self-control? Each addiction will have a different physiological and emotional trigger for its behaviour and I use rapid methods for powerful effective results. From your initial session you will be empowered to effect change and strive towards a new, better, addiction free you.
If you are struggling to obtain a stable recovery in 12-step groups, ask yourself:...
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Addiction Therapy - Edgbaston- Birmingham ADDICTION THERAPY BIRMINGHAM·MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2018
Does your addiction rob you of a balanced life, money, pleasure and self-control? Each addiction will have a different physiological and emotional trigger for its behaviour and I use rapid methods for powerful effective results. From your initial session you will be empowered to effect change and strive towards a new, better, addiction free you.
...Continue Reading


Choosing the Right Therapist - 2 minute video to help you make the right choice ! Stuart - 07825 599340


Drug Addiction - Call Stuart -07825 599340


Cocaine Addiction


Self-Awareness: Tips For Understanding Your Personality Type Your personality type is a huge determining factor when it comes to how you interact with other people and the world around you. We have developed an excellent understanding of what characterises human beings, and the five-factor model is a great example of the knowledge we have of human traits.
The theory uses five broad dimensions to describe the human personality and psyche, which have been defined as openness to...
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Smokers at Greater Risk of Hearing Loss: Study A study involving more than 50,000 participants found that smoking increased the risk of hearing loss.
The eight-year study analyzed data from annual health checkups, which included audio testing performed by a technician as well as a health-related lifestyle questionnaire completed by each participant.
... Researchers examined the effects of smoking status (current, former, and never smokers), the number of cigarettes smoked per day, and the duration of smoking cessation on the extent of hearing loss.
Even after adjusting for factors including occupational noise exposure, researchers found a 1.2 to 1.6 increased risk of hearing loss among current smokers compared with those who had never smoked.
The association was stronger between smoking and high-frequency hearing loss than that of low-frequency hearing loss, and the risk of both types increased with the numbers of cigarettes smoked. The researchers also found that the increased risk of hearing loss decreased within five years after quitting smoking.
"Our study provides strong evidence that smoking is an independent risk factor of hearing loss," said the study's lead author Dr. Huanhuan Hu of Japan's National Center for Global Health and Medicine.
The study was published in Nicotine & Tobacco Research.
Another recent analysis involving almost 150,000 people found that smoking also increases belly fat. While a smoker may weigh less than a non-smoker, scientists at the University of Glasgow found that smoking concentrates fat into the central area of the body, causing a bigger stomach that's in the shape of an apple.
Apple-shaped bodies, as opposed to pear-shaped bodies, are known to increase the risk of many diseases, including heart disease and diabetes.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, smoking is the No. 1 cause of preventable disease and deaths, and accounts for about 1 in 5 deaths.
Call Stuart -07825 599340
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More about Addiction Therapy Birmingham

Addiction Therapy Birmingham is located at Calthorpe Road 44-45, B15 1TH Birmingham, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday: -