Adi Business Success

About Adi Business Success

We provide ADIs with results in advance without the risk of losing money or time see how: /

Adi Business Success Description

We help driving school owners grow their business through marketing and recruiting driving instructors online. Websites and ADI Recruitment campaigns are done for you as a service. Everything we offer is tested in our own driving school and we have a 0% refund rate on all our services - because it just works.



Strategic Customer Reviews Sell Lessons and attract customers who buy on reputation not price!


How to build brand loyalty.
By Toyota...


Are you a really busy ADI?
The more successful you become, the more hours you have to work, which means less time to enjoy the extra income with your family!
Have you ever considered taking on some help and making the transition from sole trader to franchisor and growing a real Driving School?
... Benefit from a regular monthly residual income.
No matter how successful you become, you will always be limited by the hours you can physically work.
Live a lifestyle that will never be possible when exchanging your time for money.
Have financial security regardless of the hours you actually work yourself.
BUT, do you have what it takes to become the boss?
My name is Kelvin White and I qualified as an ADI 19 years ago, since then I quit my franchise, went independent and grew my own Driving School to 30+ franchisees.
I have just taken several months to write what I believe is the first book of its kind within the Driving School industry where a very successful Driving School owner has documented exactly what it takes to make that transition.
The industry is as buoyant as it's ever been during my 19 years and many ADI's have full diaries with waiting lists but to take that next step and grow any business takes a certain type of person and thats why there are many more followers than leaders in the Driving School industry.
If you believe that you are that 'certain' type of person and you 'think' it's worth investigating, then I would be delighted to post a copy of my new book out to you completely free of charge.
Had a book of this nature been available back in 2007 when I recruited my first franchisee, I am convinced that I would have reached my goal in a mere fraction of the time.
Simply click the link below and it will take you to a web page with a little more information and the book request form.
I only have 40 books to give away for free, so if you are intrigued to what is possible, here is the link. /
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Please bear with us if you have requested the explainer video - we are experiencing and unprecedented amount of messages and requests!
We will, of course, ensure everybody that messaged us for the explainer video will recieve it - It's just it will take a few days to work through all the messages.
... Kelvin & Dan
P.S. You guys rock thanks for the interest :)
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What is the primary reason for using a headboard?
in my view its for PROMOTION in the local area.
Your headboard is the HEADLINE.... Your livery is the page copy.
The purpose of an headline is to attract interest to read the page copy!
When returning from the morning walk, I had four driving school cars traveling towards me before passing.
1. had no headboard and no livery (Must have been Clint Eastwood - the man with no name - older readers might remember!
2. No headboard but had full livery - unable to tell who the school was until along side. (No headline to attract interest)
3. had an aero dynamic headboard and while I get the fuel saving - nothing on the front so missing the headline.
4. Had an headboard but so much text and small mobile number so couldn't read it even when he was along side.
I guess good news as I am competing with these guys or I would be if anyone know they existed.
The driving school industry is not on its own when it comes to self employed operators so busy working, working, working doing what they do and failing to set aside an hour to work ON their business a look at the big picture.
"I am so busy, I don't need an headboard'
The time will come and the more people that know your school name, the better prepared you will be.
Rant over.
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The boys are back again after taking a little time out for the documents webinar last week.
This week finds Steady Eddie having a chat with Entrepreneurial Eric on the subject of websites.
Steady Eddie has had a standard template website for a couple of years now as he figured everyone else had one and he wanted to keep pace. Eddie readily admits that he has no idea how many new bookings come from his website.
... He has no idea how many visitors arrive each week/month as he has no Google analytics in place and therefore has no idea how the website converts.
However, his new bookings have dropped in the past month and although he has never had a problem keeping fully booked before, he has become slightly concerned since implementing his recent price rise.
He is basically seeking Entrepreneur EricŌĆÖs advice on what to look for when sourcing a new website.
Eric explains that in his experience the vast majority of ADIŌĆÖs have no idea when it comes to evaluating a website. Many will look for the following:
The price you pay An in-depth pricing page The colour schemes available The above the fold slide show and flashing icons The quality of the images Lots of Informative pages The ability to show driving related content and possibly videos
In reality none of those things make a good CONVERTING website. Many overlook the main reason or purpose of having a website ŌĆ”ŌĆ”
If you are thinking about a new website, then we have recorded what is probably the most comprehensive and detailed video guide ever to help you deal with developers and make sure they build exactly what you need ŌĆō a website that converts.
ŌĆó Why you need one as the centre of all your marketing activities ŌĆó Why website developers have little idea on what converts in our industry ŌĆó Why the majority of driving school website look the same with the same message ŌĆó What is your USP? (Unique selling point) ŌĆó Never purchase a website unless you know the 18 common mistakes that will kill conversions
Simply find out more by popping over to our ADI Success Members site and be prepared the next time you go shopping for a website or maximise the potential of your current site.
In addition to the website video, we also have over 40 modules that will help you to charge more, avoid losing money and many more ways to enhance your business activities. ip-offer/
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Seems like there's not a single week goes by without tragic news like this.
Have a great weekend everybody!


Thanks to all that attended the "Stop Losing Money' Webinar last night.
We have been delighted with the feedback and it would seem that turning up at 9pm and investing 90 mins of your time was beneficial.
However, we have received loads of messages today from some of you guys that could not make it and some of you had local tech issues and couldn't get on.
... So we are going to make the full webinar recording available for instant access until midnight this Sunday. /
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We are kicking off the webinar on how to 100% avoid loss of income from late lesson cancellations at 9pm.
If you have not registered here is the link to join us:ŌĆ ”/8215785470611892227


Stop Losing Money!
The post I did a few weeks ago on having a zero-tolerance cancellation policy has prompted a massive response, which is hardly surprising when you see the amount of posts on the subject on industry forums.
As a driving school owner with a lot of livelihoods at stake, it is vital that I minimise any loss of income for the school and my franchisees.
...Continue Reading


What... in... the actual.....???? 35/videos/1372754746202000/


Welcome to the latest edition of ADI chatter.
Today we join Entrepreneurial Eric who is giving a talk to the local driving instructors association on the importance of 1st point of contact.
A brief bio on Entrepreneur Eric:
...Continue Reading


Ok for test?!!!

More about Adi Business Success

Adi Business Success is located at 44 Tulip Tree Road, TA6 4XD Bridgwater
01278 450142