Admin Anywhere

About Admin Anywhere

Virtual Business Admin Support Services

Admin Anywhere Description

Virtual Business Admin Support Services



Merry Christmas. :)


Feeling the Christmas love today with this beautiful bouquet from my longest term client, Eleanor. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒน๐ŸŽ„ It must be 5 years now that I've been managing the admin for her business. This year she introduced me to a colleague who was taking over a huge part of the business as she starts looking towards retirement, and I'm working with them now too.


Have a lovely break, spending Christmas and New Year your way.
I will be here over the season, but working more flexibly around home life and family. I expect you will be taking time off too, but if there is something you need assistance with, by all means give me a nudge.
I wish you all health, wealth and happiness in life and in business for 2019.
...โ€ฆ/christmas-greeting s-and-thanks-for-a-gโ€ฆ
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The essential VA Christmas do. If there are any VA's on my timeline who aren't aware of the The North West VA Hub, your're most welcome to come and join us on the 22nd Nov.


That's one Christmas party sorted. Who says you have to miss out when you work on your own ;)


I've received some fantastic new testimonials from my lovely clients ready for thebestof Business of the Year Awards.
If you've every questioned why you need a VA, this closing sentence says it all
"....What do I get out of it?
... I get time to focus on the core content of my business knowing so many task are handled for me at a rate that is excellent value for money."
Read more of this review and many more atโ€ฆ/admin-any where-14894โ€ฆ/reviews/
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So here we are again, it's that time of the year when as part of my business being part of the Best of Bolton, I need to to ask for your feedback regarding the support and service that AdminAnywhere has given you this year.
It's hard to compete against the bigger businesses within the business services category, but I'm up for the challenge.
So if you've used my services or just have some really good words to share about my work here's your chance.... Please visit this link and post your review. I need 12 before I can qualify for the next stage in the competition. recommend/โ€ฆ
Thanks :)
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Got a pressie off a client this week. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜‰
Loving being involved in this inspirational project with her.
#mypen #gotmynameonit


September. Well, what can I say... Thank you so much, you've been a fantastic month. ๐Ÿค—
4 new clients have come on board. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Š
Yes that old saying that clients are like buses has definitely been appropriate :)
... So with my regular ongoing clients, a couple of adhoc ones needing my services and these 4 newbies I've supported 10 different small businesses this month. โœ”๏ธ I've cleansed and organised contact data ready for a new CRM system, and created an introductory Mailchimp campaign for a home maintenance business, โœ”๏ธ Further development on a bookings (workflow) spreadsheet I created for local music promoter โœ”๏ธ Fliers created, sent out and bookings handled for 2 educational trainers, and website updates for 1 of them โœ”๏ธ Varied PA support for 4 clients all in very different industries (procurement, business development, PR, matchmaking) โœ”๏ธ CRM updates for a hair & beauty spa ... And tomorrow I start a large on-site task to help a local accountant with her archiving and office organisation.
I'm not fully booked as the workload volume can vary from day to day, especially for the clients I provide ongoing PA support to, and some jobs are one-offs or just more intensive in the beginning. So if you want to find out how AdminAnywhere can help your business, give me a call, email, or just message on here.
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I don't normally work on a Sunday, but with a hefty to do list on the cards and a couple of appointments scheduled for this week (and the lack of fun charity dog events to take Chewy to today ;) ) I decided it was a much more practical use of my time this afternoon to get a head start on the coming week.
And what a productive session it was too.
A fortnight's tweets scheduled for one client. Dynamic Networking invite for September ready to go out the morning. Training fli...ers ready for dispatch to schools across Lancashire, and that client's website updated with all the new training programme too. And of course I couldn't get through an afternoon without a little spreadsheet work too.
Now time to get tea sorted and then feet up in front of the telly... well with a little break for a trip to the park with Chewy before it goes dark.
September. Bring it on!
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Phew! That was one tough summer.
There are always the peaks and troughs... the feasts and the famine's... the storms to ride though... It's all part and parcel of being a freelancer. Especially in this Virtual PA world.
Afterall the flexibility of the admin support that I provide is a key aspect in what my clients need. The fact that when there's no work to get help with, there's no salary to pay is often a deciding factor in seeking outside support for those tasks they n...eed help with in their businesses.
The summer holidays are always the same. Although I am here to help cover while clients are on vacation, most find that their businesses are quiet too, their customers are also quiet, so things tick over in a sort of hibernation mode.
With just about enough to keep me going this last 6 weeks to cover the bills that still need to be paid, I've made it (Woo Hoo!๐Ÿค—) and what a kick start to the new season this week has been.
This week has kicked the motors back into gear and we're revving up nicely.
1 new client came on board on Tuesday and 2 new projects from adhoc clients this week too. Then with the ongoing regular work and 2 other clients returning now to reignite their schools training programmes for the coming academic year, It looks like autumn is in for a great start.
There's still space on my TO DO LIST so if you need some help, just give me a call.
#happydancetime 5W/giphy.gif
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AdminAnywhere isn't just a Virtual PA service. Today I'm working on-site in a local Bolton business helping the CEO to clear a blacklog with an essential part of her daily workload and then setting up some systems to hopefully help to avoid it getting out of hand again. This should be a very productive day. #onsiteadminsupport #flexible #businesssupport #Bolton #notjustaVA


I had a bit of a nostalgia moment yesterday and realised it's 36 years since I left school and set out on my working life. How businesses and the office environment has changed since 1982, and that's not just the the tech.
What was it like for you in the early days of your career?โ€ฆ/03-08- 2018-1982-the-year-iโ€ฆ


Happy August everyone. How are you doing? Are you juggling all the jobs while your staff take their vacations or does business go really quiet at this time of the year? There are always jobs that need doing and AdminAnywhere is here to help if you need it.


Heading out shortly to the new office warming party of local #Bolton web design business OwlTree Web Solutions Limited. Warran and the team are sponsors of the Dynamic Networking group I manage. Looking forward to seeing their new digs and having a catch up with other networking friends too. Plus I heard that Sushma'snacks is doing the catering, so that's is definitely an added bonus. ๐Ÿฆ‰๐ŸŒณ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿพ๐Ÿฅ™๐ŸŒฏ๐ŸŒฎ


Female business owners. Have you heard about The Minerva Directory? It's a lovely supportive community where you can also find a wide range of services offered by other female lead businesses.
I've just registered my services. Why not come over and join meโ€ฆ/busines s-servโ€ฆ/adminanywhere


If you follow me on Twitter. I have now managed to change the account name to @AdminAnywhere (
Back in the day when I set that twitter account up, having the word 'admin' in your profile name wasn't allowed, which was particularly awkward for me and most other VAs, but I happened to spot an account today that did contain the word, so I went to investigate and swiftly updated my name before it got taken.
Luckily it doesn't affect my following and followers except that you now can't tag the old @JuliaAAnywhere name. But for me I now have to remember all the places where I've listed the old name and get the links updated.


You can now find AdminAnywhere featuring on the Unique Ladies HQ marketplace. inanywhere/
As well as being a great business networking group, I've had the pleasure of working with several of the Unique Ladies team over the last few months.
... I have to admit I wasn't sure about Ladies only networking, but this group really works, and to be honest not having to find a huge subscription fee has been a real bonus.
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Time for a little poll... If you're wanting to buy something, book an appointment or service, and you receive an 'out of office' message, like this: "Thanks for your enquiry, but I'm away on holiday for the next fortnight. Please contact me again on my return" What do you do?


Julia's done and is doing a great job for me


Julia has just done a great job sorting out my database (some of which was very old) and producing a fab email with MailChimp to comply with the requirements of GDPR. It really saved me a lot of time.

I would highly recommend Admin Anywhere - very versatile and flexible!

Worthington Coaching says thank you!


Julia has been looking after my emails and other administrative needs of my busy photography studio during the holidays time. I am so pleased with all her help and would highly recommend her to anyone in the need of an office support.

Having Julia gave me the extra peace of mind knowing that all enquiries are dealt with in an efficient and professional manner. I could also rest assured knowing that I am contacted immediately in case of an important assignment or an emergency without the hassle of having to check on everything daily while being away. Finally it meant that I came back to bookings made by her during my absence. Julia is worth her weight in gold and I will be surely using her services in the future! And if you're in need of an office support I highly recommend her.

Thank you Julia!


Julia has been helping me to get my emails in order...and created a wonderful mailchimp account and helped me with the GDPR...Julia has also created a wonderful spreadsheet for my accounts to simplify things for me....I have found Julia to be very professional, provide a top class service, and has done the work very quickly....I highly recommend her services to anyone...because of the work done by Julia I will save so much time....HUGE thank you Julia


Julia gave me some great advice regarding my business card design. Julia was so supportive and helpful and i was really appreciative. Thank you so much for going above and beyond.


Julia's done and is doing a great job for me


Julia has just done a great job sorting out my database (some of which was very old) and producing a fab email with MailChimp to comply with the requirements of GDPR. It really saved me a lot of time.

I would highly recommend Admin Anywhere - very versatile and flexible!

Worthington Coaching says thank you!


Julia has been looking after my emails and other administrative needs of my busy photography studio during the holidays time. I am so pleased with all her help and would highly recommend her to anyone in the need of an office support.

Having Julia gave me the extra peace of mind knowing that all enquiries are dealt with in an efficient and professional manner. I could also rest assured knowing that I am contacted immediately in case of an important assignment or an emergency without the hassle of having to check on everything daily while being away. Finally it meant that I came back to bookings made by her during my absence. Julia is worth her weight in gold and I will be surely using her services in the future! And if you're in need of an office support I highly recommend her.

Thank you Julia!


Julia has been helping me to get my emails in order...and created a wonderful mailchimp account and helped me with the GDPR...Julia has also created a wonderful spreadsheet for my accounts to simplify things for me....I have found Julia to be very professional, provide a top class service, and has done the work very quickly....I highly recommend her services to anyone...because of the work done by Julia I will save so much time....HUGE thank you Julia


Julia gave me some great advice regarding my business card design. Julia was so supportive and helpful and i was really appreciative. Thank you so much for going above and beyond.

More about Admin Anywhere

Admin Anywhere is located at Heaton Road, BL2 6RD Bolton
01204 216789