Adrian Farr - Storyteller

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Adrian Farr - Storyteller

𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞𝖙𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗 | 𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖗 |
𝖉𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖔𝖗 | fine art and fantasy narratives



Today is a day for world building! Creating a complex, and entirely new and immersive imaginary world is certainly no 10 minute job. You kind of have to know where you are going before you can even begin your journey. So lots of research and inspiration gathering.


The art series that I am currently working on will be a cinematic novel, and will be a high fantasy and hopefully epic narrative, inspired by many different things that I am passionate and enthusiastic about, including things like Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings.
Like all of my conceptual work before, the story will have underlying themes of fear and identity, with a subtly dark yet artistic approach to exploring mental health and various psychological disorders.
Howeve...r, unlike anything I have ever done before, this project will push me far beyond my comfort zone. Not only in my photography and lighting, but also in my creative direction, world and character building, location, wardrobe, prop and set design, practical effects and now also my writing and storytelling.
In many ways I feel like I am starting my professional art career again from ground zero, but this time with a fresh perspective and a more meaningful purpose. After a 4 year creative break, my journey into the unknown has begun again, and this will be my biggest creative adventure to date.
I will be launching a blog in 2019 so that you can stay updated with the progress of my personal project if you would like to. I will also be revealing more details about the story in the new year and finally, the working title of the new saga!
Image shared for inspirational purposes only. Artist unknown.
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I will soon have updates on the progress of my new fantasy series and cinematic novel that I am currently working on. At the moment I am learning how to design and craft armour!
However in the meantime, I have started a fun little side project with my daughter, called 'Breaking Dad', where Dad vs Baby!
It is a personal photo diary for when Mum is at work and Dad is left in charge of the baby!
... Follow along if you would like to see what fun and crazy things we get up to each week.
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I am currently working on my first cinematic novel for my next story/art series, and it is going to be a huge personal photography project and storytelling experience. . Right now I am looking to commission some epic armour and weapons for the characters in my story to wear. So if you know any designers, collectors or cosplayers who might be able to help, please share their Instagram profiles in the comments so I can check them out. . Illustration art by @albinoravenmini... . For this series, I will be taking inspiration from many of my favourite high-fantasy, medieval and adventure story arcs such as: . #godofwar #darksiders #legendofthecryptids #warhammer #worldofwarcraft #lordsofthefallen #witcher3 #bloodborne #darksouls #lordoftherings #thehobbit #300 #troy #immortals #snowwhiteandthehuntsman #narnia #kingarthur #clashofthetitans #gameofthrones #asongoficeandfire #fallofgods #vikings
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Photographer - Adrian Farr - Visual Storyteller Model - Rachel Bowler - Feed On Fashion of IMM International Model Management Designer - Lory Sun Artistry Retoucher - Alex Stanculescu Producer - Lindsay Adler Fashion Photography


"Somewhere there in the In-Between"
Today I have a very special announcement to share. My partner of 10 years (who is also my 1st assistant) and I, will be having our first child in October, and we are excited to be having a girl!
We have kept our news a secret for 7 months, as we wanted to do things very differently to how most people typically do.
... We first told our closest friends and family face to face in very unique and individual ways, then we shared our news with all our other friends and family earlier this week at the 30 week milestone, in a way that was very different to how most photographers would typically approach a maternity shoot.
And now, I would like to share the celebration image I created with all of you, as I thought you might appreciate it too.
If you have followed my photography for a while, you may have noticed that my conceptual and couture fashion work is often very symbolic and layered with hidden meanings, subtle clues and riddles that hint at an underlying theme of identity and a fear of the unknown. Well this image is no different. I spent months planning and visualising the concept of this story and all the details were meticulously thought out.
On the surface you will see what everyone else sees, but if you look a little closer you might just discover something more...
We will have been together for 10 years this November, and she has been wanting to have children for a long time. Myself on the other hand, well I was never in a hurry to have kids. I've always had a fear about becoming a Dad. Everything about becoming a parent scared the absolute crap out of me. And yet, as an adrenaline junkie, fear has always been my driving force.
So here I am, just weeks away from embracing my greatest fears of my life so far. When visualising this image, I wanted to create something that was very symbolic and which hinted at both her excitement and my apprehension. In my mind we are both kind of in a bit of a dream state, a fantasy if you like. Her dream of becoming a Mum, and my own aspiration that one day I would hopefully be an inspiration to my future daughter, because I never gave up on my own dreams of being a photographer and storyteller.
There is a subtle darkness amidst the surreal clouds of vibrancy to represent the unknown. And I have used the colour pink to not only represent the gender of our baby, but also to symbolise hope.
Hair & makeup by ArtLook 4U. Makeup products ZOEVA and Deciem The Abnormal Beauty Company. Dress ASOS. Assisting Grace Katherine, Paul Spooner and Matthew Dagless.
Shot with a Canon UK 5D Mark IV and EF 24-70mm f/2.8 II USM lens, 1/100 sec at f/5.6, ISO 400. BTS image in the comments below.
— Products shown: Fine Art Commissions and Visual Storytelling.
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This month, one of my images have been published in the international Stubborn Magazine. I wonder if you can guess which one?


I've still yet to win a prestigious award of any kind, but I'm still proud that my work stood out and got an honourable mention in the International Photographer Of The Year 2016 Award, a competition that so many thousands of talented photographers enter.â€Ķ/pr oâ€Ķ/honorable-mentions


A little sneak peek of one of my latest images that I will soon be working on, from some testing I did at Amersham Studios with the beautiful Jodi Lakin.


In dreams we enter a world that is entirely our own. - Albus Dumbledore * * Behind the scenes shot from my conceptual shoot 'Lover's Tryst' taken by @leanne_maddock.


Next time I go to a fashion show, it just has to be one like this!


Location scouting is a big part of my job. I prefer shooting on location more than shooting in studio. I'm not entirely sure why, I just really enjoy the challenge of it, and the inspiration it gives me to build upon my ideas, which I wouldn't otherwise discover if I were confined to a small studio space.
I spend a lot of my time traveling around and exploring potential shoot locations. Most often a project heavily relies on finding the right location. If the location doesn't... fit with the mood of the story, then the story simply doesn't have the same visual impact that I desire. So I will wait until I find a location that fits my vision. That is a big reason as to why it can take me so long to create new images.
Whilst I enjoy and have a strong appreciation for landscape photography, I have no desire to be a landscape photographer myself, but I do now want to include epic landscapes as the backdrop for my stories and to set the scenes for my characters. Taking studio lighting out onto location is something I am currently learning and practicing in order to further refine my individual style. It's just another way for me to stand out and be different, as I know not many photographers are able to do that.
And since I'm traveling around exploring and photographing the locations I visit, I thought I would start sharing some of those locations with you rather than keeping them hidden away on my hard drive, so that you can see that I am actively still very busy with my personal photography projects, which is full time for me between my commercial and client work.
Some of the locations I visit are not quite what I am looking for and so I will probably never use them for a project, but It's always nice to venture out into the world a bit and to enjoy what's out there. To explore and discover the world outside my own comfort zone. Adventure. That is what photography gives me.
Last October, I went location scouting in Wales, climbing mountains and trekking about in the wilderness for a week. Whilst I didn't quite find anything that suits any of my current projects, it was truly an exhilarating experience. I am fortunate that travel is a part of my job, and something I extremely grateful for.
Anyway, let me know what you think? Would you like to see more images from my location scouting adventures and explorations?
#Canon5DMarkIV #Waterfall #Location #Snowdonia #OgwenFalls #Landscape #Wales #Fantasy
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Sorry for the quietness guys. I will try and be a lot more active on here this year for you, however I'm mostly sharing my images on Instagram now, since the decline of organic Facebook reach often means less than 2% of my followers are actually seeing my posts anymore. Unless I pay to boost them, which I will do from time to time when it makes good business sense for me to do so.
In the meantime head on over to my Instagram and give me a follow to enjoy more regular content:
Also have you signed up to my mailing list to get updates about new projects I am working on? Some content will only be shared with my subscribers:


Hey everyone how was your week? What did you all get up to? Anything exciting?
London was my home again this week. I got to meet and shoot with my friend and mentor Lindsay Adler, who is a fashion photographer in New York. Her energy and enthusiasm is absolutely contagious! Feeling very refreshed and encouraged after spending time with such an invigorating and enlightening person.
Looking forward to sharing a couple of my pics from the shoot with you guys!


One of my images got published in this month's Behind The Shutter Magazine. Thanks once again to my team for all their hard work. It's an oldie but still one of my favourites, so it's nice to see it still being enjoyed around the world. Here is a little peek into how it was created courtesy of my dear friend Artlook4u by Patrice. /2016_november


As a chess player myself, I love this series "Check-Mate" shot for Vogue by Tim Walker with Edie Campbell. I love these images in particular because there is a real sense of mystery and claustrophobia to them. Love the outfits and love the set and props.
*Copyright Tim Walker ( - sharing for inspirational purposes only and will remove if asked to do so by the author or any of his official representatives.*


Had a fab time in London meeting up for a drink with world famous photographer and entrepreneur Chase Jarvis, one of the founders of CreativeLive. Was also great to meet and chat with so many other creatives too, who are all passionate about making art in some form or another.


I've been lucky enough to work with Adrian on a number of shoots and have always been impressed with his professional attitude. His artistic vision adds a great creativity to shoots which has given me as a model a range of great portfolio shots. Adrian is a very inclusive photographer who offers great direction to models, and has definitely given me guidance which I have been able to use in future shoots.


I have assisted Adrian on 2 shoots and on both occasions have been highly impressed by the passion and sheer commitment that he works with to get the best out of not only his own photography but at getting the best out of all the people he works with, from working closely and flexibly with fashion designers, stylists and makeup artists to giving creative direction to the models in order to get the best shots possible. The extensive planning and communication before every shoot goes further to show just how competent and professional he is in his work, and he is always looking to better his photography and push himself further in his ideas for shoots. I would love to work with Adrian again as a model, and have heard many others as well say how they would love to shoot with him as they think his work is fantastic.


I had a chance to work with Adrian on couple of occasions so far, and it was a real pleasure.

His imagination and creativity have no boundaries, he is not afraid to challenge himself as well as the whole team.

His visions are fresh and exiting, exactly what I love about photography and makeup involved.

Adrian is also very organised and has an amazing attention to details, which help to make his ideas happen during the photo shoot.

He is easy going professional and I will be more than happy to collaborate with him again in a very close future.


I first contacted Adrian by email as we're from different countries and I can honestly say that I would've never guessed we'd come some far. He was very responsive and to my surprise he actually made me feel like we were having a face-to-face conversation. He was very open, clear and we had a very relaxed and pleasant discussion. I will start out simple: I can tell you he is without a doubt the most passionate photographer I've met so far. And I say that after having worked with many photographers from all over the world. He is so driven by what he does and goes to great lengths to achieve breathtaking images. I can tell you that he is a true professional when it comes to the people he works with and an easy to talk to guy. Adrian believed in me the whole way through, he motivated me and helped me a lot in becoming my best self professionally wise. He was respectful and appreciative of my work while patiently offering me constructive feedback. That is so hard to come by these days. While interacting I felt heard, listened to, I felt like I was part of a team and that my opinion mattered in the creative process. It's all thanks to him and in my experience that's a very difficult thing to achieve when working with someone that's literally a thousand miles away. I was so impressed with Adrian's creativity, his unique way of seeing things, his attention to detail and his ability to turn a simple image into a compelling story.

This has honestly been the most interesting and fulfilling professional experience I had so far. He is a true artist and we definitely need more guys like him in this industry. It's been an honor and a pleasure working with him and I'm really looking forward to our next collaboration.

Hire Adrian and you will see for yourself that he'll exceed all expectations !



I have worked with you on two shoots so far and I'm thoroughly looking forward to working with you again. You are hugely creative, you have some amazing ideas and I'm very much looking forward to seeing your ideas come to life. You are a true artist and I know it's frustrating for you to have all these innovative creations in your mind that you want to portray in artistic photography, and not have the liquid to make it all happen as fast as you'd like to. Keep at it though, with your determination it will happen and you will succeed.

I know many people, not just models, who would really benefit from being photographed by a photographer such as yourself. You are patient and excellent at direction. You always get the shot! You can work with beginners as well as the most experienced of models and you do get fantastic results. I hope everything keeps going well for you and your ideas become a reality very soon!


Having assisted Adrian on a number of occasions, he is without a doubt very professional and extremely passionate about what he does. He goes to the greatest efforts of planning all of his photo shoots down to the smallest intricate detail. Making sure that no stone is left unturned, he thinks of absolutely everything and even prepares for the unexpected. From discovering hidden, unique and interesting locations to shoot in, creating detailed storyboards and testing complex lighting setups prior to a shoot, to successfully managing large teams of exceptional and varied creative talent on set, and producing beautiful stunning images that stand out, Adrian has set incredibly high standards and expectations in his work. He has a natural skill for directing models and giving them positive and constructive feedback, as well as being considerate of the creative needs and contributions of all of his team members. He takes his professionalism very seriously but at the same time knows how to have fun and helps people enjoy themselves whilst they are in his presence. The thing that truly makes Adrian different is his vision. He is a creative problem solver through and through and has a perspective like no other. He can take just a seed of an idea and turn it into a compelling story that is immensely awe-inspiring and visually breathtaking. He has inspired hundreds of people through his art and continues to go from strength to strength with every new challenge. I look forward to seeing where Adrian's career takes him, and I believe anyone who hires him will be astonished by his sheer determination and tenacity in getting the shot, they will not be disappointed!



Thank you so much for a successful and creative photo shoot. You've provided me with expressive and exciting photos for my portfolio as a fashion designer. Your professionalism and attitude towards your work is outstanding and I am highly impressed by how well my garments were treated, especially that you used your time to come and collect and drop off the garments to my house directly. You have been highly co-operative and most resourceful by sourcing me out yourself after seeing my graduate fashion show. You should be proud of yourself and your forthcoming career, keep at it. It was a pleasure working with you.

Thank you for choosing my work to photograph.

Kind Regards,

Gabriella Wisdom.

More about Adrian Farr - Storyteller

Adrian Farr - Storyteller is located at SE1 9SG London, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -