Adva - A Life Changer

About Adva - A Life Changer

ADVA - Aqua vitae alkaline with ph 9

ADVA - Живая щелочная вода с ph 9

ADVA - Жива алкална вода с ph 9

Adva - A Life Changer Description

The most important benefits of ADVA are:

It has pH9.
Alkalizes blood and helps to maintain the proper pH level in the human body. This increases the body's resistance against diseases.
Alkaline water is water saturated with electrons. Charged with energy, it is ready to give its electrons to the body and thus it energizes the organism.
Has a negative ORP, provides a safe source of free electrons and blocks the oxidative potential of free radicals.
It is a powerful antioxidant, more powerful than any nutritional supplements!
ADVA captures free radicals in blood, binds to them and removes them from the body through urine.
What does ORP stand for? Oxidizing-reducing potential, that is the ability of a substance to oxidize, to be defined in quantity, i. e. to take electrons or to reduce, i. e. to donate electrons.
The daily intake of ADVA suppresses the tangible feeling of hunger, without causing discomfort. An excellent assistant in fat burning and weight-lost.

ADVA е вода получена чрез уникален процес на структуриране в микроклъстери чрез повлияване върху водородните връзки. Това променя окси-редукционния потенциал от положителен в отрицателен, което я прави антиоксидантна. Насищането на ADVA с водородни йони води до повишаване на алкалността до рН9. Тя е намагнетизирана, филтрирана и дезинфекцирана чрез иновативна технология, която запазва полезните минерали Ca и Mg и премахва вредните хлор, флуор и всички химикали и микроорганизми, така че нашите активни потребители винаги ще консумират мека и вкусна вода, която ще ги накара да се почувстват психически и физически освежени. Структурираната вода ADVA е с висок процент "разбити" молекули. При тях молекулата Н2О в процеса на производство се разпада на един атом водород и един хидроксилен йон - ОН. Тези разбити водни молекули позволяват на АDVA да навлезе през клетъчните мембрани в пъти по-лесно спрямо молекулите на останалите води, които в голямата си част образуват клъстери. По този начин ADVA хидратира, алкализира, детоксикира и дарява здраве !

Положителни свойства:

Алкализира - при ph на кръвта 7, 4 раковите клетки не се развиват.
Детоксикира - мощен естествен антиоксидант.
Хидратира и пречиства организма на клетъчно ниво от свободни радикали, токсини и отровни вещества.
Активизира цялата имунна система и увеличава устойчивостта на организма срещу болести. Убива анаеробните бактерии (лошите бактерии) и укрепва аеробните бактерии (добрите бактерии).
Ускорява метаболизма, подобрява храносмилането, регулира чревната перисталтика и редуцира телесната мазнина.
Подобрява концентрацията и премахва главоболието.
Придава енергия и видима бодрост.
Намалява риска от сърдечно-съдови заболявания и регулира кръвното налягане.
Оказва ефект върху различни алергични заболявания.
Подмладява и хидратира кожата, премахва целулита.
Предпазва мускулната тъкан и възстановява подвижността и гъвкавостта на ставите.
Пречиства бъбреците и жлъчката от песъчинки.
Ефект върху диабета
Има положителен ефект върху всички органи на тялото.
В ADVA са запазени полезните минерали Ca и Mg.
Активираната вода по своите електролитни параметри е много близка до телесните течности (кръв, междуклетъчна течност и др. ). Затова тя се включва веднага в жизнената дейност на организма и влияе благоприятно на възстановяването на енергийния му баланс. Особено важен е фактът, че това е естествен продукт, спомагащ за активизация на вътрешните сили на организма.

Тази вода е :

С висока алкалност - pH9.
С висок енергиен заряд.
С отрицателно ОRP.
С намагнитизирани молекули.
С разбити клъстери.
С добавен магнезий.
С енергийно положително послание.
Заредена със звукова честота 432 Hz.
Със структура на най-чистата планинска изворна вода.
С положителна животворна памет.
Добър помощник на всички, които се борят с топенето на мазнините и свалянето на излишните килограми. При ежедневен прием се потиска осезаемо чувството на глад, без това да води до дискомфорт.
АDVA е най-мощният естествен натурален антиоксидант в света!

Живата вода е мощен антиоксидант. Тя съдържа активен водород, който доставя огромно количество "живи" електрони към организма. Водорода е с отрицателен енергиен заряд. Той улавя свободните радикали в кръвта, защото те са с положителен енергиен заряд. След това те се изхвърлят чрез урината и така организма се предпазва от много заболявания. Именно свободните радикали са причината за появата на ракови клетки. Те се развиват в киселинна среда, а при ph на кръвта 7, 4 те спират развитието си. Живата вода алкализира организма и с това помага в борбата с рака. Тя хидратира здравите клетки, като ги прави устойчиви и предотвратява преобразуването им в ракови.

АDVA опаковка:

Луксозна и иновативна, здрава опаковка с уникален стилен и разпознаваем дизайн.
Бутилката е с достатъчно широко гърло, което предотвратява бълбукането на водата и навлизането на въздух в стомаха.
Капачката може да се използва и като чаша.
Разфасовки от 0, 5 , 1 и 2 л.
Виолетовият филтър увеличава био-фотонната енергия във водата и я запазва от вредното въздействие на UV лъчите.

АDVA дистрибутори:
http://www. adva. bg /bg /pages /distributori /



This is the best tasting and healthiest water I have ever came across.I drink this water everywhere(home,work,gym) and I would not replace it for any other brand.I highly recommend you all to try this water!


The water is super refreshing and tastes great! The beautiful and stylish bottle is a pleasure to carry around. Overall, I'm really happy with ADVA and will continue to drink it regularly.


The utmost solution to bringing close a healthier lifestyle!

All humans are made of water and the specifics and quality of water intake is crucial to our well being. The three specially designed ADVA waters are indeed one such solution and a true water masterpiece...


The best water you can buy with your money and the best investment in your health.


The best water i ever drink , i drink this water every day !! Congrats, From Bulgaria!!


The best tasting water!! I haven't had a headache since I started drinking it!! Great customer service also!!


Taste it and you will feel the effect immediately! I love the design of the bottle it's so fashionable! Love it!


Not only lifestyle....ADVA water is health... ADVA water � is healthy, is everything we need!


Nice Bottle! Great water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My favorite living water! ADVA is so energizing and fresh, I feel refreshed with every sip!


I recommend this Water for everyday use

I`m satisfied))


I have been extremely fascinated with online publications and magazine articles regarding correlation studies on your body’s PH level to your wellbeing and health. Amongst the variety of factors responsible for maintaining acidic/alkaline balance of your body, water turns out to be one of the most significant. This is based on a two year research that I have done.

As a result of this research I was able to find the ADVA website and after careful review I began to feel confident in the product. The website is very well constructed and informative. I was very impressed with process flow charts which revealed sophisticated manufacturing methods that provided invaluable ingredients to the product.

I contacted ADVA and was able to obtain some quantity of the water through a local representative. I began drinking ADAV water regularly for two months. I’ve been monitoring my PH level consistently for more than two years, but since I’ve started to drink ADVA my PH level stabilized and it is now at the ideal level of 7.4+. I feel great.

To me drinking Ionized alkaline is a must!


Great tasting and refreshing water. Adva is the premium product for alkaline water and a great way to lead a healthy lifestyle


Great taste, very refreshing, perfect way to keep up with your healthy lifestyle. Unique bottle design, appealing presentation. ADVA is way more than just a purified water.


Great product for people with healthy life style. It's delicious and refreshing! Love it.


Good water, cool bottle. So refreshing the moment you take a sip. Definitely worth picking up


Good very :)!


Exceptional taste , refreshes and purifies simultaneously. A great way to improve your health and detoxify the body from harmful environmental influences. I love it✌️❤️


Best bottled water out there by far. Great packaging- fits well in any cup holder (at the gym, in the car, etc...), excellent "clean" taste. I definitely choose this over the others when given a selection.


This is the best tasting and healthiest water I have ever came across.I drink this water everywhere(home,work,gym) and I would not replace it for any other brand.I highly recommend you all to try this water!


The water is super refreshing and tastes great! The beautiful and stylish bottle is a pleasure to carry around. Overall, I'm really happy with ADVA and will continue to drink it regularly.


The utmost solution to bringing close a healthier lifestyle!

All humans are made of water and the specifics and quality of water intake is crucial to our well being. The three specially designed ADVA waters are indeed one such solution and a true water masterpiece...


The best water you can buy with your money and the best investment in your health.


The best water i ever drink , i drink this water every day !! Congrats, From Bulgaria!!


The best tasting water!! I haven't had a headache since I started drinking it!! Great customer service also!!


Taste it and you will feel the effect immediately! I love the design of the bottle it's so fashionable! Love it!


Not only lifestyle....ADVA water is health... ADVA water � is healthy, is everything we need!


Nice Bottle! Great water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My favorite living water! ADVA is so energizing and fresh, I feel refreshed with every sip!


I recommend this Water for everyday use

I`m satisfied))


I have been extremely fascinated with online publications and magazine articles regarding correlation studies on your body’s PH level to your wellbeing and health. Amongst the variety of factors responsible for maintaining acidic/alkaline balance of your body, water turns out to be one of the most significant. This is based on a two year research that I have done.

As a result of this research I was able to find the ADVA website and after careful review I began to feel confident in the product. The website is very well constructed and informative. I was very impressed with process flow charts which revealed sophisticated manufacturing methods that provided invaluable ingredients to the product.

I contacted ADVA and was able to obtain some quantity of the water through a local representative. I began drinking ADAV water regularly for two months. I’ve been monitoring my PH level consistently for more than two years, but since I’ve started to drink ADVA my PH level stabilized and it is now at the ideal level of 7.4+. I feel great.

To me drinking Ionized alkaline is a must!


Great tasting and refreshing water. Adva is the premium product for alkaline water and a great way to lead a healthy lifestyle


Great taste, very refreshing, perfect way to keep up with your healthy lifestyle. Unique bottle design, appealing presentation. ADVA is way more than just a purified water.


Great product for people with healthy life style. It's delicious and refreshing! Love it.


Good water, cool bottle. So refreshing the moment you take a sip. Definitely worth picking up


Good very :)!


Exceptional taste , refreshes and purifies simultaneously. A great way to improve your health and detoxify the body from harmful environmental influences. I love it✌️❤️


Best bottled water out there by far. Great packaging- fits well in any cup holder (at the gym, in the car, etc...), excellent "clean" taste. I definitely choose this over the others when given a selection.

More about Adva - A Life Changer

Adva - A Life Changer is located at London, United Kingdom