African Acrobatic Circus

About African Acrobatic Circus

African Acrobatic Circus.

African Acrobatic Circus Description

African Power Acrobatic Circus is a Ghanaian group that performs all manner of traditional African music, dancing and acrobatics. We are a large group of artistes and experts based all around the world, with members in the UK, Germany, Taiwan, India and a number of other countries, but with our hearts and roots in Ghana. Our members include experts in a number of different fields including Street Dance (Winners of the 2008 Pan African Malta Guinness Street Dance competition), Acrobatics, Fire Eating, and West African drumming and dancing.

We perform at all types of celebration, including weddings, engagements, festivals, birthday parties and Ghanaian funerals. We also teach individuals, school classes and other groups. Plus we are happy to organise workshops for businesses, community groups or other organisations who are interested in learning more about traditional African music and dance.

Whichever country you are in, please contact us and we will let you know if we have members there who are able to work with you.



It's 29th June


Fire eating 😅😅😅


Catch me Saturday 29th June at Husbands Bosworth Festival 2019.
Get your tickets ready now and come and enjoy my African Acrobatics show and fire eating display
#africanpoweracrobaticcircus... #UKfestivals #husbandsbosworthfestival #Acrobatics #fire #fireeating #firedance #circusfun #africanskills
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African Power Acrobatics Circus will be performing live at this year Husbands Bosworth Festival 2019
Book your tickets now to enjoy our African acrobatics and fire eating display 😂😂😂💪


Get ur tickets ready now To catch me live this year at Husbands Bosworth Festival 2019


Get your tickets ready for this amazing festival And catch me there live Ras King Bobo 1

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Save the date and catch me there live Ras king bobo1


Check out Simmer Down festival 2019 in Birmingham


It's the best festival in UK Go and grab ur tickets now
And catch me there live


Hope you ready for Great British Food Festival 2019
Don't miss out This year , See ya 😅😅😅


Check out my latest blog post with some great photos of this weeks performances :-)


What fantastic weather we've had this half term. Its meant a great week off with lots of outdoor time for my family and some amazingly busy days performing at Conkers. I always love working here and on days like this where my shows have large audiences with lots of participation from adults and children alike are the best! The kind of days when I love my job! Looking forward to Easter already! If your local be sure to come and see me and join in the fun.…/23/2019- off-to-a-great-start/

More about African Acrobatic Circus