Agatha Penney At Self-Love Clinic

Monday: 08:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Agatha Penney At Self-Love Clinic

All relational issues and psychosexual therapy & coaching in Buckinghamshire



One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other...Jane Austen


Insecurities explained...


A little reminder...


A short story of my journey with Xanax...


Journaling can save you a lot of money spent on therapy and coaching


Breathing & Communication


When you are approaching a completely foreign terrain, you may feel uncertain, uncomfortable, almost fearful perhaps. This is a normal human reaction ingrained in self-preservation.
However, you could consider more creative and hence, more beneficial outlook at any unknown territory you are about to enter...
... If you challenge your deeply-rooted initial reaction to reject, criticise or dislike anything/anyone that is new/different/unusual to all you know, and welcome it with an excitement and curiosity rather than opposition and fear, you will allow yourself to experience potential growth and expansion.
We can only develop when confronted by diversity and difference. You may unexpectedly find yourself on a path to some mesmerising places/ meeting extraordinary people/ learning exceptional things.
Novelty is the way to growth, in fact, the only way💜
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My new article on how to improve your communication skills whilst talking to people in both, professional and personal capacities.


{Chest Tightens & Panic Attacks} .
When you are presented with a challenging situation/people/decision to make, always remember to breathe.
At the time of an intense difficulty, stress or a shock, we often forget to use the simplest of tools we all possess to compose and calm ourselves. The breath. When you forget to breathe properly, deeply and slowly at times of personal or professional adversities, you will be breathing shallowly or even stop for a few seconds.
... What happens next?
Your brain will receive a message “there is a danger” as it doesn’t receive the right amount of oxygen. It will start panic and work in a fight or flight mode.
What happens next?
Your whole body will feel a variety of sensations, but mostly you will lose the clarity of your mind, say something wrong or you will simply freeze.
Your body language will be sending signals that will be received by others, regardless if you like it or not.
It could happen to you in a moment of a great importance and it could potentially change the chain of events for you. And this is why you need to know about what happens when you don’t pay attention to your breath.
From now on when faced with a challenging moment, try to be mindful of the signals your body is sending you. If you feel tightness in your chest, have a few moments and focus on your breathing. With some practice, you will master to cope with a lot of pressure produced by and inevitable in the life we live today.
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Make your dreams come true...


{Listen to your body}
Your body is designed the way to direct you, to guide you and to help you make decisions in life.
If you listen to your body, all its organs, sensations that it releases to warn you or to lead you, the subtle signals that it gives you, you would never need an external confirmation for your actions.
... The challenge lies in trusting yourself. YOU have the best COMPASS, the best ADVISER, the best PILOT in you. START USING IT WITH COURAGE ❤️
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Always remember, if your dream doesn’t scare you a little, it is not big enough 💛
With 2019 just approaching, allow yourself to envisage huge, magnificent dreams and make them your targets, not just a fantasy that will soon evaporate!
Give yourself the permission to dream bold, audacious and daring dreams!
... Empower yourself through your own tool! You all have it - your imagination 💜
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Dreams are mere plans your own, personal mind, therefore imagination, creates for you to act upon.
Dreams, are not to subside from your rationale, they are the goal posts to plan for.
Dreams can gauge the direction and steps for you to take in order to arrive at the closest possible point to the destination of your life.
... If you really think about this topic deeply, you will soon realise that all those years you were sipping on your coffee at the local cafe and people watching, so many dreams were created in your mind.
Despite your own brain activity, you chose to ignore it or just put it into a draw called “dreams=things I cannot have, just dream about”.
Today, however, I would like to invite you to reconsider all those years of daydreaming, and give it another chance.
I would like you to really take your time and reflect for a little while on the things you would love to experience/come to possession or achieve in this lifetime.
And once you have identified what it is that you really want, that you really, really desire and yearn for - just think - you can have it!
The only advice I can give you, is to make sure you certainly can have what you want, make sure that your dream is within your, and only your control, (i.e.: not having someone’s love or person in your life, as the control here is divided between two parties).
Now, go and dream! And make sure you dream magnificent, magical dreams and make them happen 😍✨🥂
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How do you bounce back? ~ I love quick countryside escapes. Ideally seaside locations with crisp sea air, sharp smell of the sea, wind and local fish & chips. ~ Changing the scenery for even a day or two, rebalances and refocuses me.
... What about you? What are your secret ways to recharge?
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What is it that really invigorates you?
Have you ever contemplated what contributes towards you feeling mentally elevated and awakened?
With 7.5billion of us there are countless ways to feel reenergised. And you know what? You really need to know what it is! As then in the moments of low mood, feeling energy-deprived, you can reach out for these known to you tools to revitalise you.
... We all react to life’s sinusoids and that’s ok as long as we know how to reroute ourselves. Here are my own three ways to elevate myself:
1. Engaging in captivating conversations that excites me
2. Yoga - the one that I sweat to and challenge myself to the point of pain. Always makes me feel so alive!
3. Reconnecting with nature, ideally, walking on the beach, mountains, leafy parks or even some beautiful streets of London (if I’m momentarily unable to escape)
What lifts you up the most?
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{OTHERS & MIRRORS} ⠀⠀ Whenever you are faced with an uncomfortable feeling coming from the person in front of you, be aware that this is about you. ⠀⠀ The person in front of you just mirrors whatever it is, like a magnifying glass. It exaggerates and dramatises it for you, so you start paying attention to it. ... ⠀⠀ The person is challenging something that you have either repressed, neglected or forgotten to work on. It could be a subtle or severe sensation. It can be well hidden and at first sight completely unrelated. But believe me, it is related. And it is ok to feel not ready to face it and walk away. ⠀⠀ Your ability to confront your challenges, darknesses and fears expands as you grow. Just keep growing and the time will come.
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More about Agatha Penney At Self-Love Clinic

Agatha Penney At Self-Love Clinic is located at St Mary's Court, HP7 0UT Amersham, Buckinghamshire
+44 7495369434
Monday: 08:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -