Age Discrimination Claim - Call Us Free On: 0800 999 5005

About Age Discrimination Claim - Call Us Free On: 0800 999 5005

Have you been discriminated against because of your age? Call our expert legal team free on 0800 999 5005.

Age Discrimination Claim - Call Us Free On: 0800 999 5005 Description

Since 2006 legal protection has been afforded to employees of all ages, helping to ensure that individuals are not discriminated against as result of their age.

Age discrimination, now prohibited in the workplace, can be characterised as unfair treatment based on your age rather than your job capabilities. Employees of all ages can be subjected to discrimination and there are various ways it occurs:

During the recruitment process
When negotiating employment terms or working conditions
Our team at Prolegal are passionate about helping individuals deal with all aspects of discrimination and will ensure that your claim is handled with great care and sensitivity.

It is vital that your rights as an employee are explored quickly and thoroughly. Our employment team will work effectively and swiftly to determine what action should be taken against your employer.

Less favourable treatment based purely on an employee’s age is defined as direct discrimination. It is generally quite blatant and easy to spot.

Not employing or dismissing an older individual as they are considered to be a bit ‘long in the tooth’ or ‘past it’, or refusing younger applicants the chance to apply for a job because they are perceived to be too young, are examples of direct discrimination.

Indirect discrimination on the other hand is often more difficult to spot as it may appear to be neutral practice within the workplace but actually significantly disadvantages a certain age or age group of employees compared to another.

If you are concerned that you have been discriminated against as a result of your age, our team of experts can assess all aspects of the claim and advise you of the best course of action.

Compensation for age discrimination is unlimited and may include an amount for “injury to feelings. ” It therefore enables you to recover the losses that you have suffered as result of the discrimination received as well as compensation for the way in which you were treated.

Our aim at Prolegal is to provide the best solution for you. We focus on your needs to ensure you are provided with the guidance and expertise you require.

Our claims are handled with empathy and understanding throughout, so you can feel assured that your claim will be conducted in a professional and effective manner.

You can be confident that your claim will be handled with the care and expertise it deserves.

Through years of experience our team have gained vast knowledge advising on all areas of discrimination law.

More about Age Discrimination Claim - Call Us Free On: 0800 999 5005

Age Discrimination Claim - Call Us Free On: 0800 999 5005 is located at Prolegal, 40 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, E14 5NR London, United Kingdom
0800 999 5005